
Forced surrogate mother

Max was devastated when his wife left him for someone else, and his hatred for women only intensified. His ex-wife asked him to find a surrogate for the child she was carrying after the divorce. On his quest, he encountered Priscilla , a young woman living on the streets with her mother . Despite her unkempt appearance, Max offered her a contract to become the mother of his child. Desperate to save her ailing mother , she accepted the offer. As they began living together, Max realized how beautiful Priscilla was and was drawn to her. How could he turn a street girl into a proper wife and lover? How would he battle his ex-wife, who wanted him back after she was jilted by her lover? Follow the story of a powerful billionaire and a street kid girl as they journey through love, betrayal, and redemption. ......... All Right Reserved. This book is owned by me, and no one is allowed to use or adapt it in any way without my permission. My........ WARNING THE COVER OF THE BOOK IS NOT MiNE CREDIT GOING TO Al generator. .......... I like communicating with my readers. My Whatsapp number is 081 420 4300. My Facebook account is@ Nancy Micheal.

Edith_Skosana · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
90 Chs

Chapter 25

 Priscilla's POV 

I tossed and turned on the bed, trying to fall asleep, but I couldn't. I felt tired, but sleep eluded me. Why can't I fall asleep when I want to? Frustrated, I climbed out of bed, feeling the cold floor beneath my feet. I made my way to the bathroom, shedding my clothes before stepping into the shower. The warm water cascaded down my body, relaxing every muscle. Maybe this was why I couldn't sleep.

After washing away my tiredness, I stepped out of the shower. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body, then headed to the closet. As I changed into fresh clothes, I heard the door to my room open. I didn't expect Max to arrive so quickly. I thought he was going to reconcile with his ex-wife, but it seemed like they were getting divorced. I felt sorry for him. He had been betrayed by someone he loved wholeheartedly, and I knew the pain he must be experiencing.

"Priscilla, where are you?" I heard Max call out my name anxiously. I furrowed my brow. Did he think I ran away with his baby? Seriously. I felt like teasing him, but I decided against it. The poor man was heartbroken.

"Max," I called out to him. "I'm here. I don't want to add to your problems."

"Oh my God, Priscilla, where are you?" I heard Max let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm in the closet. I'm getting dressed," I yelled.

"Oh, I thought…" I didn't let him finish his sentence.

"I ran away with your baby, huh?" I said as I finished getting dressed. I stepped out of the closet and saw Max sitting on the couch, lost in his own world. I guessed his conversation with Nelly didn't go as I expected. That woman was an excuse for a human being. I used to think that men were trash, but ever since I met Max, I realized that women and men were the same, although we women might be worse in some ways. Sighing, I walked over to the couch and sat next to him.

"I've always heard that love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener. Marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering. I'm actually proud of you for getting out before the suffering began," I said, jokingly.

Max let out a chuckle. "Are you trying to make me feel better?" he turned and looked at me.

"Of course not, I don't care about you, but I can't let you stress yourself out. What if you have a heart attack and die, leaving me alone with the baby, no money, and no job?" I explained. It was true. I simply couldn't let all that happen before the baby was born.

"You're really impossible. Don't worry about me, I'm fine," Max said, smiling a little, although I could still see the sadness hidden behind his smile.

"I'm not a fool, Max. I can see that you're on the verge of crying right now, and it's okay to cry when you're sad. I promise I won't call you a crying baby," I said, trying to hide my grin.

Max shook his head. "Your meal will be here soon. You should get some rest," Max said, getting up from the couch.

"You can go to your room and have some alone time. I can take care of myself," I said.

"Priscilla, I'm not leaving you here alone. I have to take care of you and the baby and make sure you both stay healthy. You heard what the doctor said. I don't want anything to happen to you because of me," Max said. I rose from the couch and looked at him.

"Don't give me that look. I'm not leaving you. Come on, you need to rest," Max said stubbornly.

I sighed. He wouldn't listen to me, would he? "Max, stop acting like my husband or my father. I'm telling you that I'm fine. Just listen to me and go to your room and get some rest. I will be fine," I said. I couldn't be selfish. Despite disliking him, I also felt sorry for him.

Max caught me off guard when he scooped me up in his arms and started carrying me to the bed.

"Max, what are you doing? I can walk on my own. Put me down right now," I said angrily. How could he just carry me like a sack of potatoes?

"You don't listen to me, so I have no choice but to take action," Max said, placing me gently on the bed and covering my feet with a blanket.

"Max, stop treating me like a baby. I'm nineteen years old. I'm a grown woman and I can take care of myself," I said loudly. Why was I being treated as if I were sick?

"I'm six years older than you, which means you should listen to me because I know better," Max said calmly, sitting at the edge of the bed next to me.

"Seriously now? I'm trying to help you here, but you're being stubborn. So what if you're older than me? I don't care. I do what I want, not what you want. And right now, I want you out of my room. If you don't go, I will cry," I said stubbornly, my breath quickening from all the talking.

"Cry if you want to, unfortunately, you won't die," Max said rising from the bed, I frowned when I saw him heading to the bathroom. 

"Where are you going?" I asked, Max turned and looked at me. 

"To get a tissue. You will need a lot of it when you start crying don't you think?" Max asked and disappeared to the bathroom. I blinked, was he being serious right now? First of all, I was trying to help him but he was making fun of me. He came back from the bathroom, holding a bowl of water and a towel. 


 Max's POV 

"What is that for?"Priscilla questioned as I set down the bowl brimming with water.

"Please lay down," I instructed. However, Priscilla narrowed her eyes in confusion "Why should I?" She asked

"It will help with your fever. Please stop arguing and follow my instructions," I replied. I then proceeded to dip a towel into the water and wring it out. Priscilla complied and lay down on the bed. I placed the towel on her forehead and continued to dip and wring out the towel, placing it on her forehead each time. Eventually, her fever subsided and she fell asleep.

After taking the bowl and towel to the bathroom, I left Priscilla's room. 

I sat on the bar, holding a glass of whiskey in my hand. 

"Max, I love you." Nelly's voice filled the room and I felt her sit on my lap. She wrapped her legs around my waist and her hands around my neck. 

I held her waist and pulled her closer to me. "But I love you more than you love me," I told her with a smile. Nelly giggled in response. 

"Prove it to me," she said with a seductive smile. I kissed her passionately, unable to resist. With a swift motion, I removed her shirt and unhooked her bra, discarding it on the floor. Our kisses grew deeper as I caressed her breasts, eliciting loud moans from Nelly. 

As she unzipped my trousers, I removed her panties. We came together, with Nelly riding me and moaning loudly. I guided her movements by placing my hands on her waist, our lips locked in a passionate embrace. 

Our moans filled the room as we reached our climax. Nelly rested her head on my neck, and we remained motionless, savoring the moment.

"You always know how to drive me mad and I love you for that," Nelly whispered, her breath hitting my chest. 

"I love you more, Nelly. Always will," I replied, feeling content. 

Suddenly, I snapped out of my daze and realized it was just a dream. The image of Nelly and my uncle started playing in my head and I clenched my glass so hard that it shattered into pieces, spilling whiskey on the bar table. 

Why did Nelly do this to me? I was starting to fall for her, but she decided to hurt me. We could have been happy together with our baby, but she threw it all away.