
Forever Lies

Stuck in an elevator with the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen- Who thought that kind of thing actually happened? This man wasn't just attractive; he was animal magnetism personified. He was every crush and craving - each desire and fantasy - all rolled into one. The problem? There was a mutinous side of me that didn't want to run. As if I ever had a choice...

MercuriusSuRia_5 · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 7.

Back at the office, I spent a good amount of time stressing about my impending date. I did far less work than I should have, which wouldn't have been a problem had I not received an email from my boss informing me he would be back from his trip early.

The presentation went well, and I was able to catch an earlier flight. I want to run through the Gold Street project tomorrow morning, so have a progress report ready for me.

Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck.

Hyun-suk would be at the office tomorrow, which was bad news on it's own, but to make matters worse, I had no idea what the status was on the Gold Street project. At four-thirty in the afternoon, there was hardly time to gather information, put together a report, and still make it to my date with Taehyung. I could go in early, but Hyun-suk often went into the office early, and there was no way I wanted to chance being alone with him in the building.

I refused to sit down with my boss the following morning and tell him I was clueless about a project I'd been supervising. That only left me with one option. I would have to cancel my date and stay late to prepare for my meeting.

Reluctantly, I took out my phone and texted Taehyung.

Me: Change of plans – I'm going to have to cancel tonight. I'll text you later.

I knew he'd argue, and I didn't have time to explain, so I turned off my ringer and dove into work. I spoke with several co-workers about where we were in the bidding process and had begun to review the drafts of our proposal documents when I sensed a presence in the doorway of my office.

My eyes rose and took in all six feet and change of an angry Taehyung leaning against the doorframe. His casual stance was not to be confused for indifference – a storm raged in his obsidian eyes. I sat motionless. Eyes wide, hand frozen over my keyboard.

"How did you find me?" I asked, stunned.

"The elevator – you said you worked at IFC Seoul, remember?"

Of course. How could I have forgotten? My eyes danced around the room as I stood, at a loss for words. He'd come because of my text – did he plan to argue with me? There were no private conversations in my office, and Taehyung didn't do subtle. Panic had me surging forward to grab Taehyung's hand and drag him down the hall toward on of our private conference rooms on the interior of the building. Pulling him inside, I closed the door behind us and rested my back against it.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed quietly.

He stalked to where I stood until we were toe-to-toe, his hand reaching out to clasp the back of my neck. "Don't you know it's rude to send a text like that, then disappear?"

"Don't you know it's rude to show up at someone's workplace uninvited?" I shot back.

"I'm not letting you back out tonight."

"My boss is coming back early from a trip, and I have to prepare for a meeting we're going to have in the morning."

His blazing eyes narrowed. "Go in early."

"I…I can't."

He scrutinized me to cipher out what I was leaving unsaid, but I kept my lips tightly sealed.

"We'll push dinner back an hour." He gave me an expectant look, demanding I concede to his terms.

This man I hardly knew had sought me out in my office and was insisting I have dinner with him – everything about the situation implied I should walk away – not just walk, run. And yet, in my twisted mind, it was the sexiest thing a man had ever done. The little warnings voiced in my head were lost in the tornadic winds of lust he conjured inside me. A part of me was starving for whatever it was he offered – escape, protection, explosive desire. I'd been with men before, but no one like him. Nothing even came close. He was a tsunami, and my small island had no hope of surviving his battering effects.

Head still cupped in his large hands, I nodded my acquiescence. His eyes sparked in response, pleasure radiating from those dark depths. My chest swelled with warmth at the knowledge that my surrender had brought him satisfaction. I had always been eager to please, but that side of me became all-consuming when I was around Taehyung.

His thumb traced a path along my jaw, came around to my chin, then lifted to pull gently on my bottom lip. My eyes were transfixed on his face while his gaze stayed glued to my parted lips. I could almost see the thoughts as they passed behind his expressive eyes, and I wondered what he's decide – to kiss me, or not to kiss me. I was shamefully tempted by the former. 

"I'll come by the office and pick you up," he said as his hands fell away.

Not to kiss. Too bad.

"No, I'll meet you there." Some small portion of my self-preservation instincts managed to overcome my desire to please.

"Stubborn, aren't you?"

"Not normally – you seem to bring out the best in me."

