
Forlorn Interlude

Bibliophile_Anna · Umum
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16 Chs

Bright Light

Title: Bright Light

By: @Bibliophile_Anna

Has it been almost two months?

Two months of all darkest fronts

Clouds weary and dreary once

Smitten fast like a dunce.

Everything around is bleak

No ounce of hope, it's oblique.

Yet, you show what real love is

Put back the smile I miss.

The day you came, things you change

 All's bright, it's suddenly strange.

Flowers bloom, sky turns bright.

My heart again beats alight.

Downright lie, clear as daylight

You wipe them out in a flight

No pretense, this is no game

You love me, it isn't lame.

How genuine is thy love

You are a gift from above

unconditional, selfless

And yes, you love me, no less.