
The Hero's Response

"What shall we do with the students?" All Might asked Nezu the one question on his mind as he thought about the safety of the students.

"We'll continue as planned, but if we suffer from another attack, I think we should postpone the Provisional Hero License Exam." The Provisional Hero License Exam was too important to cancel, let alone postpone, but even then they were taking a big risk by allowing one last attack.

"Are you sure about this, Headmaster?" Aizawa didn't think it was the right choice, but believed in Nezu.

"Its a risky decision, but one that I think we should make." Nezu answered Aizawa's question, and with a sigh, Aizawa accepted the answer, and with the meeting quickly coming to an end, Aizawa made his way back to the class.

Aizawa walked into the silent class room. Everyone was both on edge and upset, especially Uraraka. They were so silent that they could hear Aizawa's footsteps echo through the classroom. Life was no longer the same since the sports festival.

"The faculty have decided that we will be proceeding as originally planned. That does mean you will be at risk, but its our best option." Aizawa explained what was going on, then Uraraka finally spoke up.

"U-um, guys! I have an idea!" She seemed really nervous as she shouted out, looking down at her desk with a red face.

The class looked back at her in confusion whilst Uraraka aggressively stood up from her chair and began walking towards the front of the class. Some already knew what she was going to say, but others were curious.

"I think we can save Deku!" The class looked at her in both shock and pity. They knew that she cared a lot about Deku, so hearing her say those words sounded painful.

"Listen, Uraraka. Midoriya we thought we knew is gone, there's no bringing him back." Mina tried to get the facts through to her, but it didn't work. Uraraka just shook her head with her eyes closed shut.

"There's still good in Deku's heart! I'm sure of it!" She clenched her hand as strong as she could to calm herself down, "When he attacked the sports festival, he used one of the creatures to keep me safe until I returned to the class. He saved Iida from becoming a villain and helped Iida, Todoroki and Bakugo apprehend the Hero Killer."

The points she made were convincing. In their eyes, a villain wouldn't do a single bit of good for the world. Bakugo stood up from his chair and walked up to the front of the class with Uraraka.

"I think she's right." Bakugo looked at the ground in shame as he spoke, "I thought of Deku as a little brother, but I treated him like shit. It may just be because I don't want to loose him, but I feel like we can bring him back to us." His eyes watered the more he spoke, but he didn't cry.

"Well if Bakugo believes we can bring back Midoriya, then I do to." Kirishima stood up from his chair with a confident smile, causing Bakugo to look up and face the class with a shocked expression that quickly turned into a warm smile of gratitude. Then, one by one, the rest of the class agreed.

They were clinging to a small string of hope, but they still held on.

"You do realize how dangerous this will be?" Aizawa voiced his opinion on their decision after staying silent in the corner of the class for the entire conversation.

The class turned their attention to their tired teacher, waiting to hear what he was going to say next.

"Midoriya took down the number two hero. Although it wasn't from just his quirk, every move was well thought out." Aizawa's concern was that he thought Deku could beat everyone in class 1A, and that he wouldn't hesitate to kill if he wanted to.

"Even so!" Uraraka stood her ground and defended her decision, "I can't leave him! I just can't! I'd hate myself if I did that, living a life filled with regret and I don't want that!" Uraraka began tearing up as she shouted her heart out, even Aizawa was taken aback by Uraraka's words along side the class.

"Ochako..." Tsu quietly said her name in a saddened tone.

"Then it's decided. Best of luck." With a long sigh, Aizawa gave in to Uraraka. Most of the class stood up with bright smiles and cheered whilst Todoroki remained silent and Bakugo watched Kirishima with gratitude for backing him up.


It was a new day and Deku was already prepared as the sun peaked above the buildings, creating a blue sky with a few white clouds.

Deku looked in the mirror, wearing his green jacket, grey t-shirt and ripped black trousers with his hair to the side just the way Toga liked it. His skin seemed slightly pale after years of avoiding the outside as much as possible.

Clapping his hands on his cheeks to wake himself up, Deku finally decided to walk out of the cold room and join the rest of the League as they sat on the couch, playing on the N64.

"Hey, guys." Deku's voice sounded joyful but tired at the same time as he let out a little yawn, walking closer to the couch. Tomura just put his hand in the air to greet Deku, but Toga turned around as lively as ever.

"Morning, Izuku!" Even though it was early in the morning and Toga barely slept, her energy never seemed to go away. Deku kissed her on the cheek before sitting down in the middle of the couch, separating Toga from Tomura.

Tomura wasn't usually the type to play games for kids, but after Toga annoyed him for many minutes, he gave in and went head to head against her in Wario Cart.

"Last place? You suck at this, Tomura." With no experience in the game, Tomura was in last place by an entire lap. This annoyed Tomura, almost leading to an outburst of rage until he somehow managed to find a way to contain it.