He stepped back with a wicked grin. "Eight sharp, be there."

After throwing together some notes sufficient to get me through my morning meeting, I texted my driver to let him know I wouldn't need a ride after work. Having a driver in the city wasn't necessary, but it was one of the luxuries I allowed myself to indulge to indulge in. Plus, it had been one are in which my father had been unyielding – he didn't want any of us girls living alone in the city without a driver to get us around at night.

I had no issues with using a driver, but on that beautiful spring evening, I decided to walk to the restaurant. It was only a couple blocks from my office, and I needed the fresh air to clear my head before facing Taehyung. He was overwhelming in every sense of the word. There was a very real chance I would lose myself to him if I wasn't careful – drown beneath the sheer force of his will and the alluring pull of his magnetic personality.

My cheeks heated in the brisk evening air, and there was something else that caused my skin to tingle – something that set me on edge. Had I not been so focused on paying attention to my surroundings, I never would have noticed. It was the feeling of someone watching me.  Perhaps long – ingrained from our prehistoric days, I sensed an awareness of possible danger, a sixth sense that couldn't be explained.

I took a casual glance behind me, scanning the area for signs someone was watching me but saw nothing unusual – no suspicious man in a trench coat, skulking behind me or sketchy thugs eyeballing me from a distance. The city street looked like it did on any other evening, so I tried to calm my overactive imagination. Assuring myself it was likely just my anxiety over having dinner with Taehyung that had me worked up, I tucked my chin and continued toward the restaurant.

The place he'd chosen was an elegant Korean bistro nestled in Itaewon. Despite the soaring ceilings, the room felt cozy, thanks to the rich wood accents and dimmed lighting. It was the type of place you might find a politician or movie star dining – a place that discretely catered to important people. If I hadn't been used to such establishments my entire life, I might have been unnerved by the place. As it was, I had been to Cleo before and was well acquainted with experience.

I arrived before Taehyung, but he entered only minutes after. I hadn't had the wherewithal to admire how he looked in his black suit at either of our earlier exchanges – both having been too intense to allow for a casual perusal of his suited form. The sight of him crossing the foyer toward me liquified my insides. The fabric of his suit pulled taut where his biceps flexed against the sleeves, and the broad expanse of his shoulder over his narrow waist made my mouth go dry. As if he knew the effect he had on me, a wolfish grin spread across his face.

"I may not have said it earlier today, but you look stunning." He took my hand and pressed his lips to the back, just below my knuckles, lingering briefly. The sensation edged my heartrate up from a gentle thrum to a fluttering frenzy.

"Thank you. You look rather handsome yourself."

Not releasing my hand, he led me to the hostess station where the young woman on duty snapped into motion.

"This way, please." She led us to the back of the restaurant toward a table in the far corner.

"I'm impressed you could get a reservation moved on such late notice," I whispered to Taehyung.

"The owner is a friend of mine," he murmured near my ear as he helped me into my seat.

Blushing at his nearness, I glanced down at the white Korean place setting, "I guess it pays to have friends in high places."

As soon as he was seated, our server brought waters and took our drink orders. The moment I gave my wine selection, Taehyung instructed the server to bring a bottle.

"That's not necessary," I cut in.

The young man looked between us and Taehyung gave him a stern, raised brow. Without looking back to me, our server scurried off to obtain the bottle. 

"Do you always get your way?" I asked with amusement.

"Quite often, yes."

"And yet you still manage to have friends?"

"Having friend is an important parts of my business."

"And what business is that?"


I tilted my head, looking him over appraisingly. "You don't strike as the banker type."

"No?" he mused. "What type do I seem like?"

The question was a tricky one. I'd already thought about it after our encounter in the elevator but had come up emptyhanded. His features were so striking, it was hard to think of him as doing anything outside of modelling. Then again, his dark intensity lent itself to positions of power and a job that would require a great deal of drive. "Maybe a pro athlete of an actor?"

He took a sip of his freshly poured wine, eyes still bright with amusement. "Nothing so exciting as that, I'm afraid."

"What bank do you work for?"

"You probably wouldn't know it – we're a relatively small-scale operation."

"Do you like what you do?"

He peered at me for long seconds. Seemingly weighing his answer. "It's my life; it's who I am."

