
Forgotten and Lost Princess

Has her life been a lie?

Keely_Henninge · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter One

I've been in Italy for almost five months now and have made no progress with my mission. My Boss is starting to get upset with how it's turning out and threatening to leave me in the hands of the government if I don't start to make progress. Normally, threats like that would never bother me, except he is the only thing stopping me locked in a mental hospital because of that one night. The only thing stopping me from being poked and prodded and being used as a lab rat all because the people at the hospital said 'I don't know how, but she shouldn't even be alive. Let alone walking or standing in her condition.'. So, I have an extremely high tolerance for pain, that's all that's to it.

I have been searching for my home room for the ten minutes when my phone rang showing my best friend's ID.

"When are you coming back home?" She sounded upset about how long I've been gone and something else.

"I still have to finish this mission, Zoe. So no idea, especially when I can't even find the damn man."

She sighed before clearing her throat. "Do have time for me to tell you something?"

Whatever this is, she's serious. That can't be good.

"Yes, what's on your mind."

"I'm sending you pictures of something...more like someone. You need to know."

"Okay?" My phone went off when I opened the image I fell silent. While walking I couldn't taken my eyes off my screen. "So Gavin is cheating on me?"

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, Z." I watched as a tear fell onto my screen before I wiped them away. My heart ached and felt it like was just threw into a grinder.

"There's two more thing. He knows that I was going to tell you and he's on his way there to you now." She paused for a moment before she broke out crying. "I slept with him. I'm sorry! He told me you guys had broken up and you gave him the 'I don't care what you do.', I'm sorry!"

I felt the knife in my back get shoved in deeper as she sat here sobbing. Wishing I could be there to hold her, "Zoe, I don't blame you. He lied to you. That's all that's to it. You didn't purposely do it behind my back. I wou-"

My ass hit the ground before I realized someone was standing in front of me. Looking up to see a guy standing in front of me with his arms crossed. His jet black hair was shiny and fell right above his brows that casted a shadow over his stormy grey eyes that were glaring at me. His navy blue button down for him perfectly, showing off muscles in his arms, and dark blue jeans.

His expression softened before I stood up. Dusting myself off. I picked up my phone and saw the screen had cracked. Damn it. I glared shot daggers at him with my glare, "Move."

He chuckled as both of us stood there not moving. "How about no?"

"Fine." I went to go around him when his hand wrapped around my wrist. Looking down at it before to him. I tried to pull myself away just as he pulled me closer to me. I could now smell him, he smelt good. Of firewood and something sweet that I couldn't pinpoint exactly.

He gently brushed a strand of my hair out of my face as we stood there in silence. His hand cupping my cheek as I stood there frozen. "What is you name, Doll?"

"Not that." I sneered before pushing off of him. He now pushed me into the lockers and caged me in as I rolled my eyes.

"I'll ask again, what is your name?" His voice was more of a low growl.

Sighing I threw my hands up in the air. "Misty Green, happy?" Before I gave him a moment to answer, I had went under his arm and past him before he could stop me.

"Hailey fucking Price!" Fuck.

Grabbing my phone I saw that Zoe was still on the phone. "Sorry. Kind of forgot I was on the phone." I could feel this man's eyes staring a hole into my back.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yes. I ran into someone while looking at the picture you had shown me that's all."

"You're not hurt?"

I giggled. "No. Body of steel, remember? Anyways, I have to go still find my home room so I'll call you later. Love ya Sis!"

"Love you too." We ended our call before I made an effort to move anywhere.

As I did I felt two rough hands slide around my waist and gently pulling me back. Feeling his hot breath on the back of my neck making the rest of me feel cold. One of his hands started to move up my back leaving this scorching feeling to my skin. Grabbing a fistful of my hair before pulling my head back so I could somewhat see his face. He wore a smirk. "You lied. Didn't you, Hailey?" His breath now on my ear as he spoke low but not a whisper either.

Oh you got to be kidding me!

"Yes. I don't give my name out to strangers." I tried to speak as if what he was doing had no affect on me. His other hand slipping down from my waist to my thigh giving it a light squeeze. Grabbing his hand from going any further, we heard a girl come up to us.


