
Forgotten Romance: Take Me Back To You

What if the price of her marriage with the man she loves means losing her birthright? Will she be able to thrive in an environment created through lies and stealing some precious lives? Jade is an orphan who married the handsome heir, Marcus Yoseph Hanes. Though it was just a marriage of convenience, Jade decided to fight for her marriage life. She could have succeeded but in order to save the man she loves, her life becomes the sacrifice. It was too late when he realized his true feelings towards the woman. Marcus fell in love without knowing when and how it started. But what’s the use of it now? it’s too late to tell her the words she’s been dying to hear. If he can only turn the pages backwards! But the heavens seem to have heard the cries of their young hearts. Few years later, the same face that haunts the man’s dream almost every night appeared right before him. She may have the same face with different name but Marcus knew it was his wife! Can the forgotten romance they once had paves way for two hearts to reunite? With past secrets revealed, could love be enough to fight for what their hearts truly desires? #Love or Birthright EXCERPT: “I’m sick and tired of this damn contract!” Jade stormed in his office and tore the marriage contract before her husband. She was so upset and she doesn’t care about the consequences of her action anymore. “I demand a revision of this agreement. I don’t care if you are still head over heels over your ex-girlfriend but the fact that we are married, you must also consider my feelings towards you! You want to flirt with her, fine! do it! But not in front of me, not if I am around. Do it once more and I will surely pull her hair and drag her out of the office!” She was shivering in anger. She’s done. She’s done dealing with all the shitty craps! It’s time for her to speak up and fight for her right. “I don’t care what kind of relationship you once had but now that we’re married, I won’t just stand on the side and watch. And this damn contract?” She threw the pieces of paper in his face. “It’s all ripped and ineffective starting right now! So for this next five months, tell your ex that she is not allowed inside this office starting NOW!” she blurted and just like a child, she stomped out his office. He was left dumbfounded. He never expected such an attitude from the meek woman he once knew. Was she really his wife? Wasn’t she always gentle and soft spoken? Guess he doesn’t totally know her. His lip curved to form a smile before he let out a crisp laugh. “Revision of contract? I’ve been planning to do that anyway.” He smirked mischievously. ***NOTE: Not a Reincarnation story.

Ethereal_Light37 · perkotaan
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271 Chs


Good thing he decided to stay around the orphanage for a little longer.

Zion was thinking of a way on how to sneak a peek into the files when he suddenly heard a fuss. Hearing some children talking about a girl falling from a tree, he immediately took his first aid kits and rushed to the area. To his surprise, he saw Jade standing frozen on the sides.

Then the next thing he saw was a woman falling on the ground. She fainted!

"Excuse me, I'm a doctor." Zion made his way to feel the woman's pulse before carrying her. "Do you have a clinic here?"

"Yes." The secretary immediately replied and showed him the way.

"Please take the little girl at the clinic." He glanced at mother Tess who turned and picked up the girl and followed the stranger.

He treated the head wound of the little girl and examine her body for any other injuries. "Please take her to the nearby hospital and request for chest x-ray." He suggested.

"Thank you doctor Zion." Mother Tess uttered. "Please watch over jade for the time being while I get her checked at the hospital in town.

"I will." He smiled. He then carried the little girl to the car. However, when he returned to the clinic. He found the woman yelling on the bed. She's been muttering a lot of things he couldn't understand.

She's clearly having nightmares. Eh? Nightmares in daytime? He was surprised. It was when he saw her struggling that he shook her until she woke up.

"You sure you're okay?" Zion asked again when they broke away.

"Ehm." She lightly nodded as she wiped her wet cheeks. "Oh, I remember, how's the little kid?"

"She's fine now. All I could do is to treat her head wound. They are currently on their way to the hospital for chest x-ray."

"Does she have broken ribs?"

"I don't think so. But it's better to be sure." He smiled.

She heaved a sigh of relief. Ah, thank God.

Zion looked intently at the woman. "Do you always faint whenever you see blood?"

"I think yeah." She nonchalantly replied.

Zion didn't essentially give much thought when he asked it. He was just assuming based on his observation but turned out he was right.

"Hemophobia? Do you have any idea when and how it started?" He furthered.

"No. I don't have any remembrance about my childhood. But I constantly get nightmares which involves blood and …deaths…" She muttered.

"Like a while ago."

"Ehm." She nodded in response. "But I don't know where those nightmares came from either. And I'm tired of dealing with them."

