
Forging my Legend in One Piece

Reborn into One Piece, Soren swears to himself that when he dies his name will strike fear or reverence into the heart of anyone who hears it. If you want advanced chapters up to twenty check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Zhouzifeng77?fan_landing=true

Black_Paladyn · Komik
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122 Chs

Revenge Pt.1

If you want to read up to 20 advanced chapters sign up for my P atreon. And if you want to support the story donate some power stones. The link is in the synopsis and comment section.


I sighed and rubbed my eyes as I looked at the pile of paper that reached my chin. For the past three days, I had spent hours locked up in my room while transcribing Poneglyphs from memory. Even after scanning Robin's brain, the language was still hard to grasp. The writing was based around a single root glyph which changed into thousands of different variants.

I could even create glyphs for entire sentences. I could understand why in the Void Century, the language was so important. Someone only needed to learn that basic glyph to understand. "The mystery is why was the language never spread."

My hand stopped jotting down glyphs as there was a knock at the door, "Soren, we're only a few hours away from Mock Town. If Teach were to be anywhere, it would be here." Ace clapped my shoulder and looked over my work, "Maybe this will be the end of it all."

"I hope so. This hunt has gone on too long." Ace and I walked onto the deck, both of our minds focused on the day ahead. "If we do find him, do we take him alive or kill him?"

"Kill him. Teach is too dangerous to leave alive. Even if we have seastone, I don't feel safe having him on my ship." Ace scoffed, "I know your a measure twice cut once person, but don't you think you're a little too careful. It takes years to master a devil fruit. He's only had a few months."

I shook my head, "The devil fruit Teach ate the Yami Yami no Mi isn't like any other devil fruit I know of. We need to be careful going forward." The caution in my voice got through to Ace, "Okay then, let's get this traitor."


Ace and I walked through the dense jungles of Jaya after finding a lead that Teach was hiding out in the forest somewhere. After seeing tracks of a person with a peg leg, I knew that we were in the right place.

I held up my hand a pointed to a bloodstain. Touching the pool, I was able to identify that it was boar's blood. "Someone was hunting nearby. Keep a lookout for smoke and blood trails." Ace nodded, and we moved, taking special care not to step on any branches.

We were only searching for a few hours when we spotted a smoke pillar rising into the sky. And like bloodhounds, we surged towards the signal. My heart was pounding in my chest in anticipation. Looking over, Ace wasn't faring much better his hands were smoking.

This wouldn't be a fight but a slaughter, gradually. We picked up speed going from a walk to a full-out sprint as we drew closer to the person who betrayed us and those we called brothers.

Ace and I broke through the forest simultaneously, and we slide to a stop less than ten meters away from us. Teach, and his crew sat around a bonfire cooking a boar. "Teach!!" Ace erupted, his entire body turning to flame. Instead of shying away, Teach laughed and stood one of his legs replaced by a wooden peg.

"Well, isn't this a surprise, Ace and Soren, my old friends? I was hoping you would find me." While Teach talked, I sized up the rest of his crew, Jesus Burgess, Doctor Q, and Van Augur. Three of the future Titanic Captains.

"Why did you do it, Teach. Pop's treated you like his son. How could you go and do that? Throw away twenty years of your life." Teach smiled, and his right arm started to turn to shadow, "I didn't want to hurt the crew, but it was the only way I could complete my plan."

"You wanted the Yami Yami no Mi. That's the only reason you joined, isn't it." Teach's smile widened, "Of course you would figure it out, Soren. You were always wary of me since day one. It's too bad you never acted on your suspicions."

As Teach was talking, I was busy giving Hebi my location. I had made up my mind long ago that Blackbeard wasn't making it out alive today. " Burgess, Q, Van, get back. You can't compete with these two. Get to the raft. I'll join you in a minute."

They all nodded before grabbing their stuff and running in the opposite direction from where Ace and I came from. 'Hebi kills those three, but don't be seen.' I got a feeling of confirmation, and a second later, a beam of light cut through their path, turning their bodies to dust in an instant.

I watched as his smile melted into one of horror and anger, "You bastards." Teach thrust out his hand, and I felt the gravity change trying to pull me in. "Ace, whatever you do, don't let him touch you. His devil fruit can nullify the powers of other devil fruits."

"You could have told me earlier!" Ace threw a fire javelin, and Teach had to dodge, "When his powers are active, he also takes twice as much damage. All we have to do is land a couple of good hits."

Getting back to his feet, Thach slammed his arms against the ground turning it to darkness. Both Ace and I took to the air as everything fell into the void. "You're right. We can't take him in alive. I'll attack him from the air. You try and take his other leg."

That was all I need. I folded in my wings and plummeted like a rock, "Just make sure he can't touch me." Using Geppo and Soru, I started to teleport around Teach, looking for an opening.

"What are you afraid, Soren, waiting to call down another light beam. You should know not even light can escape my darkness." Teach exclaimed before he thrust his hand out again, trying to pull me in.

But Ace had finished charging his attack as golf ball-sized embers rained down on Teach burning holes into his clothing. "Soren, now's your chance." Before Ace spoke, I had already moved to teleport behind Teach with my sword drawn.

"This one's for Thatch," I whispered before my blade flashed, coming away with a single drop of blood.