
Forgive .

Your step father was horrible man Zane! He did things I saw with my two own eyes! God forbidden he was never interested in me. Because if he were I would not have been here. I would been laying in the hole far from here like those other girls! " I yell as tears roll down my face falling to the cold ground of dirt. Trees whistled past my face as the evening grow more and more. "I saw it... them... they were life less j-just a-a f-fucking corpse." Zane walk towards me as I Neil onto the dirt tears falling rapidly. "I'm so sorry Sierra.. I-I have..." I look up at him to see tears rolling of his cheeks... his red puffy cheeks. Cheeks that I so wanted to hold and kiss. But I can't I can't even look at him anymore... I'm no good for him... I bringing my head back up towards him. "I can't love you." I say getting up as he was nearing me more. Leaving the woods. I wanted to turn around and jump into him and kiss him tell him I can do this. but I don't ...I leave like the coward I am. (Also note! There is no sexual assault in this book. But there is other stuff Such as violence, gore, depression, sexual scenes Thats consented. Bipolar, suicide thoughts and confusion emotions. )

QueenBibe2003 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter Three

I use to think that the world was fuck up. There was no good in this world ...

It made you think there was goodness but as the whole room shake with power it's bring me right back to that day. That day I wish was fake just a dream of my imagination which it wasn't...it was most definitely real.


( 7 years ago)

(A year before the prologue)

There I was sitting on the swing set by the lake that was in the back of Zane house. He was out on football practice we usually sit here and watch the sun set and talk about everything about our day. We go to different schools so we don't see each other most in the morning. he wasn't here today So I still always come here even if he not here.

I don't like it back at my house my aunt is old an grumpy most of the time and just doesn't like me so I hang out here... though this Specific day it felt wrong like something was going to happen. Trying to think nothing of it I resumed reading my book. Sometimes or maybe all the time I wish I was a character in my books so I don't have to be in the hard and "normal" world and just to get the good stuff a relationship and just a happy ending I always wanted.  I continued to read tell t had gotten past to the dark evening and was about to go back inside the house to see what I can make for dinner.

If there was anything to begin with.

I start to walk towards my house leaves crunch under my boots as I past by the trees in the woods. Wind blows so my hair is in my face Moving my hair back into a ponytail I hike back the I came from but wanted to try a different way not the normal way but something again in me stop me from moving. It was a feeling I sometimes got near this place I always thought it was hunted and ghost were here.

Yeah like they could hurt you? Ghost are see-through aren't they?

Tree branches snap quickly looking at the Direction where the snap happen. Panic starts to set in

I'm going to get eaten my a wild animal or maybe a vampire? How about ghost? Quickly trying to think I should move and start running at the starts to come closer but my feet are stuck into the ground from fear... a bit of Curiosity.

But what I saw from the next few moment I wish I had ran.


(Zane POV)

"Hey Zane are you busy today?" Vicky twirls her hair trying to bait me in with puppy eyes. Which just gives me the shivers down my back.

Not the good kind

"No I'm busy but try Keith he's up for your looks" I slam my locker shut and start to walk off not letting her getting a word in.

Okay I might have been an ass for that but She a bitch to Sierra and I have no time for bullies. Especially one who are attention seekers that bully the most caring women I know.

Sierra is the only one person I care about and trust the most. Dad a dead beat. moms trying her best with the new guy she been dating. I don't even acknowledge the guy mostly. all I know about him is he's a asshole to my mom and me but every time I try to get her to dump his ass she guilt trips me for killing my brother.

Yeah that one sting badly

Which it work so now I have to deal with the fights and yelling an smashing of plates and cups.

Me and Sierra made a deal when we turn eighteen we will move out of our crappie homes and get one together as friends of course.  We promise not to have feelings for each other's then friends.

I may have broken that promise a while ago...

Though I have no intention to tell her how I feel.

Getting on my bike I headed home to go see Sierra before dinner but ended up going to get some food for me on the way. God knows there's nothing back home either.  Getting off my bike in head into the Chinese restaurant and order my food and Sierra her favourite combo. After waiting fifteen minutes from my food I pay and leave a tip in the jar.

Heading back towards my house I couldn't help but think about her or let's say my feelings. 

So many time I almost said them out loud to her just so she know she's loved and that I really do love her.

Her aunt doesn't care about her and who maybe will die in no time hopefully.

Literally her words too

But again the lady did have to heart attacks back then when she was eighty years old.

Pulling up towards the the house it was quite a bit to quiet then I like it to be.

Getting off and heading towards miss Sierra I knocked once let myself in know aunt Maggie is watching her TV.

Walking towards Sierra room knowing she probably read like always I open the door after not getting a response from knocking.

The door open to her room with her

Not in it?

Huh? Did she go out?

Quickly realized she might be at my swing set. I head back out to fine her.

It's been about thirty minutes and she nowhere to be found. I have a gut feeling something was wrong one I couldn't find her in her room.

I ask her aunt where she could have gone and the reply was short telling me she fine where ever she was. Which just piss me the hell off.

Who in the world just dismisses someone life? You don't know where she is and you're telling me she fine?

Yeah hell no!

After a couple hours past so it's now dark out and wind starts to pick up more. The air is stuffy as if a storm about to hit down in no time.

I have been calling everyone I know and know that Sierra knows and have nothing, no one saw her or even heard from her. I call out her name in the woods and got nothing back. I check everywhere she could have gone or maybe gotten lost.

She know how to get lost many times.

I kinda know from experience from finding her in the most weird places.

I let the police know that she is missing but they say if it's past 9 hour mark they can't really do anything. All they know she might have went somewhere.

I hate police for more reason then I can Count. And at that moment it made it even worse.

It's been ten hours and now the police and people I know from school and group party's are helping me find her.

I have dark circles under my eyes for not sleeping and trying to think where she might have gone. The gut feeling that something was wrong never went away one second.

My mother was trying to help by informing everyone she knows that there's a loss person.

Maybe even a dead one...

NO! I quickly Scowled myself

She not! She is just loss like the little dork she is.

But my hope's for that broken down when we couldn't fine her.

Alive ...


I know cliffhangers 🥺

(Also note! There is no sexual assault in this book. But there is other stuff Such as violence, gore, depression, sexual scenes Thats consented. Bipolar, suicide thoughts and confusion emotions. )