
Forever Bound

An ancient promise and romance cursed by the heavens, a war that will rewrite history, and revenge for unforgivable crimes make this a book you can't miss! Dark storm clouds rolled over the jagged peaks of the mountain obscuring the morning sun. Horses stomped with anticipation as their riders clad in black armor watched the valley below. Grotesque demons and corpses alike growled with hunger as the smell of war permeated the winds blowing up the baren rocky mountain. Echoes of howling hellhounds haunted the ears of everyone in their presence as they patrolled the front lines. Their leader stood determined ahead of his army with a shred of red blood-soaked fabric wrapped around his forearm. This was only the beginning of his revenge. . . ***Mature Content Warning *** may not be suitable for all readers.

ArtemisRevenge · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

One Hundred Lifetimes

Dark storm clouds rolled over the jagged peaks of the mountain obscuring the morning sun. Horses stomped with anticipation as their riders clad in black armor watched the valley below. Grotesque demons and corpses alike growled with hunger as the smell of war permeated the winds blowing up the baren rocky mountain. Echoes of howling hellhounds haunted the ears of everyone in their presence as they patrolled the front lines. Their leader stood determined ahead of his army with a shred of red blood-soaked fabric wrapped around his forearm. This was only the beginning of his revenge. . .

Serenity ran through the woods with the stealth of a deer as she raced ahead. Her lungs burned with the cold air as she watched the shadows get darker on the forest floor. The howls of wolves could be heard echoing off the mountains as the full moon crested the jagged mountain tops. She was almost out of time.

The thick forest of trees seemed to grow even thicker as the last bit of daylight disappeared. A small light flickered through the trees ahead as the faint smell of smoke wafted through the air. Serenity ran faster and looked behind her to see if anyone was trailing her.

Suddenly the trees ended, revealing a small meadow hidden in the dense woods. In the center there was a small fire built and someone standing too close to the flames. As soon as Serenity emerged from the tree they turned around.

Serenity felt her blood run hot with emotion as she saw him standing by the fire. It had been a month since she last saw him, but even this was only a fleeting encounter. She slowed her running down as her lungs and body ached.

"You finally made it," he smiled.

"How long have you been waiting," she asked as she stepped close enough to feel the heat of the fire against her skin.

"Long enough to watch the moon rise above the mountains," he motioned. The full moon illuminated the edges of the small meadow. "We won't have long this time. They have been watching me."

Serenity took a moment to admire him without getting burned by the flames that licked as his boots. His dark hair had been cut short to keep it out of the way during sparing. His golden eyes reflected the flames of the fire that surrounded him like a cage. He stood carefree as he observed Serenity.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, the duke threw a ball tonight and my attendance was mandatory. I got away as soon as I could," she apologized. "I wish we could have more time."

Sadness and adoration overcame his facial expression as he reached towards her. "I would like nothing more than that, but this curse won't let me come to you. You know I can't break these rules."

Flames seared the bottom edge of her dress as she reached to grasp his hand. "I would take on any curse to keep you mine. I will break this curse one day," she said feeling small burn developing on her arm and hand that grasped his. "I don't care if it takes a hundred lifetimes. One day we will be able to be together."

He laced his fingers through hers taking not of how small her hand was in his. She had no idea what she was against to break his curse. "I believe you but be careful what you put yourself to. It might take longer than you think. You don't know what you are going against."

She looked him in the eyes with determination. "I vow to break this curse on you and let us finally be together. I will fight whoever comes between you and me. I don't fear death," she said stepping fully into the fire that caged him

"Serenity," he whispered as the flames began burning up the hem of her dress. "How can you say such things. There are things far worse than death that you know nothing about."

"Nothing is worse than living my life without you." She stood as tall as she could as her skin felt the blistering heat travel up her body. "I will not let anyone else try to persuade me differently."

He grabbed her in his arms and pulled her close to protect her from the flames meant for him. "My dear sweet Serenity, one day we will be able to be together without this curse. One day, even if it's not this lifetime, I will hold you close every night."

He caressed her face as he leaned down and kissed her gently, but she returned his contact with a passion that was hotter than the flames that threatened to consume them both. Tears cooled her face as she internally begged to forever stay in his arms.

Finally, he pulled her back as her uneven breathing from passion and pain that ravaged her threatened to make him lose the last ounce of self-control he possessed. She had small blisters forming on her skin as the heat was burning her alive, but she acted like she never felt the pain. "You can't stay in these flames anymore. They will consume your body and soul. One day we will be able to stay together, but you have to live until that day," he warned, pushing her gently out of the flames.

Tears flowed down her face as she looked at him through the flames. "I promise that I will do whatever it takes. I will endure whatever I must to make sure you can be free and we can be together."

"I know you will, and that is what scares me. Please be careful with who you make promises to. Promises a binding beyond this life for me, and I will continue to find you every time. You are mine Serenity," he growled as the flames grew hotter. "I don't have much more time now, but I will be back. Come find me again next time."

Serenity nodded and tried to smile with her quivering lip. "I will always be waiting for you. Go now before you suffer more. I must get back and change before they come looking for me. Until next time."

He reached out and gave her one last searing kiss before disappearing with in the flames. The small fire was all that remained from his visit. It would be another month before he could contact her again.

As soon as he disappeared, the burns and blisters on Serenity's skin faded. She still felt the heat of kiss lingering on her lips when she turned back towards the woods. She began to realize that she just made a promise to the Devil himself that wouldn't stop with her.

She stepped into the darkness of the woods as another creature quietly emerged on the opposite edge of the meadow. The large wolflike creature had white fur and golden eyes that glowed in the darkness. It growled and snarled as it transformed back into its original form, an angel.

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