
forever to you

sassy34 · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

chapter 1

everyone clapped and cheered, then her dad whispered in her ear as he placed his palm on her shoulder.

"what did you wish for? dear"

then she said with a smile that reached her eyes while she placed her palm on his

"I wished for you,mom and I to always be together!"

her dad smiled back

"guess what? my princess! your wish would surely come true" he said then gave her a kiss on her forehead

" it sure would daddy!"she said

now it was time for her presents, Jeanie gave her a medium wrapped gift box then hugged her once more

"enjoy your birthday to the fullest Ellie but I have to go now! alright?"

"but why? won't you stay to have a bite of the cake? " her mom asked

"no Aunt actually I just got a call from my mom I think she needs me at home"

"alright then! say hi for me to her"

"yes I will and bye Ellie!" Jeanie waved to her and she waved back and then she left.

the other three also gave her presents and then left too saying they had somewhere to go or something to do. now it was only Daniel left.

"El?..." he called sweetly bringing butterflies to her tummy

"yes? ... Dan?" she called sweetly too

"happy birthday once more! I wish you the best!" he said then dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a necklace. she gasped covering her lips with her hand seeing that.

"oh my!! Dan? you got this for me?" she asked

"no! El? um! actually this belongs to my late grandma the shop I was trying to order from was not of service at that time so... um!, my grandma left this with me and told me to keep it with me forever but since um! today it's your birthday and I couldn't get you a gift, I've decided to give it to you, please take it?! " he said then placed it in her hands

"aww that's so sweet of you Daniel"her mom said

"what!! no! Daniel! what are you doing? I'm sorry but I can't take it!"she said placing the necklace back on his hand

" but why? " he frowned

" yes honey why?" her mom followed

" well! mom he said it's his grandma's! look Daniel! I know you want to give me this as a gift but you just said your grandma told you to keep this with you forever then why would you want to give it to me? don't you think she would be angry?" she said and that made him chuckle

"oh God! Ellie! I was just about being disappointed thinking you didn't like the necklace but your hearing out your reasons,I feel relieved again"

he chuckled again while nibbling his lower lip in his teeth,gosh! that felt so damn sexy to her eyes

"why - why would you think I won't like the necklace? of course it is pretty nice and beautiful as well but I cannot be selfish enough to take what your grandma gave to you, I mean it does not feel right!"

"I'm giving it to you Ellie! you did not ask for it so that does not make you selfish alright? and beside. having the necklace with me just makes me.... remember her again and I do not want to have those sad memories so that's why I'm ready to transfer it to another person and that is you! please do me a favor and take it please!"

he pleaded while he placed the necklace back in her hand


"please El!" he cut her short while he held her hand tightly making all her reasonable thoughts fade away

"huh! fine I'll take it!"

"thank you!!" he smiled at her

"are you sure you want to give this necklace to her?"

her dad asked

" of course sir!"

"alright then!"

she looked closely at the necklace.it was so beautiful, the pendant was in a shape of a star and crescent Moon.

"mom please could you help put it on?" she asked giving the necklace to her

"sure dear!"

her mom put it on for her, she looked at the necklace on her neck as she caressed the pendant, then she smiled at him

"thank you Daniel! so much for deciding to give me one of your most precious things! and it is really pretty."

" it's my honor, Ellie? I think I have to go now too! I have things to take care of with my dad in the shop!"

" wait dan! you can't also leave! at least you have a bite of the cake!"

she persuaded but just as he was about to give her the face of 'please don't!?' her mother barged in

"yes that's right Daniel!, you can't expect us eating this cake all alone? a little would be okay!"

she pleaded

he sighed "alright fine, just a little!"

"thank you!" Ellie said

Ellie's mother gladly took the knife and cut a slice of the cake, she put it in a white plate,then she gave it to him

"thanks!!" he said taking the plate from her then he took a bite savouring it

"wow! this taste good!" he exclaimed

"you like it!? I made it myself!" her mom said

" really!!? wow! ma'am this is awesome! so good!" her mom giggled being praised

"seriously! honey? you're not gonna tell the young man I assisted you in the kitchen" Ellie's dad butted in.

