
Forcefully Kidnapped

Kenlynn_Thomas · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chapter Twelve

Eventually I'm going to be forced to tell James the awful truth about Cyrus and I don't know if that's going to be a good idea seeing that Cyrus and James seems pretty close with one another.

Cyrus hasn't seen me for five years and I wonder what he has been doing with his life in that amount of time. He surly got mixed up with the wrong guys if his friends with James. "Alexis you have to tell me what's going on!" James yells as he frustratedly grazes his hands through his hair while he walks up and down the room trying too keep his sanity. "Cyrus is my brother." I mumbled lowly anticipating James every move. He stops moving shortly and just stood there looking up at the sealing like that would do us any justice right now.

What's the worst that could happen? It's not like James is going to kick me out, feed me to the wolves and laugh about it or could he. "His sister is dead." he laughs viciously, displeased at my tone. Now he thinks I'm lying about being related to Cyrus. James certainly has trust issues.

"Fine you don't have to believe me." I said rolling my eyes at him. James walks up to me then grabs ahold of my neck from the back and whispers in my ear. "Don't ever roll your eyes at me Alexis." he demands while holding onto my neck and giving it a squeeze that could possibly cut off my oxygen supply

"Or what? You keep making these remarks but yet you do nothing." I explained with a victorious smile on my face, feeling like I've just won the war. "I guess I'll have to show you then." he says leaving me stunned in the middle of the room. Just when I thought I've won he throws a comeback at me with that gruesome smirk on his face. Tight lipped smile that's slightly slanted to the left, supposedly that smile is called the panty dropper but I don't see any panties dropping.

James walks off as soon as his phone began ringing in annoyance. Of cause I silently went in stealth mode and slithered behind him. 'Dude this chick is getting to me big time'. I heard him said to someone over the phone followed by

'No I can't just leave her all alone she's different'.

'Man I think she's Cyrus's sister'.

'No shit his going to kill me if he finds out'.

I wonder what he meant by finding out. Seeing as Cyrus and James are so close James probably told him everything already so what else is there to tell that would upset Cyrus. "Get dress we meeting up with Cara." Ah I almost forgot about Cara. How could I even forgot about her? She is like my daughter, she makes me feel like a mother and I promise once all of this is over I might adopt her soon.

"Why still standing there? The cloths is not going to magically appear on you. Hurry up." he says throwing a bunch of cloths towards me. Someone has been shopping while I was asleep and he sure has a grate eye for fashion.

"If you wondering, no I didn't go directly to the store to buy them I just phoned in and gave them your size so don't think this is some grand gesture." James laughs as he walks out the front door leaving me flustered and all upset. I still don't get how he can understand what's going on in this head of mine.