
she's also my mom (Yvonne's POV)

I stopped at the market with him and started my search we seemed to be unsuccessful but I didn't give up we kept moving and moving till we stopped at a shop near the main city gate and we asked the shop owner and he said I've seen this lady here she said she was looking for her son she's just sitting under that tree over there. And then we went there She covered her face With her hands and kept saying "Am I destined to be alone first my two daughters and now my son whyyy!,we then went near her and said ma you don't need to cry here's your son when she lifted her head up I saw that she was my mom and not only that she was with my sister Andrea who I've been looking for all these while. I then spoke mom you're still alive I thought you were dead why were you hiding away from us WHY MOM WHY!I shouted at the top of my voice Bill did you know that am your sis No you didn't this lady here never told you I'm very sure and that girl is my sis who I told you I was looking for she's also hour sister but yourmom never told you (I cried and she tapped me )and said honey try to understand we are not save here let's go to my house in the city please and I followed her.....