
Forced surrogate mother

Max was devastated when his wife left him for someone else, and his hatred for women only intensified. His ex-wife asked him to find a surrogate for the child she was carrying after the divorce. On his quest, he encountered Priscilla , a young woman living on the streets with her mother . Despite her unkempt appearance, Max offered her a contract to become the mother of his child. Desperate to save her ailing mother , she accepted the offer. As they began living together, Max realized how beautiful Priscilla was and was drawn to her. How could he turn a street girl into a proper wife and lover? How would he battle his ex-wife, who wanted him back after she was jilted by her lover? Follow the story of a powerful billionaire and a street kid girl as they journey through love, betrayal, and redemption. ......... All Right Reserved. This book is owned by me, and no one is allowed to use or adapt it in any way without my permission. My........ WARNING THE COVER OF THE BOOK IS NOT MiNE CREDIT GOING TO Al generator. .......... I like communicating with my readers. My Whatsapp number is 081 420 4300. My Facebook account is@ Nancy Micheal.

Edith_Skosana · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
90 Chs

Chapter 36

Max's POV

I parked the car in front of the mansion and walked over to Priscilla, who had fallen asleep on the beach. I had carefully placed her in the back seat earlier. As I looked at her, a smile formed on my face. She looked stunning without makeup, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. My eyes couldn't help but wander to her lips, slightly parted and so inviting. Thoughts of her in only panties flooded my mind, making it hard to control my desire. It's normal to be attracted to such a beautiful girl, but I need to keep these thoughts to myself and maintain self-control. What I feel is not love, just a physical attraction.

"Don't park my car yet, I need to leave," I told the guard and made my way upstairs.

I carefully laid Priscilla on the bed, tucking her inside the blankets. I was about to turn and leave the room, but Priscilla started mumbling something in her sleep.

"Daddy, stop what you are doing, I'm your daughter," Priscilla mumbled, swatting the air with her hands.

"Daddy, stop. Mommy, where are you?" Priscilla started kicking the air, throwing the blanket on the floor. I sat at the edge of the bed next to her. I could see sweat forming on her forehead. Tears flowed out of her eyes.

"Stop, Daddy, leave my dress, why would you do this to me? I'm your daughter," Priscilla yelled in her sleep, more tears welling up.

My eyes widened, my brows furrowed, my stomach hardened, and it felt as if time had stopped hearing what Priscilla was murmuring in her sleep. What happened to her? What did her father do to her? Did he try to…? My eyes widened. Who would do such a disgusting thing to their daughter?

"No!" I was snapped out of my daze by Priscilla's scream.

"Priscilla, wake up." I shook her arms slightly. She abruptly sat up on her bed, her breath heavy, and sweat and tears all over her face.

I quickly rose from the bed, walked to the nightstand, and grabbed a jug of water before pouring it into a glass and walking back to the bed.

"Priscilla, have some water," I said, handing the glass of water to her. But her hands were trembling. I sat on the bed and brought the glass to her lips, helping her drink some of it.

"Calm down, Priscilla," I said after she finished drinking the water. I placed the glass on the nightstand. I sat next to her, her body trembling with sobs. I pulled her into my arms and she quickly wrapped her trembling hand around me.

I rubbed her hair with my hands, trying to calm her down. She was sobbing uncontrollably, her body trembling as she sobbed. I knew that something significant had happened to her that I didn't know about. I wished I could make her forget her past and move on. I want her to be happy and not let her past haunt her like this. I want to protect her.

Priscilla's sobs seemed to be dying down, her breath coming more evenly now.

"Priscilla, are you okay?" I asked softly, not letting go of her.

"Mmh," Priscilla mumbled, her head resting on my chest.

"Are you sleepy?" I asked softly, rubbing her hair gently.

Priscilla shook her head on my chest without saying anything. Maybe she was sad because of the nightmare she just had, and I couldn't leave her in such a state. It was also important that I go and teach that rascal a lesson but I shouldn't leave Priscilla alone. I should stay with her and make sure she is fine.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked softly. Priscilla let go of me. I felt a pang in my heart when I saw tears in her eyes, which had turned red from crying. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it. But always know that I will always be there for you, Priscilla. I'm here if you want someone to talk to."

"Thanks," Priscilla said in a husky tone.

"Do you need anything to eat?" I asked. I knew she loved chocolate or ice cream whenever she was sad, but I wanted her to tell me if she wanted anything.

