
Forcefully married to a billionaire who needs me

A girl who never had a father figure find out that she had a billionaire father, but her happily ever after was cut short after she was married of by her father to a cold billionaire with erectile dysfunction. Would she ever get the fatherly loves she craves? Would she find love in the marriage and finally have a happily ever after? Find out.

Caramel_Tempz · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Discovering The Truth

Jessica POV

"Don't you understand? a meeting with an heartless man" I paused "what if he is knows I exist and the meeting is a disguise to get me killed" I yelled

"There is no possiblity that he knows who you are , Just a meeting with him and stop imagining things that are not going to happen" she assured me

"Whatever happens stay simple, don't tell him whom you are for now. If you need my help text me" she said as she patted my hair

"Okay, but I need to go now it's getting dark" I told her because staying with was only triggering fear to my mind

She walked me out and we spotted a cab immediately, I threw a kiss as I entered the car.

'There are two possibilities it is either he found out I spied on him or am his daughter' came my thoughts throughout in the vehicle. The thought of calling mum would have been a good idea but at the same time she would only add more salt to my injury. I got down from the car when the Uber stopped at my apartment.

"Jess, you got to deal with your problem yourself no second party" I said inwardly as I walked into my apartment

I went straight to bathroom to have a quick and refreshing bath cos I realized that it was necessary at the moment. After the bath I took my phone to reopen the message sent, read every part without leaving a word.

"Life is definitely full of surprises" I snapped

After the rigorous staring I set my alarm clock and placed my phone on the side desk before I drifted to sleep

I woke up immediately the alarm rang , did my morning routine, since there was no time left for cooking, I took cereal and left the house. I got delayed a bit due to the traffic jam, on getting to the company I rushed to the elevator and landed on the fourth floor

I panted heavily as I sat on my chair to resume my daily duty: make coffee for director Kingsley and set up documents. After the long day I stepped out of the company and spotted a man coming towards my direction.

"You must be miss Wesley" the man asked, in a confused state I answered

"Yes and how can I help you"

"Well then, I was ordered by president Luther to pick you up" he said as he urshed me to the car, and that was when I remembered I had a meeting with President Luther

I nodded and entered the car while the man ignited the car and zoomed off. The whole driving moment was quiet and calm until he halt in front of a big restaurant

"This is where my service end, am sure President Luther will send you the address of the meeting room" immediately he said that, my phone beeped. I took my phone and checked

"Come to the fifth floor, door nine" that was the message gotten from an unknown number I presumed President Luther

"So he knows am here"

I thanked the driver and left the car then went inside the restaurant. I spotted the elevator, clicked the fifth floor. I could feel my heart beat really racing but calmed down when the elevator stopped and opened. I walked out and my mouth left a wow shape

"This place is met for the rich only" I thought but was interrupted when the receptionist cleared her throat

"How may I help you miss?" She asked

"I have a meeting with someone in door 9" I said

"You must be miss Wesley? " She paused "door 9 is lasted door " she said pointing towards a direction. I thank her then followed the direction she pointed to.

Immediately I saw door 9 my heart skipped for some time then I regained my course as I put a knock on the door, I got a come in response and I opened afterward.

Seeing his face again brought hatred and memories of two months, I knew he might not remember seeing my face because he was not in a good mood the last time we collided

"Will you continue to stare or have a seat" he snapped

I walked slowly to the seat in his front but one part of me was against the fact that I was the only one with him, I gave myself an assurance that it was just a meeting and at all

"You sent for me" I enquired after about five minutes of total silent and staring

"Of course I did but your face keeps reminding me of some one I knew in the past" he said as he continues to stare

"That's not why am here, my assistant caught you spying on me." He paused "who sent you" he banged the table really hard

"It was a mistake, I never intended to spy on you, I was only looking for your networth" I pleaded though I knew he wanted to know more

"I am not buying that, I said who sent you or you give an explanation of the people in this picture" he said as I brought some pictures out, placing it on the table

"That my mum" the word came out of my mouth unexpectedly

"Amanda is your mum?" He asked and I noticed his pupil dilated

"God no, he must not find out! I need a medication to my running mouth" I scolded myself mentally

"How did you know her name" I asked like I did not know anything secretly sparing him a dirty glare

"This can be true Amanda died twenty five years ago" he said and there he lost me.