There was silence between us for a moment as his words lingered in the air. It was a bold statement. I could relate because my company was family-owned, but not many other people in my experience felt the same sense of ownership regarding their job.

"What about you – what do you do for IFC Seoul?" he asked, bringing the discussion back to me.

"I work in the marketing department currently."

"And do you enjoy it?"

I rolled my eyes playfully. "When my boss isn't around." Bringing my glass to my lips, I took a healthy sip of wine. I could feel Taehyung's assessing gaze attempt to read between the lines, but I wasn't going to give him more information.

"What is it about your boss you dislike?"

I should have known he wouldn't leave that alone. What did I tell him without saying too much? I hadn't told my sisters or anyone but Jennie about my boss – I certainly wasn't going to tell Taehyung, who I'd only just met.

"He's… bossy, that's all." I smiled, hoping to lure him away from the subject.

Taking the bait, his eyes sparked with mischief. "I could have sworn you liked that in a man."

"It's more tolerable in some men than others."

"And do you have any other bossy but tolerable men in your life?"

Was he asking if I was seeing anyone? Surely. He knows the fact that I'd come to dinner meant I wasn't involved with anyone else. "No."

He lifted his chin, acknowledging my answer as the server came to take our orders. "Captain's menu, please."

"Yes, sir. And your antipasti selection?"

We both gave our orders and had our glasses topped off before the man scurried off to the kitchen.

"It's refreshing to see a woman who knows what she wants," Taehyung remarked. I had hardly perused the menu, knowing what I would order well before I arrived.

"There's hardly a bad choice on the menu. I grew up eating most of these dishes or simplified versions." I smiled to myself, remembering my mother's mother who used to cook for us at every opportunity. Food is a cornerstone in any Thai home.

"Tell me more about your family."

"There's not much to tell. There are lots of them – as is the Thai Buddhist way – but otherwise, we're a pretty standard lot."

"Are you close to them?"

"That depends on what you mean by close. We have Sunday dinner each week, per my mother's orders, but I wouldn't say we're close in the true sense. We're all pretty private, I guess. What about you – are you close with your family?"

"My dad wasn't around, and my mom died years ago. I have a younger sister, but she's a pain in my ass – always finding herself in some kind of trouble," he grumbled.

It made me smile to think of tough-guy Taehyung attempting to parent a younger sister. If she was half as gifted in the looks department, I could see how she might be quite the handful. "It's good that she has you. A protective older brother could be an asset in this life." The realization of what I'd said made my breath catch.

I'd had an older brother once, and the memory of his loss, though many years ago, still weighed heavily on my heart. Not wanting to darken the mood with such thoughts, I cast them away with a silent apology to the boy who lived on only in memory.

Our food arrived at that moment, giving me chance to collect myself. Each course was more delicious than the last. I chided myself for relying so often on my meal delivery service. Their catered meals were as good as pre-prepared food could be, but it couldn't compare to a freshly cooked meal.

By the time dessert arrived, I could hardly take a single bite. There were only a couple fingers of wine left in the bottle, which Taehyung poured into my glass.

"I can't possible drink anymore – I'm stuffed, and I need to be able to get myself home," I said with a wry smile. The food had helped to mute the effects of the wine, but I had a nice buzz going. Not so much to be stumbling drunk, but enough that I felt light and airy.

Taehyung's eyes heated, and the muscles in his jaw twitched. "I'm sure I could get you home."

"I bet you could, and I'd probably lose my clothes in the process."

"Undoubtedly," he admitted confidently.

We held each other's gaze for a pregnant moment. The hunger in his eyes was an erotic promise, challenge intrinsic in his stare. As if he could project thoughts into my mind, visions of Taehyung bare-chested and thrusting inside me, making me scream his name in pleasure, infiltrated my head. With a shaky breath, I dropped my gaze, breaking our contact.

"I should probably get going – I have an important meeting in the morning." My voice was breathy, and my words sounded uncertain, even to my ear. When I took a hesitant glance back up to Taehyung, he wore a wicked smile.

"Let's get you home."

After he paid the check, and we made our way outside, I turned to tell him goodnight.

"Let me walk you to your car," he offered.

"I don't have a car. I walked." I didn't want to tell him I had a driver. He was decently well-off in the money department, but I didn't want to look ostentatious. 

