
Founding A Mercenary Empire

'The Golden Sun has set.' The Arin family was hunted to near extinction after the fall of their dynasty. Decades after the rebellion, the remaining members along with their retainers were found and slain to the last man. Almost. Lucian, the youngest grandson of the deposed emperor, had survived. Having been born on the run, all he knew his entire life was weakness. Thus, he resolved himself to be strong. Strong enough to avenge his family. Strong enough to take back what was his. Strong enough to live as he wished. The Golden sun would rise again.

_Primordial_ · Fantasi
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5 Chs

The Offer (1)

Lord Karlin Leer commanded attention as he stood tall, his thin frame accentuated by a stiff expression. His clean-shaven face and neatly slicked back, lightly curled brown hair, secured in a ponytail, added to his air of polish. The office mirrored his personality, with every detail in its rightful place. A spacious desk, meticulously organized, dominated the room. Adjacent to it was a writing station, complete with neatly arranged quills and ink, awaiting their purpose. Not a single parchment lay astray; all loose pages were bound and clipped together, sorted by relevance, and housed on a small bookshelf to the left of the desk. Behind Lord Karlin stood a larger bookshelf, boasting a well-kept collection of worn yet cherished books. The right wall featured a large window, and above it proudly hung the Leer family crest—a white sword on a green field. Adjacent to the window, a massive white long sword, nearly seven feet in length, adorned the wall.

Lucian couldn't help but recognize it. "That would be Lord Edmund Leer's legendary sword," he thought to himself.

Lord Karlin greeted the boys with a warm smile, gesturing for them to take a seat. The chairs, like the rest of the furniture in Leerhill Hold, were simple yet sturdy—comfortable but not opulent.

"Good morning, boys. How are you doing?" Lord Karlin inquired, his voice carrying a hint of warmth.

"We've been doing pretty well, Lord Karlin," Luke replied.

"That's good to hear. I expected you earlier this week since it's been a few days since you've been in town," Lord Karlin commented.

"We got caught up in a particularly long hunt," Luke explained. "But it all worked out in the end."

"I figured that was the case," Lord Karlin nodded. "I had Roland in the castle and Old Len at the apothecary keeping an eye out for the two of you. When I didn't hear from either of you all week, I assumed you were either deep in the forest or had fallen ill." He chuckled. "A couple more days, and I would have sent someone to check on you."

"Haha, no, we're doing perfectly well. We just came across a buck that led us on a longer chase than planned," Lucian shared.

Lord Karlin's admonishing look filled the room. "You boys didn't venture into the forest from the woodland just for the sake of a buck, did you?" he questioned.

"No, we were lucky and stayed within the woodland. Besides, it wasn't just any ordinary buck," Luke laughed. "We managed to bring down a Greenback with a remarkable set of antlers."

Lord Karlin nodded in appreciation. "Greenbacks are rare enough, but to find one with antlers within the woodland—that's some great luck. So," he asked, a serious tone seeping into his words, "how much did it cost me?"

Luke burst into laughter. "Not too bad, Lord Karlin. Only 70 silvers," he replied, unable to contain his grin.

Lord Karlin raised an intrigued eyebrow. "70 silvers!" he exclaimed. "How big was the beast?"

Lucian joined Luke's laughter, finding the situation amusing. "In terms of size, it was a regular buck, but it had a unique characteristic. Greenbacks, unlike other bucks, have thicker skulls, making them better off without antlers when they engage in fights. Only young bucks in their first mating season sport antlers. Once they find a mate, they shed their horns and don't regrow them."

Lord Karlin nodded, recalling the information. "Ah, yes. I remember during the last culling, several of their packs were bought to market, but none of them had antlered bucks."

Luke couldn't help but chortle. "Well, it just so happens that our buck had antlers."

Understanding the implications, Lord Karlin groaned and sank into his chair, a fleeting scowl crossing his face. "It seems I'll have to have a word with Roland," he muttered, his displeasure evident.

As Lucian heard Lord Karlin's comment, he couldn't help but think to himself, "Always the miser."

Regaining his composure, Lord Karlin sat up straight once again. "But enough about that. Onto more important matters," he said. "The two of you, along with Alice, will be turning fifteen soon."

