
Racing XP bar

[Creature: Evolved Mother Rat]

Level: 15

Type: Elite Boss

Health Points (HP): 8000

Mana Points (MP): 500


- Strength: 40

- Agility: 60+

- Intelligence: 30

Special Abilities:

1. Swarm Call: Summons a horde of lesser rats to aid in combat every 150 seconds.

2. Toxic Bite: Inflicts a poison status on the target, dealing damage over time and reducing healing effects by 50% for 10 seconds.

3. Tail Swipe: A powerful tail attack that deals area damage and can knock back enemies.

4. Rat's Cunning: Increases dodge chance by 20% for 10 seconds. Activated when health drops below 50%.


- Vulnerable to fire-based attacks.

- Lower defense, susceptible to physical damage.

Loot Drops:

- Rare chance of dropping "Amulet of Pestilence" – increases poison resistance and damage.

- "Rat King's Whisker" – a crafting ingredient for high-level alchemy.