

Hard to find Lucky to have

Sran31 · Masa Muda
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5 Chs


People being people they just see the outer beauty for someone. Like the way they act or more over they show that they are good enough to be called by the people, but in reality they are just faking their identity in the mask of noble man but when people get to know about their true self its already too late because .........


In case of Joyce Daiselli, the women who want to live a life without any obligation or any demands to follow runs away from her family and to be free. She want to discovers how to be independent feels. as the daughter of city mayor she has to be in cover and being under watched by the family all the time which sucks her a lot.

One day she decided to tell her family about her ambition to become a one of the best floweriest which the family quickly denied telling her about their reputation.


Mr. Daiselli : the hell you're talking about, what do you mean by working as a local flower shop owner. Did you already forget about our position, about my position.

Joyce : Father I'm just asking you a favor to support me, being my father can't you do this much for me. All of my life I never asked you for anything just for once let me do what I really wanna do.

Mrs. Daiselli : this girl has really lost her mind. sweetie try to understand you're our only child and as a daughter of mayor we has to take precautions

Joyce : But mother !!!

Before she could say anything, her words cuts off by her father loud bang on his table which causes Joyce not to utter a word and went back to her room.

Joyce POV

siting all alone in her rooms balcony all emotionless thinking why is it have to be her to suffer like this. what she had done in her past life or to someone that she is now getting punished by the god. just overthinking form a long time she didn't even realizes when her tears are started coming-out of her eye. The low sob converted into loud cries.

crying, crying, and crying she is blaming god for making her life like this and telling herself that if in future she have kids, she will never be like her parents. She will never treat her child like a prisoner. She will let them fly in the open sky freely without any stoppers

As her tear starts to getting vanished she heard a knock on her rooms door. assuming that its maybe the servant, she didn't opens the door, but the knock still goes on. annoyed she stands and opens the door with the angry face but their was her father standing with a piece of paper asking her if he can come inside. she let him in and asked

Joyce : what do you need father ?

Father : I need you to go through this contract. (she takes the contract and by widened her eyes she asked him)

Joyce : what the heck !

Father : by the look on your face I think you understand what's the contract is about and the thing you have to do is just sign on it. and by signing the contract you have to follow what ever is written on it. ALRIGHT

Joyce : so basically you will let me live life the way I want but the condition is that I have to leave everything behind and starts a new life where I'm not allowed to use our family name as a my name and even I can't tell anyone about my real identity. Is that so

Father : EXACTLY

{for few more minutes their been a dead silence which was break by the father retuning to the door while saying "I Knew it , you're just a little bird who can only dream of flying , but don't even know how to step out of cage".

hearing this, the only word Joyce said " I'LL PROVE YOU WRONG DAD"

By this Joyce starts her new chapter of life

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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