We both looked over to see a gorgeous lady there. Perfect looking, her blonde hair was curled and sitting somewhere on her back. She had forest green doll eyes that really looked more like glass. Her curves were beautifully shown by her baby pink summer dress that hugged her body. She wore a simple black crossover bag to put her whole look together.

She stopped when she saw me and shot me looks that could kill if sharpened anymore. "Who are you?"

"Mother Teresa." I spoke with no emotion as she glared even harder.

Her hand made contact with my cheek making a slight stinging feel that I ignored. "I won't ask again."

I smirked at her, "I won't answer again. Also, that was strike one."

"You think your funny, don't you?" I shrugged before she continued. "What is your name you little bitch?"

"Hailey, her name is Hailey." We both turned to guy that still had his hands on me and wore a prideful grin.

Rolling my eyes I pushed his hands off me before moving away from him. "Now you know, good day."

She yanked my arm back throwing me into the lockers. My head making hard contact that blurred my vision for a moment. "Go near my boyfriend again and I'll make you live to regret it."

"Go ahead, I have nothing here to lose, Princess." I laughed before I started heading down the hall and fell on my ass again when someone came barreling down the hall.

I saw Gavin standing there panting as we locked eyes. The images that Zoe sent me appeared in my mind. Getting up I glared at him. "Some help up would have been nice."

"Hailey..we need..to.. ta-"

"No. We won't and it's not needed." I pushed past him as he slammed me into a locker.

"Listen to me! Damn it!"

"Can people stop shoving me into lockers?!"

"Hailey! Zoe photo shopped those! I would nev-". My hand stung after slapping him hard in the face. He yelped and stood back when I did looking hurt and confused.

"We are over Gavin." I looked over to see the girl with her jaw on the floor and the guy's eyes widened but nothing more of an expression. Sighing, I left everyone standing there before I rubbed the back of my head to feel a bump. Great.

Dominic's POV:

Gabriella and I both watched as this man shoved her against a locker and yelling. "Listen to me damn it!"

She looked at him in nothing but anger. "Can people stop shoving me into lockers?!"

That didn't stop him from yelling at her. They both stood there when a loud smack echoed off the hallway walls. She slapped him hard as he already had a red welt forming.

"We are over Gavin." She then faced us as we stared at their small fight in shock.

What just happened?

She walked away putting her hand to the back of her head.

"Hailey!" Gavin looked her direction but didn't go after her. "Fuck!" He slammed his fist into the locker and tucked his hands behind his head.

"What was that for?" Gabriella eyes him carefully.

He looked at us before sighing. "She's my girlfriend." I felt my heart drop to the floor at his words.

"Was. She said you guys were over, so what did you do?" Gabriella was now interrogating the man.

"Stop asking questions, Whore."

I silently watched as Hailey had appeared behind him and gave him a death glare.

"She's not a whore and for you to suggest otherwise makes you more of a fool than I thought." She rolled her eyes and walked in front of a locker and began to open it. "To answer your question, he cheated. He lied to my best friend so he could get his dick wet. She just told me everything."

We all went silent as she grabbed her things from the locker before closing it. "Don't you want to cry about it?"

She looked at me before shaking her head. "He's not worth it."

The bell rang when she sighed. "Still can't find your room?" She shook her head. "Here. Let me look and I'll take you to it." I watched as she hesitated before grabbing her schedule.

We walked in silence to her class. "Thank you." She gave me a small smile.

I nodded before she went in I grabbed her wrist. "Dominic. Dominic De'Angelo." She smiled and nodded before leaving me outside of her classroom.

Walking to my class I couldn't help but admire her in  every way. Her looks, her voice, her strength, her attitude. I loved every part of her, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make her mine. After seeing Gavin touch her I realized I never want to see another male lay a hand on what was mine. There was no way I'd let something like that happen again.

I sent my Father a message.

Me: I found her your right she is a force to be reckoned with

Father: hm?

Me: she makes enemies fast and isn't willing to go down easy

Father: she is her father's daughter its inevitable

Me: can you do me favor

Father: what's up

Me: find anything out about her that isn't for the mission i want anything that will help make her mine

Father: lol you sound like me when I met your mother sure son I'll see what I can find

Me: thx

I want to know everything about you, Amore.