
Forgotten Sin

In the town of forgotten sins, the monster prepped the land. He wasn't seen. He wasn't felt. He wasn't heard. He was just there. Until one day, on the shortest day of the year, another sin took place. The only question was, was that beast out of his ties again? Who was she? Why was she his target now? What did destiny bring to her?

unboundedwrites · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


It was the day when unexpected rainfall took over the summer's lust. The room's cosiness was comforting in this cold breeze of heaven. Her eyes were sticking to the glass window, didn't want to leave the site of water drops making their way down, slowly and calmly. It was like her subconscious already knew this day won't go as she expected. She received a phone call which shook her spine.

"Hey mom", her whispers took over the silence of the ghost quiet room.

There was heavy panting on the other side of the line. Her eyes lost their focus from the window. No matter how much she tried to ignore, her intuitions were already telling her that her worst nightmare is along the way.

"Mom what's wrong?", her voice was not calm or soft anymore.

"Ana where are you right now?", Her mom sobbed. The fear in her voice crystal clear to Aahana.

"I'm in my dorm room mom, would you tell me what's happening?", her voice started getting louder and clear.

"Listen to me, Ana! And listen to me very clear! I don't have much time, so you need to stop questioning!", Her mom replied. The shivers were making her voice crack.

"Okay", Aahana obeyed. She was aware this wasn't the time for her to act any childish.

"Ana dear, your father and I are getting paid for our sins. We can no longer be there to protect you", her mom was panting hard. It was as if something was trying hard to snatch the life out of her.

"Mom what are you saying?!", Aahana got up.

"Your dad and I are meeting our fate baby. It's time for us to get the punishment", she whispered in grave pain.

"What are you even saying! You told me vampires are not someone to die like humans!", Aahana cried.

"Yes, my dear, they can't. But they can surely be executed", her mom sighed in agony.

Aahana was frozen still. Her thoughts were not following the situation. What's happening was too messed up. Her parents are suddenly being executed? But why?

"Mom! Stop it! Nothing like this can happen", she shouted.

Her started panting more and more. Aahana sensed someone was around her. Someone very dangerous.

"Mom who's there? I'll save you! I'll come!", she started heading to the door.

"NO!", her mom shouted in pain. "You are well aware that you are not a vampire! And for god's sake, no one can save us! It's our destiny baby!", she started sobbing.

"Mom I don't understand", Aahana's voice was shaking, "It can't be true-".

"Listen, Ana! We are not what you think! Your parents, this town, this world! IT'S NOT INNOCENT AT ALL! We all have committed sins dear", her mom cried louder. "B- but you, my child, you a- are pure. Y- you shine so bright like no one ever could-"

Tears fell off Aahana's eyes. Her instincts guided her to the conclusion that this is where they break. Even being the strongest person when it comes to emotions, it was too hard to take up.

"Keep shining like that dear", her voice got agonizing and painful, "you are strong and you have no idea how much potential you have".

"Mom please don't say this", Aahana cried. It was quite fair. Her whole world was crumbling in front of her. The place which she called home was gone. Before even her tears could fall out she heard a loud noise from the other side. It sent shivers down her spine. Her eyes were bulging out with fear and shock.

"MOM!", she screamed from the back of her throat. There were some people screaming through the phone.

"R- run", her mom somehow whispered. Her voice was begging for air, it was chocking like it's the end.

The line got cut off. There was no way to go above this now. Tears were running down her cheeks. It was an endless cycle of pain and sadness from her eyes. Not wanting to stop at all.


Before she could get on her phone, someone started banging her door with an unusually strong amount of force. The girl's dorm didn't allow any visitors just like that so it was unusual to just have a simple knock at the door.

Aahana's body got ice cold. There was something really horrifying on the other side of that door. If she opens it, nothing would be in her favour ever again. The child inside her was crying in all kinds of terrifying emotions. Terror, sadness, pain, confusion; everything that you don't want.


Another thumping of the door, louder and stronger, made her heart almost stop.

Now or never

It was very clear that she had to do something. No matter what, she can't end her life like this. This can't be the end of it. It just can't be. She needs to make a move and she needs to do it fast. Because no matter what this can't be the end of her. She took two deep breath. Slowly and gently. Red energy started shining from the back of her left eye. Her legs were still shaking but she somehow mustered up the courage to get up. She looked at the door and felt the rotten energy of the souls behind it. Their eyes were filled with hunger and lust for her blood.

It was clear that there was no room to hide. As soon as the predators behind that one brown door start using their powers towards her, she would be dead meat. So she moved back. As smoothly as she could.

In a fraction of second, Aahana moved. She ran to the window. The same window which was giving her peace not even an hour ago was now shattered into pieces. She flew out. It was as if tearing a paper was no different than this.

"She's running away!", she could hear some people yelling behind her.

She landed on the ground, on her two feet, without getting a single scratch. Even though she wasn't a vampire, she was raised by one so this much was normal for her.

She didn't stop there. She couldn't stop there. She knew there won't be any quiet situation anymore. They would come for her in a second.

Her hair was soaking under the rain. Her clothes were drenched and her feet were getting numb. She ran with the wind. This was something her mom taught her. The power for moving faster than a storm.

She could feel that she was being followed so she didn't stop. If she turned back to look she won't have the chance to escape again but her senses triggered the presence of a vampire or a werewolf.

She stopped in a narrow crowded street. The rain was almost gone. She was panting hard since she had never used up so much power in her life. As she looked around she felt a little safe. There wasn't any presence of something repulsive.

She didn't have the energy to stand on her feet but there wasn't anything she could do about it except for trying to stay still.

She got under a shed in front of a torn down bar. Everyone was too busy with their own thing to care about an unknown girl standing there. She twisted her oversized shirt to get it at least less irritable.

What do I do? Where do I go?

A sudden ring from the phone made her heart stop. Who could it be at this hour? Someone, she knows? Maybe a girl from the dorm or maybe someone dangerous? The only way to find out was to see it with her own eye.

It was an unknown number on the phone. She stared at it for three seconds and then picked it up. Without her knowing little by little her eyes were glowing. It was like an overflow of power through it. She wasn't aware because all she knew was, she is a being with some powers who was raised by vampires.

"Hello", she answered keeping her voice as calm as she could.

The voice that came from the other side was not something she heard from the guys who were after her or the ones who were or the ones who came to her door. But the voice it resembled to was something more terrifying than any of them.

It was the same voice she heard during her last words with her. The same guy who was shouting through behind. The same one who might have killed her.

Aahana was shocked and appalled, her eyes belied her words. She was filled with rage and horror at the same time. Her heart felt weak. How could he have possibly gotten her contact information and if he's this fast, does he already know where she is?

"Hello, Aahana. It's good to finally talk to you"

Hello readers! Thanks for reading this chapter. It'd my first time writing in this genre so please do comment if you have any ideas about my story. I hope you all like it and enjoy reading this story :)

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