She released a heavy sigh when a thought suddenly crossed her mind.

Ah, wait! She lifted her head and stared at Zion suspiciously. "By the way, how come you're here? Are you… stalking me?"

Tsk! Zion hissed before hitting the woman's head. "You're not worth following." He raised his brow mockingly.

"Then why are you here? And how did you know this place?"

"Ah, this place?" He sat on the bedside chair. "I was looking for my grandpa's relative."

"Oh, the woman of your dreams." She jokingly chuckled. "So I bet you were the young man that mother Tess told me about. I heard the girl's information was confidential."

"Yeah, that's the problem." He sighed.

"What's her name again? I might have not told you but I grew up in this orphanage."

"Really?" His eyes lit up. Guess she could help him find the person. "Arriana… Arriana Saphira Hawkins."

Arriana? She thought. The name sound familiar to her.

"Ah, I don't think I knew a person with that name while I was here. I was brought here when I was twelve so I think she was already adopted before I came."

"Guess that was the case." He heaved a sigh.

"But I may be able to help you out." She smiled mischievously. "Take it as my token of gratitude for bringing me home last night."

Zion furrowed his brow. "I didn't bring you home. Your husband did."

She hissed mockingly. "Shut up… stop joking will you. My husband? Impossible! He was on a date." She chuckled but when she looked at Zion's eyes, her body stiffened. "Please tell me you're joking."

"I'm not."

Slowly, a bit of memory about last night started flooding her mind.


Jade sat on the floor. She was too drowsy that she didn't care where she was at the moment. She just wanted to sleep.

"I brought her here so it's my responsibility to send her home." Zion matched Marcus' autocratic tone. "Besides, I am doing you a favor by giving you more time with your woman."

Marcus' clenched his fist and was ready to punch the nosy guy in front of him but he held it in. Therefore, he took his phone out and called Sonny.

"Pick up Rachelle and make sure to bring her home safely. I'll send you the address." He ordered before raising his brow against the man.

"Now, do you have any other concern?"

Zion chuckled mockingly. "You're indeed a bastard." He gritted his teeth angrily. "Why don't you just divorce Jade If you don't love her? She doesn't deserve the pain you're giving her. This woman deserves all the happiness therein the world and you can't obviously give her that."

"What if I don't?" Marcus smirked evilly. "Mr. Harley, I know you like my wife but sorry, I won't let you get her either. I'm not yet done playing with her."

"Bastard!" He clenched his fist.

"Yes I am." He looked at him taunting his patience. Then he bended down and scoop the sleeping woman in his arms. "Excuse us."

They were on the elevator when the woman woke up lightly. She lifted her lids only to see a handsome face. She smiled and kissed the man's jaw.

He froze but the woman was giggling.

But after a few seconds of giggling, she stopped and held her breath. "Omo, did I just kiss a stranger?" She squealed. "I'm sorry mister, I didn't mean to kiss you. It's just that you looked exactly like my husband!"

"I bet he's handsome." He nonchalantly replied.

The woman heaved a heavy sigh. "Ehm. Deadly handsome." Marcus could sense the sarcasm in her tone but he disregarded it. Besides, the woman was drunk and is not on her right mind.

"But he's a jackass!" She twitched her lips in annoyance.

Ah! How he loved to kick the woman out from his car! He hissed while fixing her seatbelt.

The woman kept talking about her husband while they were on their way home. She even voiced how upset she was with him while calling him with different names.

She kept cursing while naming him things like Jackass, idiot, bastard, monster, beast, heartless punk, playboy and the likes. But she never failed to compliment the man as well. That's why Marcus was confused if the woman hates him or not because her compliments were lengthy than her curses.

Finally, she tucked the woman on her bed but looked like she's not done throwing tantrums yet. She held the man's arm and pouted like a little kid.

Looking at her innocent, messy face, he suddenly recalled his little rabbit.

"Can you sleep with me tonight?" She was looking at him with wistful eyes. "I'm afraid to see that guy wanting to kill me again. But if he sees you with me then he won't come."

Marcus furrowed his brow. What is she blabbering? Who wanted to kill her? Is she hallucinating? Is it the alcohol talking right now?

"Please?" She pleaded. Her eyes were ready to cry anytime soon.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes. He removed his tailored suit and changed into his trunks. Then he laid beside the woman. Jade inched closer to him, hugging him tight.

"Sleep tight, princess." It was the last words she heard before she dozed off to sleep.

I believe Marcus have a heart of gold.. hahha

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