
Chapter 3: Dancing Embers

Freya examines the layered dress she brought into the bathroom. She slips the white linen dress over her and wraps the brown skirt around it. Then the bodice, which ends at her waist, right at the waistband of her skirt. Her fingers fumble with the nimble laces in the front.

She hears Lilli’s voice float from outside, “Let me know if you need help with the dress. It can be tricky if you're not used to it.” Stubbornly, Freya loops the last string, tying it into place. She looks over her appearance, her curls still damp from the warm bath. Her cheeks flushed with the adrenaline of the last few hours – or however long it’s been since she fell asleep.

Walking out of the bathroom, Lilli gives her a quick look-over and smiles in approval. “Perfect,” she says in a happy voice, “Let’s go.” She walks to the door, pausing for Freya to follow her. Despite the warning bells sounding off in her head, and the reluctance to be near the sarcastic redhead again, she walks out the door.

Lilli walks slightly in front of her, leading the way. Freya can't help but examine the hallway as they walk, searching for any sign of an exit. The dismal lighting, only casting off the lit sconces with melting candles, made it all the more difficult to get her bearings. They turn a corner, and stop outside an arched doorway. There are closed wooden doors in similar carvings to the ones splattered around her room. Lilli’s hand pauses on the door handle. She turns to Freya, her skirt swirling in the motion. Her face is serious.

“I don’t know the details of how they brought you here,” she says, a slight edge in her voice, “but, I promise we’re not going to hurt you. You don’t have to be scared of us.” She waits for a response from Freya. Her eyes are expectant. Freya wonders how she can think trust would come that easily.

“I’m not scared,” Freya says, her attempt to sound convincing running hollow in her words. Lilli offers a smile, a tad sadder than the one she had earlier. Her hands push on the doorknob, opening it wide as Freya steps into the lavish room.

The first color she notices is green. The rich wallpaper matching the hue of a forest at dusk. Lush plants bloom around the room, as if the room was built around it. The high ceiling is invisible, covered with ivy that winked in the unexplainable lights flickering between the leaves. Freya marvels at the sight, trying to suppress her admiration of the beautiful room.

Her eyes slide from the decor to the redhead seated at the table. Freya grimaces as she notices he’s already looking at her, a mischievous grin on his face. As his eyes roam over her new attire. Before he can say the rude remark she just knows is dancing on his lips, Freya raises her chin. “Can you stop doing that?”

He raises his eyebrows at her, his smile growing more genuine, “Now that’s more like it.” She can’t tell if he’s talking about her attitude or her dress. Either way, she didn’t care.

He waves a hand for her to sit at the open spot across from him. Freya stays firm in where she’s standing. He looks at her, “Remember the deal, you join me for dinner and I answer your questions.” His eyes flicker to Lilli, “Plus, she’s here. So you’re in no danger.” He flashes another wicked grin at her. Freya doesn’t miss the implication of his statement.

Lilli walks behind her, sitting on the seat next to the one meant for Freya. A sign of peace. Hesitantly, Freya sits next to her. A brief garnet flash occurs, so quick that if her eyes were closed Freya would have missed it. Food appears in front of them, coupled with a wide glass of scarlet liquid. Lilli takes a deep sip.

Keeping her hands pressed together, not touching the food or liquid, Freya asks, “Where’s the other one?”

Lilli glances at her, but once again the man answers, “Oh, him? He’s…” he chews over his words, as if he’s carefully selecting them, “resting. The events from earlier were more taxing than initially planned.” The wicked gleam of his jewel toned eyes taunting her.

“I’d say,” Lilli murmurs under her breath as she takes another swig from the glass.

Freya sits back in her chair. Her face is unreadable as she studies the attractive man in front of her. He looks to be her age, if not a few years older. He looks up from his meal, and the gaze he gives her suggests she could be his next. A chill runs through her. Who are these people?

Freya shifts in her seat, forming her next question, “You know my name, what’s yours?”

He leans back in his chair, resting his fork on the silver plate. His half empty glass is still in his hand. He takes a sip, “I’ll tell you if you eat some food, or at least drink your wine. You used to be so much more polite.”

“Oh please,” Lilli says in a casual tone, “why do you always have to be so dramatic?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” he responds, “Because it’s fun.” He downs the last of the wine in his glass, pouring himself a new one.

Lilli rolls her eyes and then turns to me, “If you’re hungry you can eat. It’s not poisoned or anything.” Exactly what someone who poisoned food would say.