"oh yeah! he's right! but honey you only whisked the flour and that is not a big deal!"she folded her arms with a sarcastic face then they all laughed.

Ellie watched him closely as he ate the cake. the way it went down his throat smoothly causing his Adam apple to show off God! she wished she was the one going down his throat like that.

she didn't notice that he had caught her staring, he looked at the little peice of cake left in his hand then glanced back at her for some seconds before he shoved the cake near to her mouth making her tilt her head back with eyes wide open

"wha- what are you doing Dan?" she asked blushing, what was he really doing!? did he know my parents were looking!!? she screamed in her thought

"feeding you a cake?" he said with a face like 'what else'

"b- but the cake i- is yours?" she stuttered

" yeah! but I think I'm full already, the cake was so good that it fed up my tummy quickly so you eat this little peice left"

he said shoving the cake even more closely to her mouth that his finger touched her lips a little, unable to resist, she looked to her father then to her mother before quickly taking the cake in her mouth with her cheeks crimson red ,Lord! why was she blushing hard over a small thing.

he smiled "ok! I have to go now Ellie,see you! good day ma'am! good day sir!" he waved at her then he left.

"so you let that boy feed you first? are you perhaps liking that young man?" her dad asked in disbelief and with a little.. teasing

she looked at her dad in shock. was it so clear on her face? "daad! wha - he was insisting,that was the reason I ate it and nothing else!" she explained stuttering though it was a lie

"ha ha! look at your face Ellie. I really know how to get you!" her dad laughed and she sighed relieved.

"y- yeah dad!"she faked a laugh as she tucked her long hair behind her ears

"well! now that it is down to the family!

honey? what present did you get for my daughter?"her mom asked

" our daughter! you mean??" he corrected

"ok!? what present did you get for our daughter?"she replied grimacing and Ellie just chuckled by their funny attitude.

"how about you go first? I don't think mine is ready yet!"

her mom chuckled

"tsk! tsk! you never are ready for anything honey!? I wonder what silly gift you got for her? alright then! I'll go first."

" woah! did you just say that?"her dad asked with wide eyes

"yeah I said it! I'm her mom?! ,I know what's better for her!" she answered while she folded her arms together

"that was pretty rude! fine! let's also see what silly gift you got for her!"her dad said in a challenging tone

"fine then! let's see!" her mom said also and the battle with who gat the better gift between the mom and dad began.

her mom turned back to her.

"now close your eyes dear" her mom grinned covering her lids with her hands and Ellie obediently closed them waiting for her mom's gift.

her mom dipped her hand into her pocket and brought out two tickets and first hid it behind her back.

"now you can open your eyes Ellie!" her mom said making her flutters her big dreamy eyes open.

and then "TA DA!!" her mom exclaimed bringing the tickets to her face. Ellie just smiled not sure what that was yet.

"what is this?" she asked curiously

"don't you remember that concert you told me about? that you've been dying to go for? well guess what? I actually got a ticket for you!" her mom said

" oh my God! really?!" Ellie exclaimed with disbelief and awe as she got up from her seat and took the tickets from her mom to look at it really well.

"yes! and guess what?! it's an exclusive vip ticket where you get to see your favorite star in full, and also I got two tickets incase you wanted to take someone along with you." her mom answered with a smile saying. 'i made my daughter proud!'

"wow! mom I really have been dying to go to this concert and I can't believe I'll be going now omg! I cannot wait to tell Jeanie this!. this is so good to be true! you're the best mom ever! I love you!"

she said and then embraced her mom tightly.

"oh you're welcome dear! love you too!" her mom said chuckling, patting her back. after they pulled from the hug.

her mom folded her arms and said.

"well John? where's your present or it isn't ready yet!?"

" oh please Martha, you'll see my gift will be way better than yours!" he smirked waving his hand at her. wow! they started calling each other's name now?. Ellie thought and giggled as her eyes kept diverting to her mom then to her dad.

"but first! I gotta go make a call!" he said looking at her mom with challenging eyes and her mom gave him the same, then he walked into the kitchen.

"tsk! tsk! your dad is so ever un-serious!" her mom chuckled and she just chuckled back.