
Found out Im in an AU of Remnant just to be isekaid in Minecraft

Remant a place where creatures called grimm rome around and people with powers called hunters eliminate them and also every single weapon is also a gun. Well that's not my remant since mine is an alterate universe where everything is almost normal until I got isekaid that is. Hey we ran out of wheat can't make pancakes anymore~ We need more paper for books here! Help me mine some diamonds in the caves! Let's hunt some monsters for exp! Yup this is my life now living in minecraft with them well best just to enjoy it

Bill_Ribles · Game
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7 Chs

CHAPTER 5: A Tour, Catching Up and a Shiny Gem

Author's Note:

With me being able to use my facebook account again I can continue this story so I hope you guys will still read this book.

RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth.

Minecraft is owned by Mojang.

I do not owned the following above except this story.


(Ruby's POV)

After class me and Neo catch up with eachother and from what I got from her haven academy is actually much more different than its reputation perceived.

It feels good to meet Neo again, we first meet at an arcade where bump into each other with me doing alot of apologizing on my part and her trying to stop me so that I don't attract attention to her.

Talking to each other I found out that she and I have same taste in games so we played in the arcade together and with that our friendship started.

We started hanging out together, she even visited my house and that's when her and Yang meet.

Me and Neo where playing an eroge game in my room and apparently Yang heard it so she sneak in so that she can teese me but saw that there was a older unknown girl with me.

So that's how Neo and my sister meet which started a rivalry between them since Yang didn't want me spending alone time with a another girl and Neo wanting to spend time with her friend.

With this rivalry going on for years Neo developed a crush on me, I wasn't some dence anime protagonist who couldn't see it but I didn't pursue it since me and Yang already had a secret relationship with each other.

As years pass Neo had to move away since she's going to haven academy it was a sad goodbye at the time even though we write to each other it's completely different than actually being in person and I'm glad to meet her again.


(Ruby's POV)

It's break time and Dr.Salem asked me to give the huntsmen course exchange students a tour around the academy.

Normally a member of the student council or a senior huntsmen course student will give the tour but since there are only nine huntsmen course students including me in the academy I have to be the one to do it cause the others are busy.

Having no choice in the matter I give them a tour around the academy, the first place I plan to introduce them to is the cafeteria.

Guiding them down the hallway I hear Emerald ask me a question.

"So you and Neo know each other?" Emerald curiously ask me giving both me and Neo a look.

"Yeah both me and Neo are childhood friends." I give Emerald a reply to her question with Neo giving a nod in confirmation.

Emerald hum at my answer and then ask me some more questions and I answer the best as I can while continuing to give the tour.

After sometime I showed them some of the facilitys the academy has to offer like the training room where we use robots to spar with.

During the tour I also asked Emerald some questions and apparently Neo has quite the reputation at their academy while Neo tried to stop Emerald from answering me.

Neo is really good at embarrassing and breaking hearts at thier academy since with her looks alot of guys tried to ask her out and Neo pretty much destroyed them, poor souls.

Continuing with the tour we arrive at the first year dorms where I tell them this is where I sometimes stay and other stuff about the dorm.

"Your a first year?, how old are you?" Cinder who was quiet during the entire tour ask me her first question.

"I'm 15 years old." I answer her confused on why she asked me this question.

Cinder and the rest are surprised from my age since Huntsmen academies 1st years needed the minimum age of 17 to enroll.

Seeing there confusion I explain to them that I was recommended by Prof.Salem because of my capabilities especially on my blacksmithing skills since I'm the first person to invent a mecha-shift weapon in this universe.

Wanting to know what a mecha-shift weapon is I show them a video on my scroll, the video shows my weapon which is a single-edged sword transforming into a scythe by using the sword sheat.

Putting away my scroll I can see them looking at me on a different light, Cinder stand on front of me and leans down close to my face.

"Are you single?" Cinder ask me her eyes full of ambition.

Shock at her question I can barely hear Penny say "Great another one", I'm snaped out of my stuper by Neo pulling me away making distance with Cinder.

"Come again?" I ask Cinder just to confirm that she ment what she said.

"Are you single? , I'm sure it quite a shock but we can talk about the benefits if you." Cinder did more than just confirm with her words.

Snapping out of my stufer again I give her an answer."Im really flattered that a beautiful girl like you wants me but I already have a girlfriend(s)." I tell her.

Disappointed Cinder backs down but she say that she'll make me fall for her soon.

Feeling the awkward atmosphere I continue on with the tour.


(Ruby's POV)

It is now the end of the school day and I feel completely exhausted, that tour was really awkward.

I walk down the halls towards my dorm room with Penny beside me.

"Looks like you have another potential member on your harem." Penny stated like its a matter of fact.

"Please don't." I pleaded to her " I never expected to have this outcome when meeting this universe Cinder." I tell Penny.

While walking down the hall Penny tells that it makes sense since I'm technically the main character.

"Just because Ruby Rose is the main charactee in RWBY doesn't mean that I should also be a main character no what my counterparts memories say."I denied and Penny just hum.

Arriving at the front of my dorm room I fish inside my pocket looking for the key.

Feeling something metallic I pull it out but instead of the key to my room what I pull is a silver chain connected to a small green gem.

Seeing the necklace I feel some regret remembering the things I couldn't do.

Feeling Penny's hand on my shoulder I look at her.

"Hey it's okay you did all what you can do." Penny reassured me so I give her a nod.

Looking at the necklace again I decided to wear it hiding it under my shirt.

Seeing that I'm fine now Penny gives me a small smile and I give one back.

Getting key to my dorn room I enter while also thinking what Pyrrha wants to do during our outing later.

Unnoticed to me the green gem under my shirt glowed.