
forget about this look for the replacement one in fan fic

this is my first time ever writing so don't be to hard on me and I'm trying to balance this story with action and adventure with the ecchi scene I don't own martial peak this is just a fanfiction

Reality_King4ever · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


Wives :

su yan

xian ning chang

shan qing luo

qiu yi meng

yang xi

xue yue

zhu qing

yu ru meng

bing yun

dong su zhu

yang xue

yang xiao/female

Concubines :

hu mei'er

hu jiao'er

dong qing yan

an ling'er

wu yi

dai yuan

lin yun'er

chi yue

liu yan

mo xiao qi

sheng yu zhu


qin yu

fei yu

shui ling

hua you meng

liu xian yun

luan feng /ling'er

gao yue ting

yu zhuo

murong xiao xiao


lan chu die

luo xiao man

bi luo

li rong

han fei

he miao

he zao

yue xi

du si si

ye xi yun

bian yu qing

lan xun

zhang ruo xi

hua qing

huo yu

he yun xiang

bo ya


lan chu die

luo xiao man

bi luo

li rong

han fei

he miao

he zao

yue xi

du si si

ye xi yun

bian yu qing

lan xun

zhang ruo xi

hua qing

huo yu

he yun xiang

bo ya

Author note:

I might change servant or lover in the future but wife and concubine are going to stay the same and I didn't add women from the outer universe because I don't want to focus on the outer universe for now