
Forced Engagement

A girl was forced into an engagement with a man she never met. She gathered her courage and ran away towards an adventure of a lifetime. There she will meet someone who is likely the key she is looking for towards a happy life.

Kai_Che · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Waking Up

[Flora's Point of View]

I'm turning 17 tomorrow. You might be getting excited or happy, but not me. Our family ran a famous fast-food chain here in the Philippines. It's called, Kamayan. My father has always wanted to be a business partner with another fast-food company. It's a bigger company named Puso. My father came into an agreement with the other party. They would have his son engaged to me in order to preserve the circulation of the family wealth.

What a typical and cancerous mindset of the old generations. Wealth is all they want. Have they even asked me what I truly want? I am given everything and that is how everybody sees me. What they don't see however is the emptiness lock deep inside my heart.

I grabbed the curtain in my room and pushed it to one side and the morning light filled the entire place. The glossy finish of the tables beside my bed glowed as the sun's rays made contact with its surface. I took a deep breath and released a big sigh as I sunk into the thought of being engaged to someone I do not know.

I opened the window and moved closer as I peek my head outside in order to feel the air from the seven-story building we call home. I looked down below and noticed the venue preparation being done.

"Oh, it's tomorrow.." I murmured to myself

I released another big sigh and slowly looked up into the sky. The sweet orange color of a rising sun is still very much visible in the city.

"Is this really how it all ends huh God? I wanted more freedom, but I'm getting more chains tomorrow as my birthday present. You really do not listen do you?"

I slowly backed away from the window side and threw myself to the bed once more.

"I don't care if I'm reborn as a poor person in my next life. I just want to live a happy and simple life."

The doorbell in my room rang followed by three knocks on the door.

"Miss Flora, it's 6 AM. Time to get up. Your schedule for today is very tight. You need a lot of things to prepare for your birthday tomorrow"

I pretended to be asleep and didn't bother answering at all. I wrapped myself with more blankets but I can still hear the additional knocks on the door. I turned to my side and replied.

"I'm awake miss Amy. I'll be there in a minute."

I slowly composed myself and stared at the closet right across. I pushed aside the blanket covering me and got out of bed once more.

I opened the closet and chose the casual pink shirt and blue shorts. I took a quick turn and stared at myself at the mirror while gently brushing my hair.

I slowly walked towards the door with a heavy heart. As I was about to grab the doorknob, I saw a magazine lying down below.

"What are you doing here? "

I bended down and reached for the magazine with one arm. It's quite old and I'm wondering how it got there in the first place. It was dusty and the colors where kind of faded.

"Adventure of a lifetime "

I was intrigued by this old magazine and decided to open at least one page.Most where unreadable since the pages where covered in holes.

"Basdako Moalboal"

I was amazed by the beautiful beaches shown in the tattered magazine. I've never been to wonderful places before. It made me jealous to those people filled with freedom. Rebellious thoughts quickly came to me as I was scanning the pages. I never felt so much excited just by looking up at an old magazine.

I closed my eyes and whispered to myself.

"Okay Flora, today we are getting out of this place. "

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