"Young Master Arthur, I have come to you to negotiate"
Both groups stopped, the black-masked figure changed things and as if her words were the same authority, the elemental rats fell back, they did not dare to disobey this woman.
But despite this, Lilian and the group of Guards did not dare to move.
"Big Brother ... Run"
Cristie and Nora were tied, likewise, both had tears in their eyes, they had several minor injuries on their bodies, nothing serious, but for noble girls like them who never faced such abuse in their lives, it was too much, they are still 8 and 9 years old, unable to react to a large-scale event like this, they were not like Arthur a reincarnated, nor did they have the help of a system like Hatsumi and less with a legendary Master like Charlotte, in short, they did not have 'Traps'.
"I think everyone understands what will happen if they move, correct? This rope is the << Sacrifice Authority >> one wrong step and these two ladies will die."
Squinting, No. 37 warned sternly, at the same time pressing down on the rope causing Cristie and Nora to scream in pain.
As the name suggests, this rope would use its <<Sacrifice Authority>> and offer these two souls to the gods, a perfect counter for prisoners and torture, the fact of using it on two little girls, demonstrated the cruel action of No. 37.
It is possible that Lilian, Ludi, and Carter did not know about this artifact, but surely if Charlotte, Hatsumi, and of course Arthur did.
Trying to save these two girls using artifacts and brute force is a mistake, once bound by the Artifact, the victim would have no escape and only the wearer of the artifact could void this soul contract.
"Damn! You have no honor!"
"Honor is something I do not know, Your Highness First Princess Lilian and you are not the one I wish to speak to"
"What did you say?!"
Not daring to move, Lilian gritted her teeth, this is very low taking hostages and she wanted to destroy this masked woman.
Ludi was also anxious, this turn of events was very bad, the same happened with Hatsumi, even Carter showed concern, only Charlotte was calm, she narrowed her eyes and turned her gaze to Arthur, this boy looked at everything calmly and his three tails turned they swung.
However, before Lilian could continue, a hand grabbed her shoulder ...
"Lilian, please let me take care of this"
"But ... Deary, you can't, please let me figure it out, I promise I'll save my pretty sisters-in-law"
Shaking her head, Lilian could not allow a man to intervene in this, negotiating with a terrorist is the duty of a woman, as the highest authority of the group and the first Princess, it was her duty to protect her subordinates, as well as her future sisters-in-law.
"No, this problem belongs to the Van Phantohime Family and the Seymur, as my family is my duty to solve it, I ask you to stay out ..."
"Lilian Ness Bartholome! ..."
".... !!"
Being called by her full name, Lilian could not help but shudder, Arthur looked at her angrily and because of his posture he would not take no for an answer, but even so, Lilian could not allow it, is a terrorist that we are talking about and also of lives of those who will be the future pillars of the Kingdom.
"Royal sister, we must trust Arthur"
Approaching, Charlotte also appealed, from her experience she knew that Arthur had a plan and at this moment they were in his way.
"It's okay ... But don't force yourself, okay? I'll support you with all my power."
Gritting her teeth, Lilian's tail flailed hard, at the same time she took a step back, she was not willing.
At this moment the group was very nervous, Arthur took a step forward, he knew this would happen, since his compass << Lost Wishes >> could not find Cristie and Nora, but if other people, Arthur used his innate ability Level Upper to calculate their position, however, the result amazed him, the first result is that both girls were using anti-detection devices that prevented the compass from finding them and the other is that both were in the hands of their enemies.
As optimistic as Arthur is, he prepared himself for the worst-case scenario, and fortunately, he was not wrong, so he confidently stepped forward.
"No, Big Brother ... Don't come ..."
"Be quiet ..."
Pretending the rope, Cristie was silenced and No. 37 turned her head, her goal was only a few steps away, but she did not act, this fox is very cunning and No. 37 did not know how many more tricks he had up his sleeve, even Veronica was deceived by him, due to these circumstances, No. 37 decided to go for Nora and Cristie first so that they could have a bargaining chip.
No matter the time, it was very common for a man to be passive before threats, especially if it is about his relatives.
Arthur, on the other hand, shared glances with Cristie and Nora, his twin sister is being treated harshly, like his older sister, this angered him, but he did not show it on his face and he remained expressionless.
Although it was very obvious what his goal is, he still asked.
"What do you want?"
"Isn't it very obvious? I wish you Young Master Arthur, now if you understand, please come with me if you put up resistance"
Pointing her finger at him, No. 37 shook the rope, it was pretty clear that she would tie it too.
"How dare you?!"
And of course, her demands were answered by Lilian, this was absurd, this was not a negotiation, but a threat, and the worst thing is that she wanted her fiancé, the future King.
This was unacceptable in every sense of the word.
"Damn humble woman! To think you want to get your hands on my fiancé! Know your place!"
Lilian was about to explode in fury, she stepped forward and unconsciously the swords began to float around her, causing No. 37 to pull the rope.
She bringing pain to Cristie and Nora.
"I'll repeat it one last time, don't move or these two will die"
Seeing this, Arthur's anger increased and he raised a hand stopping Lilian.
"Lilian, let me take care of this, don't make the situation worse ...."
Sighing, Arthur sent Charlotte a meaningful look that she instantly understood, grabbing Lilian by the shoulders and pulling her back.