"Shut it." Tomura kept it brief, causing Deku to laugh at his reaction. Then, just as the race finished and Toga celebrated her first place victory, Kurogiri arrived next to the couch, ready to start what plans they had for the day. For the most part it was just training whilst Tomura comes up with a plan to make sure One For All doesn't get in their way.

Kurogiri opened up two portals, one for Tomura and the other for Deku and Toga. Toga was also getting upgrades to add onto her usual clothing for the fights against the hero's, so she was excited as she and Deku skipped through the purple mist.

They arrived at the laboratory where Garaki had laid the equipment on top of a desk.

Toga's eyes lit up when she saw how her "toy" had come out, it was black and white with all the equipment needed to suck the blood out of someones body.

Before Toga met Deku, she would let her victims bleed out. However, meeting Deku made her see the fun of watching an emotionless body drop to the ground, letting the blood run from their body. Because of her quirk, Toga became fascinated with blood, so the equipment she now held in her hand was useful.

She quickly put it on, though struggling a little bit and needing help from Deku. Once it was on, she spun around with a bright smile on her face.

"Izuku! How do I look?" Toga asked for Deku's opinion as his is the one that mattered most.

"You look as cute as ever." Deku blushed with a warm smile and gave his opinion. To him, it was impossible for Toga not to look cute, but he thought his head might explode if he were to tell her that.

"If you're finished being all lovey-dovey, you can test it out." Garaki wanted to move onto the testing as quickly as possible.

A light bulb almost visibly appeared above Deku's head as he had an idea.

"Toga, you can take some of my blood!" Deku rolled up his sleeves and presented his arm to Toga. She got excited, and took out the needle and injected it into Deku's arm. Blood started coming out and both of their eyes lit up in joy.

"Whoa, that's so cool!" Deku was the first to speak up, whilst Toga admired his blood. She then pulled the needle out from her arm with a small blush on her face. Kurogiri appeared behind them, waiting for Deku.

"Deku, I think now is a good time to train." At first Deku was disappointed that he couldn't stay with Toga, but the idea of being able to get stronger so that he could have more fun made him excited again. Deku and Toga waved goodbye at each other as Deku walked through the portal that Kurogiri had opened for him.

"Toga, may I ask why you're so much more collected when you're around Deku? You used to be so joyful that it was almost annoying." Garaki had wondered what had happened to Toga's hyperactive personality, and he got his answer.

"Izuku is the first person I've wanted to have a real relationship with. I'll do anything for him! Anything!" With a wide smile and a blush, Toga explained herself as she took out the glass bottle filled with Deku's blood, "He's cute as he is, and cute when he bleeds. He's just like me, and we love each other!"

Toga rubbed the glass bottle of blood against her cheek as she thought of Deku's smile. It was sappy, but that;s how Toga felt.

"Right." Garaki kept his response short, walking away almost in disgust.


"So its you, huh?" After coming through the door, a man with black hair, blue eyes and an multiple piercings on his face, "I saw a picture of you, but you look gross in person." His voice seemed tired as he slurred Tomura.

Deku and Toga sat next to each other, looking at the man, annoyed by how he acted.

"Kurogiri, get rid of this guy. He's so rude" Naturally, Tomura was the most annoyed, but Deku didn't want to see such a mysterious man to leave so soon.

"Wait, Tomura." Deku stood up from his stool with a grin on his face, "I wanna hear what this guy has to say. They came all this way after all." Tomura listened to Deku's idea, and let the man speak.

The villain they hired to scout the mysterious guy was Giran, and he was the one who would make the introduction for the new recruit.

"This guy hasn't committed any flashy crimes, but he holds fast to the hero killers ideology." Hearing the name "hero killer" wiped every last bit of excitement of both Deku's and Toga's face.

"The Hero Killer, huh." Deku took a knife from his blazer, running his finger down the sharp blade, then pointing it at the mysterious man, "We don't like the Hero Killer, he was such a disappointment. So let's get one thing straight, you don't get in our way with your delusions, and we won't get in yours."

Deku's voice was cold, causing Kurogiri to prepare himself in order to prevent a fight from breaking out.

"Are you supposed to be the leader or something?" Hearing those words made Deku even more irritated. It was rare to see Deku's expression display no emotion, because this was his way of controlling himself.

"I'm no leader. I'm the guy who makes sure people like you don't fuck up our plans, so what's it gonna be? I suggest you choose carefully." The man looked Deku dead in the eyes.

"I feel like you and I could get along." A grin came over the mans face as he came to accept that Deku was the most capable person in the room, as well as accepting his way of thinking. Deku put the knife back into his blazer and put on a smile.

"So, what's your name?" Like a child, Deku was impatient to find out who this man was, but he didn't get the answer he was expecting.

"I currently go by Dabi."

---End Of Chapter---