A man reincarnated into Pokemon with the ambition to make Giovanni look like a common street thug. I don't own Pokemon or the cover art. if owners don't want me using it then tell me.
<p>*Whoosh*<br/>A creatures three fingered fist came rushing towards Arthur, seeing this he slightly turns his body and grabs the wrist and inner elbow of the creature, using its own momentum and weight, Arthur performs a judo style throw, launching the creature hurtling upsidedown towards the shelves of pokeballs lining the wall behind him.<br/>*Crash!*<br/><br/>"Croa...gunk" The creature says in confusion, not registering what just happened. Usually when let out of his ball he goes wild, leading to the weird men with "G" on their clothes to have to use their pokemon to gang up on him. Croagunks thoughts are interrupted as he sees the bottom of a shoe come rushing his way. <br/><br/>*Crash* <br/>In a daze from the kick, Croagunk unsteadily stands up, looking at the first human that he's encountered that actually stood up to him without a pokemon doing the dirty work.<br/><br/>"That was quite rude of you Croagunk. Are you ready to talk now?"Arthur says with a half grin.<br/><br/>Croagunk stands there looking the man in his eyes, then slowly nods his head.<br/><br/>"Good, my name is Arthur. I was captured by team Galactic just like you. I'm planning on busting out and I could use the extra muscle. Interested?" Arthur explains to the large frog. <br/><br/>Now that he takes a closer look at this Croagunk, it truly is larger than average. already 4 and a half feet tall, taller than it's evolution: Toxicroak. He is mostly blue and black, with white bandage like stripes across it's belly. With three fingers on each hand, an orange middle fingers with black fingers on either side. Orange poison sacks on it's face and yellow eyes.<br/><br/>After a moment of contemplation, the frog nods its head with a firm "Croa".<br/><br/>"Good, I read your file. It says you know poison sting, mud slap, sucker punch, toxic, and dynamic punch. As well as having poison touch as your ability. Does that sound right?" Arthur asks the frog.<br/><br/>"Croa" Croagunk nods its head, then shakes it. "Gunk" He gets in a fighting stance then sends out a fast low kick.<br/><br/>"Low kick too?" Arthur asks with a raised eyebrow. "gunk" Croagunk nods.<br/> <br/>Arthur just nods his head then turns attention towards the downed grunt, stripping him of his clothes, making a makeshift bag. <br/><br/>"Croagunk, help me gather all the poison type pokeballs on the shelves. It'll help with your training." Arthur says as he starts stuff pokeballs into the bag. Croagunk is confused but decided to do as he was told.<br/><br/>After the man and frog get a couple dozen pokeballs into the bag they are interrupted by an alarm suddenly going off.<br/><br/>"That's our queue to make a break for it." Arthur says as he makes his way back to the downed grunt, turning him face down, pointing to the nape of his neck he explains. " If we run across any grunts that don't have their pokemon out yet, I want you to use sucker punch here on them when you see them, it probably won't kill them."<br/><br/>"Croa..." Croagunk says hesitantly. But then firms his resolve and nods."Gunk"<br/><br/>"Good, now we better get out of here, but we will need a distraction."Arthur says as he hurriedly starts pressing the buttons on the pokeballs on the racks, releasing many Pokemon.<br/><br/>The released Pokemon were quite confused about what was happening, once they saw what Arthur was doing as well as the alarm ringing throughout the hideout, they assumed it was a jailbreak, and joined in on letting other Pokemon out. At least those who had hands did, those that didn't either just stood there using moves like bulk up and swords dance or explained to newer waves of pokemon what was going on.<br/><br/>After several minutes all the Pokemon were released, there was roughly 60ish Pokemon in the room. Luckily quite a few could fly or levitate, so even with that many in the room there was space for everyone. They all turned their attention to the human that released them for what to do next.<br/><br/>"All right everybody, this is a jailbreak, when I open that door everyone needs to prepare for battle because I don't think Team Galactic will be too happy about what's about to happen, I don't know where the exit so those of you who can fly, I need you to fly over the heads of the enemy and try to find an exit. Once you find it tell the rest and we'll carve a way out through the enemy ." Arthur started creating a rough battle plan. While the flyers seemed hesitant they quickly found their courage.<br/><br/> After seeing that the flyer were ready Arthur made his way towards the door, and held up three fingers, then two, then one. As the remaining finger dropped he swung the door open as many flying Pokemon flew over his head, splitting up into several groups to go in different directions. When Arthur was clear of the door the rest of the Pokemon rushed out. Several Luxios jumping onto a Galactic grunt that turned the corner to see what the commotion was, receiving several thunder fangs, knocking him unconscious.<br/><br/>But that just seemed to grab the attention of more grunts as five of them came rushing down the hallway towards Arthur and the runaway Pokemon with pokeballs in their hands. That's when true pandemonium occured . The grunts released their pokemon trying to create a wall against the escapees. <br/><br/>But all was for nought, as the galactic Pokemon were quickly overwhelmed and defeated and the grunts were swarmed. <br/><br/>After a few waves of grunts, some of the flyers came back, a small flock of starly to be precise, led by a staravia. The Staravia landed and pointed it's wing down the hallway it came from. Coincidentally the hallway leading towards the hypnosis room. With that message received Arthur and the escapees rushed down the hall.<br/><br/>Arthur slowed down as he made his way towards the hypnosis room, and decided to peek in. He saw the 9 or so teens that went in before him laying on the ground with their hands tied behind their backs with a team Galactic grunt and a meditite, they hadn't noticed Arthur yet so he grabbed Croagunks attention.<br/><br/>"Croagunk, there are more captives in there but there is a grunt and his meditite, so I will need your help to free them. Are you up for that?" Arthur ask the frog.<br/><br/>"Croagunk" The frog responds with some sharpness in his eyes.<br/><br/>"Good, I'll slam the door open and rush the grunt, you do the same to the meditite, use mudslap on its eyes to lower it's accuracy then spam sucker punch." Arthur directed. Leading to the frog to nod and ready earth energy on his hand making a ball of mud.<br/><br/>"All right...3...2...1! Now!"</p>