
Fox in an inverted world

Did you ever imagine ... What would happen if the roles of men and women were reversed? That it is women who persecute men? Wouldn't this be every man's dream? Well let me tell you that not everything is what it seems, since I was reincarnated in this troubled world, as a fox. PS: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for grammatical errors

DE_LEON · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
149 Chs

Chapter 29: Dance on ice

The music continues and with it the dance of the pair of siblings.

Ice skating is difficult, dancing as a couple increased the difficulty, however, the pair of siblings this did not turn out to be a problem, since several magic circles appeared on their feet and they stepped on the ice as if it were solid ground, in addition, it slid smoothly in some movements, adding fluidity and elegance to your movements.

The various dance lessons were paying off.

"Big Brother ..."

Several beads of sweat trickled down Cristie's beautiful face as she smiled and looked at Arthur.

Who unlike her, was cool as lettuce, but seeing the passionate gaze of her sister smiled at him.

In the world it was very common for men to love to dance, there are several reasons for this, however the most common is that men can absorb the mana of their partner.

During the dance, the couple connects her magical powers and when a woman unconsciously dances she releases her magical power, which is absorbed by the men.

It was a comforting feeling depending on magic power, because of that men like to dance, as they can absorb magic power and feel warm.

However, this absorption is different from that of women when they have sex with men since they will not lose their power, rather they only exhaust themselves and with a little rest, they will be as good as new.

And Cristie was feeling it, her magic power was running out, while Arthur continued, as usual, maybe it is because they are brothers or some other anomaly, but Arthur felt very good receiving Cristie's mana.

It was a very addictive feeling as if she was eating her favorite candy.

However, he regretted it, as he knew that as soon as Cristie ran out of magic power, this delicacy would end.


"Hiyaaa ~ How are you my Little Disciple or should I call you his Majesty?"

Appearing instantly, Margareth lazily lay next to Damaris the Dragon Queen, likewise, a glass of wine materialized in her hand, as she offered a toast to the Dragon Queen.

"My identity does not matter, you are my teacher that will not change"

Damaris was not surprised, she was quite used to these sudden changes, so he brought her wine glass and clinked glasses with Margareth.

Charlotte, Lilian, and Carter who were next to her mother opened their mouths in shock, they could not even understand how Margareth appeared next to them.

However, she quickly came out of her surprise and bowed, showing due respect to Margareth, Transcendents are always respected, after all, they represent the greatest strike force in the Kingdom.

"Those puppies of yours are interesting ~"

Seeing the trio of spirit dragons watching her, Margareth wagged her tail and smiled, children are always cute regardless of race.

[Time control ...]

Claudia on the other hand could see through Margareth's trick, with the ability to manipulate time, Margareth had been with the Royal Family for a few minutes, only when she thought it was time she spoke.

[What a terrible innate ability ...]

With the power of Time in her favor, Margareth was unstoppable among her generation, as well as a powerful power, Claudia knew very well, that if Margareth wished it she could slaughter all the nobles in this room in a snap of fingers.

Just terrifying ...

"I am very honored that my children can impress you, Master."

Sipping some wine, Damaris narrowed her eyes and continue ...

"May I take this as an approval for the engagement?"

"Kakakaka as cunning as ever ~, but you're right if they have the ability I wouldn't mind giving them my blessing, however, I'm not the Duchess anymore, you have to talk to Elizabeth, for an official engagement"

Margareth's words were like thunder for Lilian who wagged her tail from side to side and her eyes lit up in stars.

"Thank you very much, Great Lady Margareth, rest easy, young Master Arthur will protect you very well."

"Even if you tell me that little girl, my puppy is stronger than you, don't say promises that you can't keep ~"

Looking with one eye, Margareth was a bit surprised by Lilian's courage, a few minutes ago she released a bit of her Aura and it was enough to scare these children to death, none of the little ones should even be able to look at her even talk to her, but here was Lilian who overcame her fear and thanked her.

But courage was not enough if he wanted his puppy, despite his young age, Arthur was on the same level as Lilian, a three-tailed that is equal to an Orange core, they both had the same level of magic power, however, Arthur was above Lilian in dexterity and battle power, Margareth knew them at a glance if one day they will face difficulties, Arthur is certainly the one who would defend her and if that happens, Lilian will have failed as a woman.

"Please ... can you also give me your blessing?"


Again Margareth was surprised, as her trembling footsteps, Charlotte approached and determinedly spoke.

This was her chance, as she was destined to die, Charlotte would not hesitate to hold onto Margareth's thigh, she knew how terrible this old woman is and what she means to Arthur, if she could get on her good side then it will be worth it. the sorrow.

"Kakakaka what a good puppy ~! I like it! I like it!"

Margareth was pleased by this, but she couldn't say the same for Lilian, as she looked at her little sister, as well as several marks on her forehead.

The same could be said with Damaris, since she couldn't help blinking, her little daughter was very brave.

