
Forget it,You don't deserve it

Lacey, captivated by the charismatic live streamer Jax, becomes a regular in his virtual world, showering him with gifts and admiration. Her brother Rick, a self-made millionaire, disapproves, urging her to focus on real-life connections. Despite this, Lacey's infatuation grows, leading to a surprise encounter with Jax at her university's cultural festival, where her stunning dance performance catches his attention. Rick unknowingly brings Jax home for a business collaboration, igniting a spark between Lacey and Jax. As their paths intertwine, Lacey navigates her feelings amid the contrasting worlds of online allure and familial responsibilities, finding herself drawn to the enigmatic Jax while grappling with the realities of her brother's protective love.

MTYshow · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Four People Meet

Having been helped out of trouble twice, showing gratitude with a meal was only suitable!

Lacey thought she had shared her plan with her brother early Sunday morning.

Rick agreed happily, and before heading to the office, he suggested she invite Carol as well to have some company and avoid being the third wheel.

Lacey chuckled secretly, understanding the dual meaning: on one hand, her brother acknowledged her developing relationship with Jax; on the other, he had his plans but was too shy to tell his little sister.

She happily called Carol.

"Hey, Lacey, calling me so early, don't tell me it's about you two! I want to sleep a bit more." Carol was still lying in her warm bed, peeking at the caller ID before closing her eyes again.

"Hehe, hehe!"

"What are you giggling about? Get to the point." Carol didn't even bother to hold the phone, resting it on her cheek.

"My brother said he's inviting you for dinner tonight!"

"Dinner invitation?" Carol was a bit confused. Why would Lacey's brother invite me to dinner? Wait, her brother!

Her eyes widened, "Lacey, you mean your brother is inviting me to dinner?"


"Why is he inviting me? Where? When?" Her rapid-fire questions caught Lacey off guard.

"At our place, my brother will cook, starting at six. You can come early, we..." She started to talk about something unrelated to dinner.

Carol, not caring about the rest, interrupted, "Stop! Tell me, why is he inviting me to dinner!" She hoped for a more profound answer.

Lacey thought momentarily, "Of course, to ask you out... Just kidding! We're inviting Jax tonight; my brother asked me to invite you."

"Oh!" Carol realized that even though she was accompanying, she decided to go as Rick had asked her personally.

"Okay, I got it. Then I'll come to see what this handsome Jax looks like and vet him for you." She readily agreed.

"As if! I know you want to see my brother more."

The conversation ended with Lacey's exaggerated tone and Carol's blushing face.

In the evening, Carol arrived at the Luo's on her bicycle. Rick hadn't returned yet, nor had Jax come.

Lacey opened the gate, "You're early! So eager to see my brother!"

"Shut it! I didn't want you to be lonely at home! I came early to keep you company." Carol's cheerful demeanour was heartwarming.

"Why did you dress up so nicely? Look at those shiny lips; I want to kiss them." Lacey pretended to pounce.

Carol quickly pushed her away, "Don't mess up my makeup."

The setting sun dyed the clouds red, like a blushing girl's face, enchantingly beautiful.

Like Lacey and Carol, two young girls are blossoming, patiently waiting to bloom for someone else.

A black Mercedes van slowly arrived and parked in front of the villa. Rick emerged from the car, walking confidently into the yard.

"Brother, you're back," Lacey greeted cheerfully.

"Carol's here." Rick's gaze shifted from Lacey to Carol, admiring her beauty, his eyes shining.

Carol stood quietly behind Lacey, smiling sweetly, revealing her pearly teeth, "Hello, brother!"

Her voice was clear and pleasant, a delight to any listener.

Seeing the sparks in their eyes, Lacey felt left out thinking about Jax, "Why are you taking so long? Look at them; they're already sweet, and I'm just a third wheel." She eagerly awaited her idol.

"Stinky brother, my friend is here, and you ignore me," she pouted, pretending to be angry.

Rick laughed awkwardly, "What nonsense. Carol is a guest; I should greet her first. Why are you jealous?"

The ambiguity of his last comment made Carol blush even more.

But she loved hearing it.

Shortly after, an SUV parked next to the villa. The tall man from the car took out two bottles of fine wine, a box of premium tea, a high-end food gift box, and, most importantly, a set of luxury cosmetics.

Lacey was the first to greet him, eagerly waiting as she felt awkward being a third wheel in the living room.

"Jax, you finally arrived." Her anxious heart finally relaxed.

Jax sensed the hidden stress in her words, "What's up? Did Rick say something to you?"

She helped him with the items, replying, "No, I'm just too bright."

He didn't understand but didn't ask further, as Rick had come out.

"Jax, you finally made it. Lacey has been waiting for you so eagerly." Rick took the gifts from his sister, "You brought so much!"

"I was in a rush last time and didn't bring gifts. And now that Rick is hosting, I couldn't come empty-handed." Jax's smiling side profile made Lacey swoon.

"Who is this?" Jax noticed the woman beside Rick, unsure of their relationship.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce her. This is Lacey's classmate, Carol. This is Jax, a rising star broadcaster on the Kuai Shi platform." Rick introduced them.

"Hello!" Jax shook hands with Carol.

"Hello! You're the host of the 'Love at First Sight' livestream. You look even more handsome in person than in the videos. No wonder Lacey always praises you." Carol didn't hold back her compliments.

What was meant to help Lacey get closer to Jax made another person jealous.

That person was Rick, and she wondered why she didn't praise him even though she had eaten his cooking several times. Not thanking him, she thought of herself as family. Well, then, marry me!

He kept these thoughts to himself, maintaining politeness, "Let's not chat at the door; come in. Lacey, get some green onions from the backyard; I'm starting to cook."

"I'll help!" Carol volunteered, heading to the backyard.

Rick watched her disappear around the corner of the villa.

This girl might make a good wife and mother one day, he thought, beginning to fantasize about his future life. But for now, he had to ensure Lacey's well-being first so he could entirely focus on his issues.

After setting down Jax's gifts, he asked Lacey to chat with Jax while he went to the kitchen.

"Lacey, I didn't know what you liked, so I asked some female friends, and they recommended this makeup set. Do you like it?" Jax handed her the cosmetics, his tone growing more affectionate.

Lacey saw the value in the high-end brand she liked.

She thought Jax put thought into this, "Thank you, I love it. You shouldn't have spent so much."

Hehe! She skipped formalities and called him directly, making their relationship seem even closer.

"Brother, here are the green onions." Carol's clear voice reached the kitchen before she entered.

You're even bolder, just calling him by his name! Lacey admired her silently.