

"London, why exactly do you want to help Entity and Freddy?" Galaxy asked, whilst making a sandwich.

"Well, I see it as an opportunity for both of them to move on from the evil past on focus on a bright future." London said.

"That is the most cliche thing I've ever heard and I frankly find that disgusting." Scarlett said walking in.

"Maybe that's how I feel about it." London remarked.

"Yeah? Well, maybe you should start feeling another way." Galaxy remarked.

"Again, the question still remains on why you want to help people who have tried to kill you twice." Darla said, walking in.

"Look, Darla. That was a long time ago. The past is the past." London defended.

"Yeah. Sure. So you want to help the two people that have tried killing you twice to get together and eventually come with a plan to kill you and/or split IL and Icey. Ok. You make perfect sense." Darla said sarcastically.

"People?" Galaxy asked after realizing what Darla said.

"Yes, people." Darla said, putting a lot of emphasis on "people".

"No, Darla! Don't tell her!" London said suddenly.

Galaxy glares at London.

"Don't tell me...WHAT." Galaxy yelled.

London sighs.

"I can't." London said.

"You have to. If Entity or Freddy try hurting you again, I gotta be there to protect you. You can't hide from this anymore. What happened." Galaxy said in a serious tone.

London sighs again.

"He didn't hurt me directly." London remarked.

Galaxy raises her eyebrow in disbelief

"Fine. When you and Marcy were on your week-long trip, I invited Dakota and Fred over. We were having a 3-day sleepover. All of us were listing things that sounded fun and then it happened. Fred suggested that we play FNAF. He began talking shit about Freddy and then he went to use the bathroom. The power went out and then we heard a scream. We rushed to the bathroom and we saw Fred crushed and completely dismantled. We looked to the mirror of the wall and we saw "LOOKS LIKE FRED IS THE ONE BROKEN AND DISMANTLED" written in blood on the wall. We assumed that Freddy did it because he was talking about how he would break and dismantle Freddy if he had the chance." London explained.

Everyone but Darla looks at him with wide eyes.

"And the story is just beginning. I'm still trying to figure out who framed me for committing all those felonies." Darla said angrily.

Darla walks up to London and hugs him.

"Everything will be okay. We will avenge the ones he killed. We will make him pay for what they had done long ago. Karma is very patient." Darla explained.

London begins crying and his physical form begins glitching.

"We will do this. Together." Darla said, hugging London tighter.

They begin glowing. The amorphous blob of lights begins floating in the air. As the light figure takes shape, two sets of arms are seen and the fusion falls to the floor. The glowing stops. She had one set of red eyes and one set of green eyes. and beautiful, maroon, hair.

"Hey, guys! I found out where Entity and Fre-" Goldie said, staring at Darla and London's fusion.

His jaw drops.

Everyone is in shock. the fusion begins hugging herself.

"What is he/she doing?" Galaxy asked weirded out.

The fusion begins laughing.

"It's the ever-lasting love and care between mother and son. London clearly sees Darla as a mother figure. Darla has always wanted a son. And I guess I represent that." The fusion said calmly.

"So what's your name...?" Scarlett asked.

"Not sure...I guess I'll go with..." The fusion said thinking.

"VERONICA!" Galaxy shouted.

The fusion snorts and laughs.

"I like that." Veronica said.

Veronica spots Goldie. Her physical form begins glitching. She begins to glow and London and Darla violently split apart.

"What the hell..." Goldie said in shock.

"I...I didn't know we could do that!" Darla said, laughing.

London runs up to Darla and hugs her.

"I love you so much...mom." London said, crying.

Darla has a shocked expression on her face and she begins crying.

"I love you too, son." Darla said in tears.

Galaxy joins in on the hug.

"Guess your my mom now, too." Galaxy said, laughing.

"I'd be honored." Darla said calmly.

She wipes the tears off her face and London does the same.

"Come on, London. Let's piece together the last part of the puzzle. We need to figure out who started this all." Darla explained.

"I bet I have an answer." London said as they walked up to Darla's room.

"Jeez, that's some emtional shit right there." Scarlett said, trying not to cry.

"I think it's a new step forward. Everyone has a second chance and Darla is a perfect representation of that." Goldie said.

"Shut up, yellow bitch." Galaxy said.

"Bruv, what the hell did I do now?" Goldie said, irritated.

"You're just a bitch. I don't like you. I feel like my brother deserves someone better than you." Galaxy said, annoyed.

"Woah, hey! Where is this coming from?!" Scarlett yelled, interrupting.


"So what if I'm not human?" Goldie asked.

"My brother deserves only the best. Not some yellow fucking bear from a damn video game. I don't even know how you're real to begin with." Galaxy said, crossing her arms.

"Not every story has to be a realistic one. Some stories aren't real. Fantasy sometimes is a way for someone to cope about the problems they have in real life." Goldie responded.

"Yeah, but this is different. You don't deserve my brother. I personally fucking hate you. Just because I was excited about you kissing my brother at first doesn't mean I am now." Galaxy remarked.

"You really need to find some self-control. I may not exist in the real world, but I exist here. So let London be himself instead of you trying to change that!" Goldie yelled.

"No! You don't understand what it's like to be an overprotective sister. I don't care if you two are in love or not. At least Dakota was an actual existsing person." Galaxy said, turning her back towards Goldie.

"What do you mean...I'm just as real here as I am out there. I'm not a physical person, sure, but that's what the point of fantasy is." Goldie said.

"Doesn't fucking matter." Galaxy said, clenching her fist.

"If you care about London, you'll let him be who he is. Not who you want him to be." Goldie remarked.

Galaxy begins to cry and she clenches her fist tighter.

"Why. WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH?!" Goldie snapped.


"WHY! TELL ME WHY!" Goldie yelled at full volume.

"ITS..." Galaxy started.

"WELL?!" Goldie shouted.


Galaxy screams at full volume. The ground begins to shake and a crystal in the shape of a fist punches Goldie full force.

"There's more where that came from." Galaxy said, breathing heavily.

Goldie stands up and pops his jaw back into place. He stands over Galaxy.

Darla and London run down the stairs.

"STOP IT, BOTH OF YOU!" Darla yelled.

"WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO YOU?" London yelled at Galaxy.

Galaxy laughs slightly.

"You have no idea." Galaxy said, glaring at Goldie.