

Deku, Iida and Uraraka were walking to the cafeteria when Deku remembered that he had a question he wanted to ask Uraraka.

"So why did you decide to come to U.A, Uraraka?" The question was random, and Uraraka was taken back by it as she tried to form an answer.

"Oh, well... B-because... I need the money." Deku stopped walking as he was shocked by Uraraka's response. Uraraka became nervous and repeatedly rubbed the back of her head and avoided eye contact.

"For the money? I was not expecting that." Deku laughed, it really was unexpected.

"If we're cutting to the chase, then yeah." She nervously tried to explain herself, "I'm sorry if it sounds greedy! You two probably have much more admirable motivations." Deku laughed again for an obvious reason, but he can't just tell him he's a villain and that he's only in U.A to get information, so he made something up.

"I'm mostly here for fun." When Deku gave his explanation, Uraraka and Iida looked confused, "I want to be a hero to have fun, but I need a licence to do that. I believe that any reason is good enough if it means you save others in the process." That was partially true, Deku had also joined U.A so he could have fun.

That's when Deku realised something that was so obvious, but never really crossed his mind. No one in U.A knew that Deku was a villain, they actually believe him when he says that he wants to be a hero. Deku felt a surge of joy crawl up him, but he kept it inside to not cause confusion. Just the fact that no one truly knew who he was sounded fun to him.

"Yes, as long as you be that heroic person, I'm sure any reason is valid for becoming a hero!" Iida backed up Deku's reasoning. Uraraka calmed down, but looked a little sad.

"You see, my parents own a construction company, but we're flat broke. Ii want to get my licence so I can help them, then I can use my quirk to cut down on the costs!" Those words brought Deku out of his thoughts and back to reality.

Deku walked over to Uraraka and patted her head like she was a child. He knew that he could use everyone's trust to his advantage, make them rely on him, and use that to break the hero's from the inside. Everything was going to plan.

"We should get going." He said after patting Uraraka's head. It was rare for her to see Deku even do anything that implies that sort of action, but she was happy she got to see it.

Before Deku could walk further to towards the cafeteria, the heroic laugh of All Might ran down the hall next to him.

"Young Midoriya." All Might jumped out from the hallway and pointed at Deku, "Is here!" Deku looked both confused and concerned as All Might called out his name and used his slogan on him with reasoning that Deku was not aware of.

"What the- All Might? You good?" Deku had never been approached like that by All Might throughout his entire time being in U.A, so for All Might to suddenly take interest in Deku was a shock.

"Care to have lunch with me?" Even though his voice sounded heroic and strong, the words and actions had a cute feel to them.

Deku looked back at Uraraka and Iida as if to get their permission to join All Might, Uraraka put her thumbs up and Iida nodded his head yes.

"Why not!" Deku walked over to All Might with a joyful smile on his face, following All Might to a Staff Lounge.

Deku walked part-way into the lounge and All Might closed the door behind him. Before he did anything, Deku went straight for the window to look outside as there was nothing to entertain him in the room.

"So, why did you call for me?" Deku asked the question that had been on his mind since he began following All Might. The sound of All Might's sighed caught Deku's attention, and made him turn around to see a sight he never expected to see.

There he was, All Might, in his true form. Skinny, not strong and looked like your typical retired man. It felt like a spike had gone through Deku's heart, and he didn't know how to react.

"What is this?" Deku said, in a voice with the sound of both pain and anger. He just couldn't believe it, that was All Might?

"Young Midoriya..." All Might tried to explain everything to Deku, but before he could, a feeling of danger emerged. Deku powered up his arm and went to strike All Might with a punch out of pure rage, the impact was loud and caused some smoke to fill the area around them, but no damage was done.

The smoke disappeared and revealed that All Might had changed his form just in time and caught Deku's punch with his large hand. That reaction was slightly expected, but even so, All Might almost didn't change form in time and would've been killed.

"Young Midoriya. I know how you must feel after seeing me like that." All Might slowly changed back into his true form, "But you must control your anger and let me explain." Deku sighed as he looked down at the ground and pulled his arm away.

"So, you aren't the Symbol of Peace you make yourself out to be on TV?" Deku walked over to the couch and sat down with an expressionless, but angry face.

"This is top secret, so I trust you not to tell anyone. My quirk was passed down from many people in the past, and that's why I joined U.A. To find a successor to my quirk: One For All." All Might gave a quick explanation to his quirk and its history.

"And you're telling me this because?" Deku asked, irritated.