Then I remembered I didn't give my mum the time to narrate the story as I angrily left the house. President Luther stood up snapped his finger and someone from outside brought a folder and gave him, he nodded and left immediately. President Luther flipped the folder crazily then stopped

"Amanda died the day she was pregnant, but how is that possible I buried Amanda myself" he paused and continue to flip the file, again he stopped and pass me the folder to also confirm what he said.

My eyes widened in shock when I saw the photo of her grave, funeral service. My brain could not accommodate any information again then I passed out


Luther Maxwell POV

After my assistant sent her the message I had serious mind unrest, I left the company for home with a disturbed mind.

Immediately I got home I went straight to my secret room and opened a safe I had seriously forgotten for years. I brought a folder and I let a long-lasting cough due to the dust on the folder, I took the folder from the room then closed the door.

I dropped it on the table in the sitting room as I went to take a bottle of whiskey and cup. I began to open the folder while pouring the whiskey into the glass cup, I stopped flipping the book and gulped the whole content I poured into the cup once, without drifting my eyes off the folder as I took another gulp.

I stopped at the third cup when I saw the picture of Amanda dead disfigured body and that of the funeral service, as tear began to roll down my cheeks. I took another gulpas I remembered the last time I saw her, that was the day she told me she was pregnant and angrily left when I told her I was not responsible for the pregnancy, my ignorant lead to her death

"I should have accepted the pregnancy only if I knew I was responsible for the pregnancy" I murmured continually

I stood up wiped the tears on my face, cleared the table and walked to my bathroom to have a bath then went to sleep.

I woke up to the severe headache I had due to the whiskey I had yesterday, I stood up only to notice that I had spent for roughly eighteen hours. I did my morning routine and came out of my bedroom as I spotted Mike down the stairs

"I wanted to wake you up but I felt this is the first time you will sleep this long after a long time" he tried to explain

I didn't reply instead I nodded and gave him the folder, I could see he was shocked with my reaction. Maybe he was expecting a scold or warning

"Send a driver to pick her up after work" I told him

"Yes sir" he responded which shows he understands the her I was talking about

Mike ran immediately to open the door when he noticed I was going to the direction of the door, I stepped out as he closed the door then signalled to the driver, immediately the driver opened the back door of car i pointed too as I entered. Mike joined after he spoke to another driver who was going to pick her up.

I entered the restaurant, as Mike spoke to the receptionist considering the guest I was going to have. I entered my reserved room in the restaurant and ordered Mike to send the address of the room. After ten minutes I had a knock from the door

"Come in" I told her. Immediately she entered and I saw her face and my heart skipped, it took me some time before I gained my heart balance back

"Will you continue to stare or have a seat" I snapped when I realized she was also lost

She walked slowly to the seat in my front and that was when I had a clearer view of her face

" She looks like Amanda" I said inwardly

"You sent for me" she asked after she found out I was staring at her intensively

"Of course I did, but your face keeps reminding me of some one I knew in the past" I blurted out

"That's not why am here, my assistant caught you spying on me." I paused "who sent you" I said as I banged the table really hard

"It was a mistake, I never intended to spy on you, I was only looking for your networth" she said with a bit of fear but I was not convinced

"I am not buying that, I said who sent you or you give an explanation to the people in this picture" I said as I brought some pictures out, placing it on the table

"That my mum" came her response in fear

"Amanda is your mum?" I asked to be sure of all my assumption

"How did you know her name" she asked as I locked my eye to hers the only response I could give her out of shock was that

"This can be true Amanda died twenty five years ago"

I stood up, snapped my finger and Mike from outside brought a folder inside, nodded and left immediately. I flipped the folder crazily because I needed her to see for herself

"Amanda died the day she told me she was pregnant, but how is that possible I buried Amanda myself" I told her and continue to flip the file. I stopped and passed her the folder, she collected the file, saw the pictures and passed out but before she could fall I grabbed her