This even annoyed Carter, after all, his little sister didn't have such guts before.

"Ohhhh ~"

Fortunately for Charlotte, Lilian did not explode in fury and the crowd let out a cheer.

On the dance floor, two children bowed in front of the audience, one of them breathing heavily and his legs shaking, while the other was as cool as lettuce.

The dance between the Van Panthohime siblings was over.

And with this everyone knew what would happen next ...

The competition had started ...


"We did it ... Big ... Brother"

With her voice shaking, Cristie leaned against Arthur as she smiled, this was the happiest day of her life, with so many people looking at them, she felt strangely excited.


Arthur on the other hand sighed and attended, that delicious magic power was over, he was disappointed, of course on the outside he was smiling and tenderly stroked Cristie's head.

"It's a shame but I'd like to keep dancing with you, Cristie ..."

Whispering in her ear, Cristie trembled and clenched her fists, she could no longer continue dancing due to fatigue and lack of magic power, but for his Brother, she tried hard.

"I'll work hard! I promise Big Brother"

Suddenly, before the sibling's couple returned to their mother's embrace, a woman in a military outfit made her way through the crowd, walking gracefully, with her beautiful silver hair waved by Mana, the ice did nothing to stop her On the contrary, she walked on the ice naturally, as if the ice were part of her being.

But this was obvious, this woman is Beta Doman, an ice elemental fox, since she was born she was used to extreme cold because that ice is her territory.

Pressing everyone present with her icy aura, Beta took the lead and came quickly before Arthur, although she is an elemental fox, she is still a general as well as a War Maiden, her status is high enough to be at this party, likewise, his power was something that no one would despise.

She was a black core and she was not a normal one, but a ragged black core about to be a Transcendent.

And under Cristie's incredulous gaze, Beta knelt on one knee, took her military beret, pulling it to her chest.

"Young Master Arthur, so much beauty in one being should only be the work of the Gods. You are a man whose presence dazzles and captivates at the same time, letting my eyes feast on the image of him is a real pleasure"

Staring into Arthur's eyes, Beta continued, likewise stretched out her hand gracefully.

"Excuse the audacity, could this humble Maid of War have the great honor of inviting you to a dance"

The hall fell into a deep silence, nobody spoke and they only limited themselves to looking at this brave woman.

Beta was old enough to be Arthur's mother, however being a long-lived breed, a few decades does not matter, as long as he is invited to this party and is single, all the ladies had the right to invite Arthur to dance, the protagonist in this party.

But that does not mean that Arthur would dance with all the ladies, Arthur had every right to refuse.

And it was very common for the first woman to advance to be rejected, men were very shy in these cases, very spoiled, and have been taught to be cautious with women.

Because of this, her first party ends with them clinging to her mother's thigh, unable to accept the Ladies' invitation, they were afraid of Mana's contact, especially someone like Beta a mature woman.

Arthur looked at the woman kneeling in front of him, his face showed no expression and he assessed Beta.

Cristie on the other hand had her mouth open, she was careless for a few seconds and there was already someone trying to take his brother away from her.

(Hmph! Trying to impress Big Brother? You dream!)

Snorting coldly, Cristie crossed her arms, his brother was not an easy one.

However, before Cristie spoke to return, her eyes widened.

"I accept your invitation, beautiful lady"

After all, Arthur took Beta's outstretched hand and bowed slightly.

This again sent an ovation to those present, Beta had been successful.

And of course, she had it, after all, Arthur as an adult in mind prefers developed and mature women, then a girl.

And Beta was in a strike zone ...

Arthur was not like those spoiled men with fear of women, if a beautiful woman dared to invite him, he would not hesitate to taste her Mana.

And of course Beta wasted no time, she got up and took Arthur's hand carefully and they walked slowly to the dance floor.

Due to the difference in heights, they only had to dance holding hands, however, this was enough for Arthur to taste the taste of another Magic power.

(It's cold ... but she tastes like vanilla)


A few minutes ago, when the Brothers couple were still dancing, the big shots of the 5 great families gathered in the VIP area.

Being the bigwigs of the Continent, Margareth gave them a little respect and did not freeze the VIP area, with this the 5 great families and the Royal Family were free from the classification since there was no need to select them, these Families were the thing. best in the kingdom.

"Sister Elizabeth, it's been a while .."

With a glass of wine in her hand and Phenelope approached her beloved 'Sister'.

The dress of her being lit in the spiritual flames of her, created a small ripple with the cold atmosphere of the room, that the dress of her feathers and her hair unconsciously waved.

"Glad to see you, Phenelope ..."

Seeing this Spirit Phoenix woman alongside her daughter, she made Elizabeth sigh internally.

She knew the reason for tonight and she couldn't help but have a headache.

(Having a man in the family is exhausting)

She now finally understood all the problems that mothers had to go through when they had to handcuff their children.

