
Four Perfect Storm

Yoursecretwriter99 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 8



"You cannot blame him for everything that has happened." She said.

"Why? Are you butthurt?"I said and droplets of water started to form on her neck choking her.

"My f-father tried to s-save our people!S-saving your nation w-was not part of his r-responsibilities.."

"Da-xia, calm down."

She was lucky, Wang lei was here to stop me from almost killing this woman infront of me. She gave me glare, and I gave her a smirk that she will never forget.

"Be grateful that someone was here to stop me from killing you because if he is not here, You will have your reunion with your so-called people." I said and started to walk away.

Wang lei pulled me by my arms, I starred at his eyes. It was turning blue for I don't know the reason is. Maybe it was natural for him.

"Where are you going?"He asked me without letting go of my arms.

"I will go alone this time. I cannot continue my mission with her."

"Why? Because you blame their nation for everything?" He asked and trust me, he hits the bull's eye.

I blamed the fire nation for everything that has happened. If their leader did not left the other nations and helped each other to protect the kingdom, I think we could have save our kingdom.

"It was not any of the leaders fault, Da-xia. Our real rival sector here is the black shadow ninja. Do not put all the blame on the fire nation. They fought like us, and they lost their family too, like me and like you..."

"I will go alone this time, Wang lei. I'm sorry. I still need time to move on, it's not easy."

"Why are you acting like you are the only one who lost a kingdom?" He said and turn his back on me, He went to he and helped her to remove the vines on her body.

I expected him to join me or even follow me but he decided to help her than me. I turned my back away from them and started walking.

I know that there is a possibility that I could meet them too when we both reach the forbidden hill. Three days have passed and all I can see was the peak of the hill.

I still followed the river so if I feel thirsty I can have a source. I did not ask Wang lei to give me some of the cooked pig so I have to hunt another one for myself.

It's getting darker and I think that I should have find myself a place to sleep. If Wang lei was with me, He would have done this for me but I left him in hope that he will follow me too.

What the hell are you thinking Da-xia?!

Why are you thinking of him? You have survive the first day alone and you will survive the remaining days along too.

You do not need his help.

I made myself a pile of these big leaves as a bed and pillow. While I was walking a while ago, I got to pass by herbs that I can use for medical purposes, just in case. I can also use some of them as poison If I will encounter shadown ninja.

Just like what I love to do before sleeping, I looked at the sky and just stare at the beauty they bring at night. Atleast the moon will not be alone at dark.

It was good that Jia has always give me missions outside the kingdom so I got to use to be alone in the dark. She also trained me to survive alone. It was just unlucky that we were not able to finished my training until I was as strong as her.

"Hi Jia! Is it fun there? I mean have you met the Gods? I know that you have been guiding me very well and I hope that you do not feel dissapointed with all my desicions."

Maybe I looked funny if someone was looking at me right now. I'm talking to no one while in the middle of the forest. I have not heard anything from my brother because he has no idea that I was sent for a mission for the last time by Jia.

I decided to sleep after that.

I woke up when I heard small crackles near the river. It sounds like someone was taking a bath there so I walk towards the river discreetly.

I hid behind a tree and peep at the person who was taking a bath. It was a man, wearing nothing but a pants. He was enjoying the water. I can only see his back so I am not sure whether to show myself or not.

I wanted to control the water from the river and grab him using the water. Jia did not taught me this but I will try.

I only see this technique once, during the attack. Jia produces water and grab a ninja using the water. I closed my eyes and imagined playing with the water. I focused and I opened it when I heard him scream trying to free himself from the grip of the water.

I turned him around and saw his face. His eyes were all shining, reflecting the sun. His muscles that make him fit and his long white hair.

I decided to show myself and examined him. I saw a tattoo on his chest. A tattoo that symbolizes the Air nation.

"Can you please put me down?"

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"Put me down and release me. Then I shall say my goal."

I was hesitating at first but since he's from the air nation, I can feel the urge of setting him free. But just incase, I prepare myself on summoning my Trident.

When he was put in the ground a strong wind started to form. A small tornado yet it was strong. Someone then pulled me inside and the next thing I knew, He was stranggling me.

I was lying down to the ground and he was on top of me.

He was so serious but how he was holding my neck but I can still breathe. Seconds later, He started laughing and helped me stand up.

"I'm sorry, I was just playing. I am Quiang li, from the Air nation."

He said and extended his hands.

He smiled ant it give me chills on my body. He wss indeed from the air nation.