Freya gingerly takes a bite, convincing herself it’s for the answers. For her safety. But the ache of hunger in her stomach calls out to her. The unfamiliar flavors melt in her mouth, and Freya almost slips a smile at the taste. Her brief expression of happiness shifts back to the grimace she’s had since waking up in the oversized bed.

Her hands grip the glass in front of her, and she takes a pointed gulp of it. Staring at the so far nameless redhead in front of her. The scarlet liquid snakes down her throat, warming every inch of her. He raises his eyebrows at her. A challenge. Freya takes another sip in response.

Dizziness buzzes through her, and instantly regrets playing into his temptation. Her head spins as she tries to remember her questions. Lilli looks between Freya and the wine. A glass of water immediately appears in the same blue flash, in the same way the food did.

“Stop teasing her, she’s not used to the wine,” she says to the grinning redhead, “Freya, drink the water, it’ll help.” Freya does as she’s instructed, and her wits come back to her as she feels the effects of the wine ooze out of her.

“I ate,” Freya finally says, now angrier than before, and a tad embarrassed, “now, tell me your name.” Her eyes steady on him.

He purses his lips, a smile lingering at the edges, “Already obsessed with me? I’m not surprised.” Freya grips the table, fighting the urge to reach across the table and smack him.

“My name is Rory,” he clarifies, “Rory Cadogan. It’s nice to formally meet you, Freya Darach. Such a unique last name, do you know what it means?”

Freya blinks, realizing she doesn’t. He assumes as much as he continues, getting up from his chair and lingering behind it, “It means Oak. Maybe it explains your affinity for the earth. The gardens.” Freya tenses as he continues, circling the table, getting closer to her with every step. “And maybe, even that, has an explanation.”

Lilli grows quiet, and Rory situates himself in the chair next to Freya. “What if I told you that you aren’t human? At least not completely.” The glimmer in his eyes is darker, the amber more prominent. He props a calloused hand under his chin as he waits for her answer. An answer that Freya doesn’t have.

Ridiculous. That’s the only word running through her mind. This whole thing, the elaborate mansion – castle – whatever it is. The strange clothes, the smirks, the – she stops herself. She hadn’t said the word yet. Not even in the most secret part of her mind. But now, she allows herself to say it. Remember the fear she felt.

“Is that why you kidnapped me?” Freya spits at him.

He actually looks surprised. Lilli touches Freya’s hand that is now shaking on the table, and she quickly brushes her off. Rory’s face quickly returns to the smug grin he’s dawned most of the night. “Call it what you want, but we’re trying to help you,” he says. He looks around the room, and then grins at Freya. The room is suddenly in utter darkness, all of the candles blown out in an instant. Then, they flicker and a burst of flame erupts from each of them. Rory raises an eyebrow at her, waiting for a response.

Her mind reels, and the need for a reply evaporates as Lilli snorts, and then erupts into laughter. She stops, and looks at Rory, a chuckle escapes from her as she finally says, “Was that your big move? You think that will convince her to come with us?”

Freya waits for a harsh reply from Rory, but instead he laughs with her. Making Freya wonder what kind of relationship they have, they seem friendly enough with each other. Enough that Rory doesn’t insult her like he does her.

“Would you like to see more?” Rory asks Freya, his eyes begging her to say yes. Arrogant ass. A twinge of curiosity inside Freya almost says yes, but she would never give him that satisfaction.

“No, thank you,” her voice dripping in bitterness, “All I want is to go home.”

“Let’s make a deal, we’ll let you leave. But, only after you listen to everything we have to say. Then you can choose to join us or go home,” the dark amber returning to his eyes as he says, “do we have a deal?” He holds out his hand, waiting for her.

Everything in her screams at her to not take his hand. To not trust him, or Lilli, for one moment. But, if this is the only way home. Then, maybe she can get through it. Whatever words they think will convince her won’t work. Freya already knows her answer. She extends her hand, gripping his firm hand. A phantom shadow of the roughness of it over her mouth tugs at her mind.

“Usually deals are sealed with a kiss, but I guess a handshake will have to do. This time,” he says, his hand holding onto hers a beat too long. He said it as if there would be many more bargains between the two of them. She loosens her fingers around his and he retracts his hand. Freya quickly drops hers back to her side.

“Explain. And make it quick,” Freya demands. Trying to regain the confidence her anger gave her. Rory chuckles softly under his breath, as if her demanding something of him was a humorous notion. Still, he does what she says and tells her everything.