"This is my little bird, Nora introduce yourself"

"Nice to meet you, Aunt Elizabeth"

By sharing the same husband, both Elizabeth and Phenelope share a special bond, so it would not be strange if her children called them Aunt.

"She is a nice girl you have"

"Of course! That is natural coming from me and your Elizabeth ... When will you introduce me to your children? Nora is very excited to meet her little siblings. "

Pausing, Phenelope clasped both hands, looked down at the dance floor, and continued.

"My nephews are so cute, surely in the future, we will form a great family, I am already looking forward to seeing my grandchildren"

With a meaningful smile, even a fool knew what Phenelope meant.

Political marriage ...

And the way things were, they were forcing Elizabeth to accept.

They had all the rights since, in the past, Elizabeth's husband is Phenelope's younger brother, both families agreed to the marriage and it is natural that their children also agree to the marriage.

There was not much room for maneuver and Elizabeth could not reject her directly, after all being a race with a great shortage of men, the Van Panthohime agreed to marriages with enough families to continue their lineage until now, if for some reason she rejects these families Now, in the future, these families will close their doors for the next generation and it will be a matter of time before the Van Panthohime Family goes into decline and disappears.

And as the only man in this generation, Arthur had an obligation to do his duty.

Unfortunately for these families, the law protects spiritual men since mothers had the right to marry their children to two women only.

Elizabeth had to choose her future daughters-in-law carefully.

The rest were completely dependent on the man, who in most cases tend to have three to four wives.

By having their power absorbed, men do not marry more women to avoid being vulnerable, there are cases where these men marry up to 13 women, which caused them to be left without power and their danger to their lives is high.

Due to this, political marriages of more than two wives disappeared, women in the past, forced men and consequently killed their husbands.

This caused a great revolt on the continent level, where there were mass suicides of men, to annul these laws of forced marriage.

The women panicked, the nobles panicked, the country panicked, the men are scarce, committing suicide was even more terrifying than a world war, at this rate all the races of the continent will disappear.

This movement forced the Dragon Queen to create new laws to protect the male sex and thus where political marriages are reduced to two.

This worked, since the Men fulfilled their duty and thus ventured to seek 'love', marrying who they liked and as this protection law existed, their wives could not force them to stay.

Others, on the contrary, stayed at home and did not marry anymore, their wives did everything possible so that their husbands will not run away, pleasing them with gifts and much more.

It worked for 40% of the men, as they also appreciated its magical power and decided to enjoy life with their two wives.

However, this brought consequences, the competition between women is even fiercer, and political marriages are the most powerful women.

The rest of the women had to conquer the hearts of men, otherwise, a life of singleness awaits them.

Elizabeth understood this, she married through political means and never suffered from this competition, however, her family had to pay a high price for her dowry.

"Don't look at me like that Elizabeth, we are all women here, don't worry, I won't let you suffer losses, our dowry is the juiciest"

Sensing Elizabeth's expression changes, Phenelope quickly spoke up.

"This is no place to talk about this ..."

Blinking, Elizabeth turned her head and looked at her children on the dance floor.

"Of course, we can always talk"

Meanwhile, the other bigwigs narrowed their eyes looking at these two families, they knew very well about the connection between them and judging from the situation, the first and second wives were determined, it was more beneficial for them to send their daughters and rob the husband.

Suddenly the pair of brothers finished dancing and with this, the competition began.

They needed to be the first to move and make a good impression, even if their daughters couldn't dance with Arthur, it would be nice if they could talk and establish friendly relationships, so at least they would have the excuse to visit him and take the relationship to the next level.

However, what these big shots did not expect, is that within the crowd, a woman in a military outfit forced her way through.

Her icy aura of hers paralyzed all the single ladies and consequently the daughters of these big shots.

These spoiled girls hadn't even moved when Beta had already arrived in front of Arthur.

This made both Elizabeth and the bigwigs open their mouths, as Beta was cheating by using her superior Black Core power to pressure the competition, some bigwigs even wanted to speak up to get this woman fired from the party, she was clearly against the rules, putting pressure on girls who are not yet an Orange core is very embarrassing.

And they opened their eyes, even more, when they saw that her invitation had been accepted by Arthur.

Unfortunately for these big shots, laughter was heard, preventing them from complaining.

"Hyahahaha ~"

Bringing both hands to her stomach, Margareth laughed out loud.

She could see these spoiled girls barely moving to enter the ice when Beta was already dancing.

They were just doing it wrong ...

"Yes, this is what I'm talking about! If you want my puppy, fight for him! Go ahead, use your skills and go for it! Steal your man!"

Opening both hands, Margareth's voice was heard throughout the room.

"There is no cheating here, as long as they do not damage the facilities and can move on the ice, all single ladies can try"

Pausing, Margareth's smile deepened and she continued.

"If you are worthy enough to steal my puppy's heart!"


Note Author: sorry for the delay, do not forget to leave your comment