Arthur of course no longer cared about these two sisters.
"Well? Young master give up?"
"Which brother abandons his sister? I am a man and I will not abandon them ..."
Seeing him lower his shoulders and his words, No. 37 thought that she had made it, even Cristie and Nora thought the same.
"Don't do it, big brother!"
"That's right, you can't do it, just leave us, you are more important"
This time No. 37 didn't stop them from talking, since no matter what they said, she knew it would be useless.
"May I ask your name?"
"No. 37 ..."
Arthur knew that this was her alias, no one would be so stupid to give her real name, but that didn't matter to him, he just wanted a name to refer to her.
(No. 37?)
Charlotte and Hatsumi on the other hand did their best to remember this character in the novel, sadly no matter how much they tried to do with her, they couldn't identify her ...
"Miss No. 37, ordered you to release my sisters immediately or be sorry."
"You are not in a position to order, don't you understand?"
Looking at him like he was an idiot, No. 37 couldn't understand, Arthur was asking for something unreasonable.
Also, she's the one making the demands here.
"Well, I warned you ..."
However, before he could continue, Arthur did not hesitate and immediately hit his chest hard, thus activating the self-destruct spell on him.
"... !!!"
"Arthur (Big Brother!)"
Immediately everyone panicked, even No. 37, Arthur fell to the ground in blood, this child did not hesitate to commit suicide, his spiritual core was destroyed and his life was about to end.
* Creakkk...
Likewise, one of the clays in his fox ears snapped.
At the same time on the Makara Continent, the Vampire Territory.
An elegant pale-skinned woman, naked in bed, wiped her lips, where small drops of blood ran down her mouth.
This woman is Lilith Darius, the Countess of Blood.
"Not bad, you did well ~"
Waving her little vampire wings, Lilith was quite satisfied, next to her on her bed was a man, did not know exactly his race, but he had a pair of goat horns on his head.
This man had a dead look while holding his neck, Lilith had used it as a blood bag at the same time, she had wild sex with this man.
As a high libido breed, having one or more males was perfectly normal for Lilith, it was also the reason why her scent had the mix of many males.
"Thank you for the compliment, Your Excellency ..."
Without further delay, the man used the sheets on the bed to cover himself and retreat in panic ...
Lilith said nothing and crossed her legs, thinking ...
"You asked me what his blood will taste like?"
Suddenly the image of the cute Fox that she saw two years ago appeared in her mind, the blood of men is always delicious, but Lilith was sure that Arthur's would surely be the best of delicacies, that unconsciously her fangs protruded and drool fell from her mouth ...
"Oops ... I must not eat cravings"
Trying to control herself, Lilith smiled.
"Hmm anyway, that child will be mine sooner or later ..."
Licking her lips, Lilith did not doubt for a second that Arthur would in the future be in her bed, moaning beneath her, as she robbed him of his power and his precious blood.
And Lilith had already made preparations for such acts, hired the best bounty hunters in the underworld, Dark Dawn to kidnap the boy and with Arthur leaving the Van Phantohime territory, it was the perfect time for the kidnapping, Lilith even prepared everything from her side, she would kill everyone who knew of Arthur's existence in her castle and would also move to her top-secret hideout.
She would nurture the child and when he reached his perfect point, Lilith would reap the reward.
And this moment, Lilith is patiently waiting for the good news ...
* Creakkk ...
But suddenly her heart clenched tightly and her eyes widened in shock, likewise, blood began to flow from her lips ...
This confused her, she just got hurt ...
"This is not possible! Who dares ?!"
Lilith instantly panicked, she jumped off the bed and her blood eyes flashed quickly.
What she just felt was the damage from a Legendary Grade artifact and not just an artifact, but one that was connected to her blood.
<< Blood Sacrifice >>
This artifact was the two clays that he gave to Arthur on his birthday, an artifact that not only connects the life of the user and that of the creator, it was also used to spy on the user of the Artifact, with this Lilith knew exactly what Arthur was doing. and where he was, but even Lilith's favorite pastime was also spying on Arthur, unfortunately, this boy always took off these Clays at night and at bath time, so Lilith had very few erotic scenes.
But she was still content with being a long-distance stalker.
These Clays also had another function, which is the protection of the user, if the user's life is in danger, this Artifact will be activated through blood and completely heal the user, regardless of the type of injury or condition, likewise the Damage to the Artifact's creator.
These Artifacts were considered to have an extra life since all damage was transmitted to another person and at this moment Lilith received all the damage from Arthur's self-destruction spell.
Her demonic core cracked and her heart collapsed, fortunately, Lilith belongs to the vampire race, known for her Immortality, so this wound was not fatal for her, but still, it was a problem.
(Who hurt my beloved bag of blood ?!)
But what Lilith wanted the most, is to know the identity of the fool who tried to murder her beautiful Fox, to torture her and process her blood for sacrifice, Lilith was furious.
"Huh? I can't see?"
But no matter how much Lilith tried, she couldn't connect with the other Clay and couldn't discover the status of the cute Fox.
This confused and terrified her ...
Without waiting any longer, dozens of bats covered her body and she disappeared into the darkness, no matter what, Arthur belongs to her in the future and she absolutely will not let him be killed, not without first having tried it.
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