
First ray of dawn

The morning was bright with the rays of sun striking through the window panes of the room. Zhakhil opened his eyes.

A smile plastered on his face as he lived to see another beautiful morning. The morning were his favourite time of the day, having no responsibility to shoulder.

He had all the time in the world to enjoy his youth. There was much more to the world that he had to discover.

He had dreams to travel the world and see the morning from all those places. He got up from the bed, his feet touched the soft carpet under his feet and his smile widen.

He removed his blanket from him and folded it nicely before making the bed. He spread the clean sheets on the bed and removed the dirty ones.

They weren't really dirty but he had to go and wash them since he had slept on them twice. It would mean that he gets to go to the lake and for that he would remove even the clothes that were clean to go and wash.

He gathered all the clothes that needed washing. The dirty and clean clothes together, the more clothes he had the more time he had to spend by the lake.

He drew the curtains allowing the beautiful rays of the morning sun to shine on his room. It made him smile to see this, it reminded his nickname Axaran. Which meant the first ray of dawn in dragon language.

Thinking of the dragon language he recalled the dragon that had given him the name. He was the reason that Zhakhil loved mornings so much.

He walked out of the bedroom and locked the room. With the basket of laundry that needed washing, she moved down the stairs to the living room.

"Good morning," he greeted.

A tall handsome male with silver waist length hair, baby blue eyes and a full-figured body turned around to look at him. He had slightly thin brows with a cut mark at the edge of his right brow.

He had a round face with a straight nose and thin pink lips that had curled up into a kind smile.

He looked gorgeous for Zhakhil to look at first thing in the morning. There was truly no creator joy in life than to watch the dragon every morning.

He wasn't just good looking but also a great cook and he could smell the delicious food inviting his taste bugs for a taste.

"How can it be good morning when you carry such a big basket?" the dragon asked him.

Zhakhil felt guilty but only a bit, he was not backing down from going to wash his clothes. It was a chance to spend time with the dragon out in the open and on lucky days he would even get a glimpse of the male taking a swim.

He swam with his pants but would leave his chest open, the sight of watching water drip from his body was one that he looked forward to.

"I'm hungry," he uttered to take the dragon's mind off the basket of clothes.

"Do I look like your personal servant?" the dragon asked.

The dragon took a seat at the dining table with his tea and cookies and munched on his food ignoring him.

Zhakhil served some rice to his plate with some meat and joined him on the table. He ate his meal while stealing glances at the dragon from the corner of his eye.

He wouldn't want the dragon to ever find out what he felt for him. That would make him distance himself from him and he couldn't have that.

He was the only person that he had seen since he was a child so it was only expected that when he turned of age and his hormones started acting up that he would be attracted to the dragon.

He had read in the books and could grasp a little bit of what he felt for dragon. He knew that it was called love but it confused him.

In all the books that he had read, all the couple were boy and girl. So he had no idea if it was wrong to love a boy, when he too was a boy. He had an idea of what girl was from the images he had seen of them.

He had never had the chance to see a girl for himself so he had no clue what it was like to have feeling for them. But he did understand how happy it made him to like the dragon.

"Axaran," the dragon called out to him. Zhakhil felt his heart skitter happily from how good the name given by the dragon sounded when the dragon uttered it. "Eat your food and stop staring at me. You will need the strength if you wish to wash all that because I am not going to help you," the dragon added.

It was then that Zhakhil realizes that he had halted in eating his food. He smiled shyly at the dragon and went back to eating his food.

"Xaddrin, will you pass me the water," he requester softly.

Xaddrin poured him a glass of water from the water jar on the table. He passed him the water, Zhakhil reached out to the water planning to brush his hand against the dragon's hand.

Involuntarily he grabbed the cup holding his hand instead of what he had originally planned. He shot his gaze up and met his beautiful blue eyes staring back at him.

He gulped unable to move, he could look into those eyes forever and get lost in them each time. They had this magic that his body craved and he couldn't help but look.

It felt so captivating to just look into his eyes without him looking away. It was as though the dragon also didn't want to stop staring into his own eyes. Not that he would ever think so, it brought him joy to imagine it but dreams and reality were different.

"You should finish eating soon," Xaddrin said looking away and removing his hand from the cup. He got up from the table not finishing his food.

"Why did you do that, now because of you Xaddrin didn't get to finish his food," he scolded himself feeling sad.

That happened a lot. Some times he would just forget and stare longer making him uncomfortable. He would leave after and he would feel too awkward to go and talk to him after that.

It was crazy that he had so much going on in his life. But that is what made his life interesting, he didn't mind the now and then misunderstanding as they gave him more chances to be with him more.

He would get to go to him to apologise and he would forgive him, after which they would just sit and talk. It was mostly him telling the prince of all the places he had been to. For a dragon, the male gas travelled to a lot of places.

Zhakhil finished his food and picked up his basket of laundry and walked to the door where he was sure the dragon was waiting for him.