"Because I heard about your fight against the Nomu. Aizawa and the rest of the students told me how you managed to hold your own against a monster that even I struggled with. I thought it was only right to tell you the truth as a reward." All Might had no idea how much Deku wanted to kill him, how much Deku wanted to just run a knife through the fickle body of All Might.

The room was tense, but nothing major had happened.

"Young Bakugo tells me he wasn't aware that you had a quirk until recently despite being with you for most of your childhood, what exactly changed?" Deku's heart pounded. Of course Bakugo would point that out and mention it, so there was only one way to cover it up.

"I didn't have a use for it, even when Kacchan would try to beat me up. But I do need it to succeed, so that's why I am only using it now." It was a logical answer, Deku's quirk was just super strength, so there wouldn't have been much of a reason to use it when he was growing up.

All Might sighed and looked down at the desk in front of him. It was clear that he was thinking for a moment, but Deku grew impatient and got up from his chair.

"I'll go join the others. Don't worry, I'll keep your secret. But how long can you keep it hidden from the world." Deku's last comment was an insult and All Might's weakness, and it had just became clear to him what All For One meant when he asked Deku to gain All Might's trust. It was a hard mission, but Deku still gave his all.


Uraraka and Iida both stood at the door, confused as a large crowd of students from other courses and the hero course stood at their classroom door.

"Why the heck are you all here!?" Uraraka shouted out her question, almost intimidated by how large the group was. Iida and Mineta asked their questions in their usual manner, serious and scared until Bakugo began walking towards the group.

"They're all scouting the competition, idiots. We're the class that survived a real villain attack." Bakugo continued to walk towards the group of students as they just stared in, "They wanna see us with their own eyes.

Bakugo now stood in front of the group, some of which looked slightly afraid since Bakugo had an intimidating look to him.

"At least now you know what a future pro looks like. Now move it, extras!" He resorted to insults in order to get them to move, but it didn't work. Iida scolded Bakugo about how rude he was and Uraraka was nervous about how the students would react until a random member of the group spoke up.

"So, this is class 1A." He made his way through the crowd of students to get to the front door, "I heard you guys were impressive, especially that green haired guy, but you just sound like an ass. Is everyone in the hero course delusional, or just you?"

Iida and Uraraka signaled the student to stop as well as indicate that they are nothing like Bakugo.

"How sad to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs." At the sound of those words, Deku sighed and got out of his chair. Everyone in the class looked over at him like he was their pride and joy.

When Deku began walking towards the door with a strong and chilling aura, the students outside noticed him and started to talk to themselves. Deku had become the talk of the school, being known as someone who could be as strong as All Might despite being a first year.

"I'm sorry about Kacchan, he's not exactly the nicest of people." Even though the students were slightly afraid of him, Deku still had a joyful smile on his face that seemed almost too welcoming, "However, I will not tolerate you being a nuisance to our class." By that time, Deku had made his way to the door and in front of the student who insulted the class.

Class 1A had gone from feeling tense and worried to feeling like they were on the stronger side and that they would never loose.

"So instead of using what little brain cells you have on trying to be a smart ass, maybe you could use your fickle legs to move out of our way." Bakugo smirked like he was proud of what Deku said. After insulting the student in front, Deku looked at the rest of the group and put his hand in the air, "I wish you all the best of luck! Let's make this a fun festival!"

"Yeah!" In unison, the rest of the students agreed with Deku.

Deku looked back at Iida and Uraraka as if to tell them to follow him, and as he walked, the students moved out of his way. Some students were shouting at each other, but most were just talking about how cool Deku was.

"That was well managed, Midoriya." Iida complimented on how Deku managed to settle down the issue and bring the people together. Deku had done a great job at being the Class Representative, and gaining the trust of the hero organisation had become even easier.

Eventually, they made their way to the front of the main building and started walking down the path to the main entrance. Deku, Iida and Uraraka had been talking for a while, but once Deku noticed Toga at the end of the path, his face lit up like a child when they see toys.

Uraraka looked in the direction Deku was looking in to see why he was so excited and saw Toga as well.

"Do you know her?" Uraraka was slightly worried for a reason she didn't know herself. She hoped Deku would say no, but that wasn't the answer she got.

"Yup! We're gonna go shopping together, do you wanna come with us?" Deku passed an invitation onto Uraraka and Iida. Uraraka felt defeated, and her heart started to ache, but she still accepted the invite.

---End Of Chapter---