"Yes, Alice and I will be fifteen next week, and Lucian will follow a week after," Luke confirmed.

Lord Karlin nodded, reminiscing. "I remember when Borim arrived at the estate eight years ago with his first batch of potions and a Brownwood Boar. Imagine our surprise when we finished our meeting to find the two of you joining the guards and Micah in their training."

Luke's smile widened. "Captain Alan saw us play-fighting with sticks and asked if we would like to join."

Lord Karlin continued; his tone nostalgic "But more than that, it made you children regulars at the estate. Since then, the two of you have been coming to the estate at least twice a week to train with the guards. And let's not forget the significant contribution you've made to our kitchen's meat supply through your hunting. Additionally, Alice and Emily have grown close, and I know Alice played a significant role in Emily's development as an apothecary."

A mix of emotions were evident in his expression as he sighed heavily. "It may fall short of what you three have experienced, but Borim's passing hit me hard. He was a dear friend, and I promised him that I would look out for you. At that time, I even offered to bring the three of you into the estate."

Lucian nodded, memories of those bleak months after Borim's death flooding back. Over two years had passed, but the wound still felt fresh.

Lord Karlin pressed on. "Yet you three refused, determined to stay in the home where you had grown up. Imagine our surprise when we discovered you were just as skilled in hunting and potion crafting as Borim himself."

"Thinking back, I can't thank Alan enough for that decision of his," he said warmly. "Micah has a most dangerous combination of pride in himself and yet contentment in his station. He had grown complacent in his training, and if it weren't for the two of you serving as a constant reminder and a source of inspiration, he may never have found the fire within to push himself harder and qualify as a squire."

His gaze shifted between Luke and Lucian, a sense of pride evident in his expression. "You both have unknowingly played a significant role in Micah's journey, and I believe it speaks volumes about your own exceptional dedication and talent. I have watched you grow, and to be frank, I consider you to be like my own children. It is this very dedication and talent that have led me to a decision I wish to present to you."

Lord Karlin leaned forward; his voice laced with sincerity. "You see, the guards and I have closely observed your growth and progress over the years. Your prowess in combat surpasses anything we have witnessed, even among squires and junior knights. Moreover, your unwavering passion for training is a rare gem. It is for these reasons that the guards unanimously recommended you both as invaluable assets to the estate. They wish for you to join their ranks".

Lord Karlin shook his head, his voice filled with conviction. "But I believe that would be a waste. Therefore, I would like to sponsor your awakening and offer both of you the opportunity to become knights."

Luke gasped in astonishment, while Lucian's narrowed eyes revealed his surprise. "There's more to this than I had thought," Lucian contemplated silently.

"To be clear, it won't be as straightforward as it was for Micah when he became a squire to one of Lord Rinlow's knights," Lord Karlin explained, a slight darkening of his brows when he mentioned Lord Rinlow.

"According to custom, Lord Rinlow covered half of the awakening expenses on behalf of his knight, and I covered the rest. However, for the two of you, despite your superior skills, the unfortunate truth is that as non-nobles, direct squire hood is impossible unless we find a knight willing to take you on and a lord willing to bear the cost."

Luke couldn't contain his excitement. "What about Sir Clarat?"

Internally, Lucian nodded, recalling that Sir Clarat was Lord Karlin's only knight.

Lord Karlin maintained a composed expression, though a touch of pain flickered in his eyes. "I share this information with you so that you fully understand the situation before considering my offer."

"Interesting" Lucian thought, intrigued. Borim had mentioned the sensitivity surrounding the Leer family's situation during their studies, but he had never delved deeper. It had always struck Lucian as odd, as Borim was usually thorough in his teachings.

Moving away from his chair, Lord Karlin walked toward the right side of the office, past the grand window. Pausing beside the sword hanging on the wall, he tenderly ran his hand along its surface, a contemplative expression settling upon his face.

"The issue traces back to my ancestor, the great Edmund Leer. I'm sure you're familiar with his story but allow me to recount it for context. The story of a great man that was a formidable warrior, a brilliant general, but a poor politician."