
Forced surrogate mother

Max was devastated when his wife left him for someone else, and his hatred for women only intensified. His ex-wife asked him to find a surrogate for the child she was carrying after the divorce. On his quest, he encountered Priscilla , a young woman living on the streets with her mother . Despite her unkempt appearance, Max offered her a contract to become the mother of his child. Desperate to save her ailing mother , she accepted the offer. As they began living together, Max realized how beautiful Priscilla was and was drawn to her. How could he turn a street girl into a proper wife and lover? How would he battle his ex-wife, who wanted him back after she was jilted by her lover? Follow the story of a powerful billionaire and a street kid girl as they journey through love, betrayal, and redemption. ......... All Right Reserved. This book is owned by me, and no one is allowed to use or adapt it in any way without my permission. My........ WARNING THE COVER OF THE BOOK IS NOT MiNE CREDIT GOING TO Al generator. .......... I like communicating with my readers. My Whatsapp number is 081 420 4300. My Facebook account is@ Nancy Micheal.

Edith_Skosana · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
90 Chs

Chapter 11

Max's POV

I woke up to the sun shining through my window, indicating it was around 9.30 am. Realizing I was late, I panicked as I was supposed to mix Priscilla's medicine with her food, but she must have already eaten. As I sat on the bed, my wrist tracker made a notification sound, indicating Priscilla was not in the house. Anxiety set in as I recalled the words I had said to her, thinking she may have left in anger. Determined, I quickly got up and reached for my phone to call Nicolas.

"Nic, I have a big problem," I urgently exclaimed, my voice filled with desperation. "Please, you have to track Priscilla's location. She's left the house."

Nicolas responded with concern in his voice. "What did you do, Max?" I could feel my heart skip a beat as I swallowed hard, the weight of my actions heavy on my conscience.

"Nic, let's talk about that later, please," I pleaded, my voice tinged with anxiety. "Right now, we need to focus on finding her. The tracker I have here is indicating that she left the house, but it doesn't provide her current location."

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Nicolas calmly replied, "Okay, meet me at the office." With that, he hung up the phone, leaving me to grapple with my thoughts.

I tossed my phone onto the coffee table and rushed to the bathroom. The water from the shower cascaded over me, washing away the physical remnants of the night before. As I hastily changed into fresh clothes, a mix of adrenaline and alcohol coursed through my veins, causing my heart to throb slightly. But at that moment, I couldn't afford to dwell on my intoxication. Finding Priscilla was my sole focus.

As I dashed out of the house, my mind raced with regret. I couldn't understand why I had allowed myself to lose control the previous night. It was a blur of drunkenness, and in my stupor, I had uttered words that should have remained unspoken. Now, I fear the consequences of my actions. I couldn't bear the thought of Priscilla leaving the country, taking my baby with her.

After a few minutes of driving, I skillfully maneuvered my car into the parking lot, finding the perfect spot to park. With a sense of urgency, I swiftly exited the vehicle and hurriedly made my way inside the company building.

As soon as I stepped foot into my office, Nicolas greeted me with the information I needed. "I have her location," he announced, carrying a weight off my shoulders. Grateful for the update, I gratefully sank into a chair, allowing myself a moment to catch my breath.

However, Nicolas wasted no time in expressing his concern. His voice filled with a mix of worry and admonishment, he questioned my actions. "What did you do to her? You know very well that losing your temper with her is not advisable, especially considering her delicate condition. Her pregnancy is riddled with complications. What if the stress causes her harm or jeopardizes the well-being of the baby?" His words struck a chord, reminding me of the foolishness I had displayed the previous night.

I felt remorseful. "I'm sorry, Nic. I allowed my anger to get the best of me. That girl acts as if I am some sort of villain, intent on stealing her heart and selling it to the highest bidder. She is constantly yelling and shouting, and I find it increasingly difficult to endure." As I spoke, I ran my hands through my hair, a gesture of frustration and regret.

Nicolas glared at me with his piercing blue eyes. "It's only been a week, you still have more months to go. You have to control your emotions because you will lose everything because of anger. Anger is just a feeling that will last for a few minutes and go away, but what you lose in those few minutes is hard to replace and it will never come back to you. Don't let your anger get the best of you. Especially because of that spineless woman, you call Nelly and your rotten-minded man you call your uncle," Nicolas said. He was right. He was always right, and he was a good and rare friend to find these days.

"Thank you for bringing me on the right path. I don't know what I could have done without you," I said, my words filled with grateful emotions.

"Stop thanking me now," Nicolas said jokingly. "Let's go and look for my future sister-in-law," he said, and I glared at him as I stood from the chair to follow him out.

"I can never date that girl, I'm telling you for the second time," I said as I walked beside him.

"If you don't want her, I will marry her. She is so beautiful," Nicolas said, chuckling.

"You can't. She is the mother of my child," I retorted.

"So you will marry her, right?" Nicole asked, and I shook my head in disbelief.

After entering the car, I promptly started the engine and followed the tracker's directions. Meanwhile, Nicolas engaged in a conversation with his enigmatic girlfriend, whom he had deliberately kept hidden from me. Upon reaching a side road where the tracker came to a halt, I inferred that Priscilla must be in the vicinity. However, I found it perplexing why she would be on a busy highway, amidst numerous vehicles. In an act of loyalty, I exited the car with the tracker, while Nicolas remained on the phone, unwilling to assist.