"I don't want anything, please don't leave me. I can't sleep alone," Priscilla mumbled, tears welling in her eyes. Her tone was filled with desperation.

"I'm not going anywhere. Come, let's sleep." I said, I laid down on the bed and Priscilla lay down next to me.

"Come here," I told Priscilla, inviting her to rest her head on my chest. She didn't argue, she moved closer to me and rested her head on my chest.

Priscilla's POV

I let the shower water cascade down my body. I felt so relaxed and calm. Yesterday's dream was so vivid that it felt real. I saw all the details clearly. I don't know what I should do to alleviate these nightmares. They keep plaguing me, tormenting me every night. These nightmares have become a part of me. I'm used to them. If Max hadn't been in life right now, I don't know what could have happened after my mother's death. I'm grateful to him. After bathing, I wrapped a towel around me and walked out of the bathroom. I stood in front of the closet mirror, and my hand moved to my belly, which was growing a little. It's still hard for me to believe that someone is growing in my womb. I wish I could mother it, but unfortunately, I can't. After giving birth to it, I have to go. I can't rely on Max for the rest of my life. I need to go far away and start a new life for myself.

After getting dressed in a pair of jeans and an oversized shirt along with black sneakers, just as I was about to leave the closet, my eyes fell on a handbag that was placed there. It didn't look like my bag, so how come it is here? It looks expensive too. The brand was different from the brand of clothes Max bought for me.

What is happening here? Who bought this bag and placed it in my room? Nelly or that old hag? But why? I had this feeling that this bag may have put me in trouble somehow.

Did they take me for a fool? Now it's time to show them that I'm not a fool and they can't fool me. I took the bag in my hand and left the room.

Author's POV

Priscilla arrived in the dining room to a crowd that included the police, and she couldn't help but frown in confusion. "Good morning," she muttered to Liz beside her. "What's going on?"

Liz leaned in. "Auntie Suzie's causing a fuss, claiming that someone stole from her in this house and calling the police," Liz explained, with a smirk forming on Priscilla's face. It seemed she had been right all along.

"This girl is the one who stole my things," Auntie Suzie told the police, her eyes fixed on Priscilla.

"Inspector, I agree with Auntie. Priscilla used to be a street kid, so I'm sure she's capable of stealing," Nelly added.

"Priscilla, did you steal Auntie Suzie's things? If you did, please return them now and avoid any further trouble," Max asked, and Priscilla gasped in shock.

"Max, are you seriously suggesting that I stole something? Do you think I'm just a hungry street kid who'd steal whatever she could get her hands on?" Priscilla asked, hurt etched into her voice.

"Priscilla, I'm just trying to do what's best for you. If you stole something, it's better to give it back now before things escalate," Max said, though he didn't seem to honestly believe that Priscilla had stolen anything.

"Inspector, we should probably search her room," Auntie Suzie suggested.

"Have you got a warrant for that?" Liz interjected. "You can't just arrest someone based on an accusation without evidence. I'm Priscilla's lawyer, and I won't let you do that without proof."

"We can search her room, Auntie," the inspector said, ignoring Liz's objections.

As the police searched Priscilla's room, her closet, and her drawers, they found nothing, frustrating Aunt Suzie.

"Why don't we search Nelly's room too? She's a stranger in this house, after all," Liz said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Why do you want to search my room? I didn't steal anything," Nelly pleaded as she grew uneasy.

"You all accused me of stealing, and I knew I was innocent. That's why I allowed the police to search my room. If you're innocent, too, then allow them to search your room," Priscilla said.

"Inspector, let's also search Nelly's room," Max said.

They all trooped into Nelly's room, and as the police searched, one officer found a bag filled with jewelry and money.

"I've found a bag of jewelry and cash," the officer announced.

Nelly gasped in shock. "That's not mine! I didn't steal that!"

"Is this the bag you were talking about?" The inspector asked Auntie Suzie.

"Yes," she gritted out.

"Mrs. Nelly, you're under arrest for theft," the inspector announced. "Anything you say now will be used against you in court. You're going to need to remain silent and come with us."

"No! I didn't steal anything! Why are you doing this?" Nelly pleaded, tears rolling down her face.

As the officers handcuffed Nelly, she begged Max for help, sobbing uncontrollably.

"We need to talk," Liz said to Priscilla as she grabbed her arm and pulled her away.

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