"You're not walking home," he said irritable. "We'll take a cab; come with me." He tugged at my hand, but I held my ground.

"I don't need a ride – I live nearby."

Taehyung stepped close, his gaze burning through me, leaving his mark on my soul in a way that I'd feel long after we parted for the night. The air around us became charged with anticipation, heavy like the moist air of a sultry Florida evening.

In that frozen moment of time, there was only me and Taehyung.

Weaving his fingers into my hair, he slowly lowered his lips to mine. He was gentle but firm, his lips moulding to mine as perfectly as I'd imagined they would. I could feel his restraint as if he were holding a delicate butterfly and trying not to crush its wings. Tasting. Testing. But before long, his control snapped as his touch dug into my flesh, and his kiss became demanding. He seized my mouth like he couldn't get enough – like I held the cure to whatever darkness seethed inside him.

I should have been alarmed, but instead, a moan slipped past my lips, spurring him on. I lost track of the city around me. People walked past us, and horns honked in the distance as cars wove in and out of traffic, but none of it penetrated my senses. I was ensnared in his kiss, his touch lighting my body of fire as I gave him everything he demanded.

Eventually, he pulled back, eyes hooded and black as night. "Come, I'll walk you home."

His warm fingers took hold of mine, a current running between us, electric and inviting. He led us down the sidewalk without a word from me until I realized we were walking in the correct direction without me telling him where to go.

"How did you know which direction?" I asked curiously.

He glanced at me wryly. "Lucky guess – I had a fifty-fifty shot."

I arched a brow. "Do you often play by chance?"

"I very rarely leave anything to chance. I'm far too controlling to rely on luck to get me what I want."

"You don't say," I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear.

He cut his eyes to me, and there was a hint of humour in their dark depths. "I see you, on the other hand, like to live dangerously."

His teasing made my heart sore, and I offered him a beaming smile to which he shook his head with a laugh. I led us to my building where trepidation and awkwardness set in, at least on my part. Nothing about Taehyung could ever be awkward or uncertain. He pulled me aside, just outside the entry steps.

"When do you go to work in the morning?"

"Why?" What did it matter to him when I went to work?

"I'll drive you. I'm heading to the IFC Seoul building, so I might as well give you a ride – there's too much crime in this city for you to be walking."

"Actually, I have a driver," I admitted reluctantly. "I don't tend to tell people because they often treat me differently when they realize I have money."

"I'm not like other people; surely, you've figured that out. No lies and no omissions, not with me. Understand?" His hand gently secured a stray strand of hair behind my ear, and I could see in the softening of his features, he was genuinely pleased I wouldn't be walking. He lowered his lips and kissed my temple, hands threaded through my hair. "I'm not coming upstairs with you tonight… but soon. I suggest you get used to the idea." He spoke against my skin, the soft caress of his lips sending waves of chills down my spine. Pulling back, he gazed longingly at my lips. "I'll see you tomorrow," he promised, then drifted away down the sidewalk, leaving me cold and alone.

We'd had no plans to see one another again, but his parting words indicated there would be more – much more. I had never pictured myself with a man like Taehyung. I figured I'd find a stockbroker or some executive and have a standard suburban life similar to my own upbringing. Taehyung made it hard to see anything but him – like looking into the sun, blinding me to everything else.

There was only Taehyung. 

My mind became entrenched in thoughts of when I'd see him next. It didn't matter that I had an important meeting in the morning, that laundry needed to be done, or that I had Sunday lunch plans with my family – I wanted to spend time with Taehyung. Would he call or text me before then? Would I let him fuck me the next time we went out? Could I tell him o even if I wanted to? The question was pointless – I'd wanted to see him naked since the moment I spotted him walking through the IFC lobby. I might have given in to him after dinner had he pressed the issue.

I started to worry I was becoming obsessed, which wasn't like me. Even as a young girl, I never lined my bedroom walls with posters of my favourite celebrity or doodled hearts around a boyfriend's name. I was rational and intentional about my choices in life, but nothing about my desire for Taehyung was rational. My interest in him defied logic and consumed my every thought. He was a poisonous fruit, and I was a woman starved. He was likely bad for me, but my mouthed watered with hunger for him. I would convince myself one taste wouldn't hurt, and that would be the end of me.

I would no longer be Lalisa – I would be his.