As I traversed the highway on foot, diligently searching for Priscilla, I weaved through the cars in my quest. To my astonishment, I spotted Priscilla occupied with cleaning people's cars at a traffic light. I couldn't help but question the seriousness of her actions at that moment. From a distance, she appeared fatigued, as if she could collapse at any given moment.

With a sense of urgency, I hastened towards her and managed to catch her just as she was about to stumble. Her body felt cold to the touch, indicating her overall exhaustion.

I carried her in my arms and made my way toward the car, she was unconscious. What would happen if I hadn't found her on time? Reaching the car, I found Nicolas leaning against the car. His eyes widened when he saw me carrying Priscilla in my arm, he opened the back door for me, placing her in the car. I climbed inside the car, I carefully laid Priscilla on my lap before Nicolas started the car.

"What happened to her?" Nicoles asked, his eyes fixed on the road as he drove.

"I think she's just tired, man. She was scrubbing the car at a damn traffic light," I replied, feeling a mix of emotions I can't even put into words.

"You must've messed up for her to go to this extreme. What the hell did you say to her?" Nicoles inquired, concerned about lacing his voice.

"It's a long story, dude. We'll save it for another time. Just drive faster," I sighed, feeling the weight of guilt pressing down on me.

After a few minutes of driving, Nicoles pulled up in front of the hospital, opening the door for me. I carefully cradled Priscilla in my arms and made my way inside.

"What happened to her?" Mark, my tall and dark brown friend who also happened to be a doctor, questioned, his voice filled with worry.

"We had a massive argument yesterday, and she took off today. I have no clue what's going on with her," I confessed, the guilt gnawing at me. Mark swiftly checked her pulse and temperature.

"Max, I've warned you about this. Your constant stress is seriously dangerous. It could harm her or the baby," Mark cautioned, his tone stern.

"Wait outside, I'll call you soon," Mark said. I left the room, leaving him, his nurses, and Priscilla, who lay lifeless on the bed. I plopped down on the bench next to Nicolas, covering my face with my hands. Priscilla, man, she's so stubborn. Always picking fights for no reason. I tell her the truth, and she gets all angry and starts unnecessary drama.

"It'll be okay, dude. Just gotta be strong and patient," Nicolas said, giving me a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"I just hope nothing bad happens to her," I muttered.

"She is fine," I heard Mark's voice say, breaking through the haze of worry that had clouded my mind. I raised my head and saw him making his way toward us, his steps purposeful and determined. Without a moment's hesitation, I hurried over to meet him, my heart pounding in my chest.

"She is pregnant, and it is not healthy for her to stay hungry for extended periods," Mark explained in a calm and professional tone. "That's why she fainted. She also had a slight fever, but I have already administered an injection to help alleviate her symptoms. She will be fine. However, you must take good care of her. Avoid anything that might cause her sadness or stress. It is imperative that she eats regularly and takes her medication on time, as neglecting these could lead to a critical condition."

I nodded, absorbing his words and the weight of responsibility that came with them. "So, can I take her home before she wakes up? I haven't told her the truth yet," I inquired, my voice filled with concern.

"Yes, you can take her home," Mark replied, his voice filled with understanding. "But please, I implore you, do your best. She is still young and may not fully comprehend the gravity of the situation. However, you do understand, don't you? Act maturely with her, and be the pillar of strength she needs. Do not succumb to childish behavior, even if she may be acting that way."

His words struck a chord within me, and I realized the importance of my role in this delicate situation. "I understand now," I admitted, a tinge of self-awareness coloring my voice. "You two will continue to guide me as if I were a child, won't you?" I couldn't help but complain, though a hint of amusement danced in my eyes.

Mark and I shared a chuckle, a brief moment of levity amidst the seriousness of the circumstances.

Priscilla's POV

As I slowly opened my eyes, the room came into focus. I found myself sitting up on the bed, taking in the familiar surroundings of my room. Memories flooded back to me - the day I spent cleaning cars along the bustling highway. I recalled the moment when dizziness overcame me, threatening to send me toppling to the ground. And then, everything went blank. I couldn't recall a single thing that happened after that.

But I knew, deep down, that it was Max who had come to my rescue. He must have found me, despite my attempt to escape. After all, I had a tracker implanted in my body, ensuring that he could locate me no matter where I went. And there he was, sitting on the chair beside my bed, a mix of concern and frustration etched on his face. I expected his scolding, his words of admonishment for my impulsive decision to run away. I knew he would call me crazy, an ungrateful brat.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his concerned eyes fixed on me. I furrowed my brow, perplexed by his unexpected reaction. Wasn't he supposed to unleash a torrent of anger and berate me for my foolishness?

I nodded, my chin sinking towards my chest. I had expected his fury, his shouts, or perhaps even his labeling of me as crazy. How was I supposed to exact my revenge if he continued to act like this, making me feel guilty for my actions?

He rose from the chair and moved to the edge of the bed, his posture displaying a mix of remorse and sincerity. "Priscilla, I sincerely apologize for what I said yesterday. I was intoxicated, my mind clouded with a multitude of thoughts. Please find it in your heart to forgive me," he pleaded.

I narrowed my eyes, my face contorted with a mixture of suspicion and rising anger. I had fled in the morning, hoping to instigate his wrath, to provoke him into shouting, hitting me, or even throwing me out of the house. But instead, he was offering an apology. He was being too soft. No wonder his wife had cheated on him. How was I supposed to maintain my hatred towards him?

"Do you forgive me, Priscilla?" he asked, his voice tinged with hope. I grimaced, pondering how to best irritate this man.