
Forever with you, dearest

Melanie finds and helped an injured vampire, despite him being a creature feared by humans. The next day, she came home to find he was gone. Eventually, they meet again but her feelings for him became a one sided love. Even when he was engaged to a sly princess and all the brutal killing of humans by the vampires, she was unwillingly to give up. Even if he loves her, he won't say it because his lifespan is short. Facing strong opposition and striving for survival, will Lord Darrick fall in love with the clinging human?. And thus, begin their twisted fate.

faithanna_justin32 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

A Girl In Cedric's Room

After leaving the church with a dampened spirit, Melanie head for her family home. She received the invitation this morning and was happy for her father being given a position.

The market place was hustling and bustling with people as they shop. it was Saturday so many families would come out to buy groceries and other things for the next week.

Melanie maintained her footsteps and mind where she placed her legs because the pushing around might make an unstable person trip at most.

The sky was now dull showing a sign of oncoming rain. Melanie was still moving along the rushing crowd when she saw a very familiar person. It was none other than Cedric and beside him was a young girl who might be the same age as her.

It wasn't him that made her surprised, it was the way he was protecting the girl from the crowd. His arm was around her waist while the girl cling onto him tightly.

Melanie smiled and walk away. Darrick wasn't carefree as his brother. She paused on her steps "that's why he's dangerous," she muttered to herself.

"Get off the way you duck!" A slender man with a large bulky bag on his head shouted and Melanie quickly gave way for him to pass.

She exhaled and went on with her walking towards the neighborhood her parents lives.


After Darrick got to the palace, Lady Roxane quickly followed him into his room.

"Darrick I'm sorry for what I did. I've finally seen my act wasn't good towards the governess," she pleaded.

She has no other choice than to beg for forgiveness, though that wretch human caused a little mishap, all she wanted now was for Darrick to forgive her.

Darrick walk towards the jittery girl. "I forgive you but you should also beg Cedric and Fergus, don't you think so?"

Lady Roxane was amazed and she embrace Darrick," thank you MiLord," her sweet voice was filled with happiness.

She rush out of the room towards Fergus'. A big smile etch on her lips, 'that human was nothing in the eyes of Darrick and he did that just to provoke me'

After leaving Fergus room, she head towards the hard hearted prince room and knock thrice on his door.

Cedric was helping the stubborn girl put on his coat when the knock came. He jolted in shock and facepalm himself.

Since yesterday he brought this girl to the palace, he has been having several shocks. He didn't want anyone to see a girl inside his room which was inappropriate, especially Darrick and thank God he didn't stay at the palace and left with Melanie.

"Damned me!" He cursed while Anne look at him in admiration.

Seeing the look in her eyes, Cedric pulled the zipper up and arranged her hair, he sighed and rest his forehead on hers. "You're killing me," he teased.

Yesterday, Anne thought he'd take her back to Sandaltown and was surprised when they materialised inside his room.

Lady Roxane couldn't wait another minute and she pushed open the door.

Roxane thought she got into the wrong room when she saw Cedric patting a girl's head.

"What is it Roxane?" Cedric ask defiantly.

Roxane smiled at the girl who returned it with a blank look.

" Darrick asked me to beg you for forgiveness. I won't act rashly again, I promise," she said feeling remorseful.

Cedric stare at the Lady and gaze at Anne. " I'll only forgive you if you do one thing for me," Cedric stated.

" Okay, I'm all ears," Roxane said readily.

" No one should ever know I brought a girl to the palace except it comes from me. Is it clear?" Cedric stated his condition.

Roxane knew that's what he'll say, " yes. I'll keep my lips tightly shut," she said and made a zipping sign.

" Good," Cedric scowl and dismissed the princess.

"Are you hungry?" Cedric asked the quiet girl with big brown eyes.

Anne nodded her head and stare at him with her cute eyes.

" Okay. We should leave before someone sees us. You'll eat when we get to Sandaltown," Cedric said and pulled her to his body and they were gone from the room.


They materialised inside the alley in Sandaltown and Cedric held her tightly to his body as they made towards her home.

Anne loved the way he cared for her. Seeing the few people who recognized her in the crowd, she held onto Cedric tightly. Including some of her mates who'd laugh at her for not having a suitor.

They were too engrossed in leaving the crowded market and failed to notice Melanie who was looking at them.

"You live with your Aunt?" Cedric asked the girl.

"Yes. I came to Sandaltown few months ago to live with her," Anne said dolely.

She didn't want to dwell in the past and tried to be more stronger. Her father was a hunter before he was killed along with her little brother. Anne couldn't forget what killed them and she's going to take back what she lost, those rogue vampires.

Cedric felt her body tensed and stiffen. "Are you alright?" He ask while looking straight into her eyes.

"Yes. Sorry for the troubles," her little voice was sad.

Cedric sighed and patted her hair, "don't be. I should be the one to apologize because I took you to the palace without your consent and also put your family in worry," Cedric said and pressed her against his chest.

Anne felt warmth spread inside her chest. "You're good to me. Right from the day we met, you took me home, killed the vampires and..."

"I feel you're confessing to me Anne," Cedric bluntly replied and look down at the girl.

Anne blushed and cleared her throat as she look ahead. "I wanted to say thank you," she chuckled.

Cedric smiled, "little girl," he muttered.

"I am not little," Anne was still grinning.

"Says who?" Cedric teased and smiled brilliantly. 'This girl is really interesting.'





Dear readers,

Sorry for the late updating. I released two interesting chapters for today.

Kindly add to library.
