
Forbidden Worlds: Creator's Toy

In the distant reaches of the RENES solar system, within the enigmatic AXIS stellar system, lies the mythical planet Primeria—a world bathed in the radiance of mana, an ethereal energy source as old as the universe itself, primarily harnessed for the art of magic. In the year 9254 Primerian era, an age shrouded in legend and myth, the fate of Primeria hung in the balance, shaped by forces both divine and mortal. Enter Leo Azazel, a man out of time. Plucked from the year 2025 of the human calendar by unknown and otherworldly forces, Leo finds himself thrust into a cosmos beyond imagination. He is both the hero and the pawn in a cosmic game orchestrated by an enigmatic presence, known only as the 'Creator,' whose motives remain hidden in the shadows. This entity, the unseen hand behind the curtain, has become the puppeteer of worlds, weaving destinies as a form of entertainment. Leo's mission: to undo the oppressive reign of the self-proclaimed gods, the guardians of Primeria, whose rule threatens to tear the planet apart. With a potential unmatched by any in the universe, Leo must first unlock his dormant abilities, mastering mana and discovering the secrets hidden within Primeria's depths to wield the magic needed to challenge these divine usurpers. As the legend unfolds, recounted by a Descendant of the hero to Jhon Farner, a researcher from the future, the epic tale explores the boundaries of power, free will, and the enigmatic nature of the Creator's design. In a world where technology and magic collide, Primeria's fate rests in Leo's hands. He must choose whether to embrace his destiny as the Creator's Toy or shatter the cosmic cycle, even if it means risking the very existence of the universe itself. Forbidden Worlds: Creator's Toy is an enthralling saga of paradox and revelation, where the destiny of Primeria intertwines with Leo's struggle for identity, power, and the liberation of a world caught in the web of unseen influence. The identity and true intentions of the Creator remain veiled in mystery, a tantalizing enigma at the heart of a cosmic drama where mana, as a versatile energy source, holds the key not only to magic but also to Primeria's salvation and the technological ambitions of humanity.

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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The Discovery

The distant hum of engines reverberated through the sterile corridors of the Primeria Research Division, a symphony of innovation that echoed in every twist and turn of its labyrinthine halls. It was a haunting and exhilarating reminder of the relentless pursuit of knowledge that thrived within these walls, where scientists and researchers forged a path into the unknown, driven by an insatiable thirst for understanding. A lone researcher sat at a terminal in his office, excitedly working and typing about the discovery he had just made. Mumbling to himself, he couldn't believe that this important information had not been looked into and apparently lost, buried in the archives of the research. After gathering his courage, he started typing a letter to the Research Lead, Mr. Garfield.

[Letterhead: Primeria Research Division - Confidential Report]

To: Mr. Garfield, Primeria Research Lead

From: Jhon Farner, Senior Researcher

Date: [15/2/8527]

Subject: Urgent Request for Permission to Investigate Confidential Information

Dear Mr. Garfield,

I hope this report finds you in good health and high spirits despite the challenges we face in our research endeavors. I am writing to you today in a state of both urgency and trepidation, seeking your guidance and permission regarding a matter that may hold the key to our ongoing struggles here on Primeria.

As you are well aware, our mission to study the enigmatic properties of mana on Primeria has reached an impasse. The unremitting influence of mana has rendered our technology ineffectual, prohibiting our ships from approaching even the moons that orbit this mystical planet. Our research team's morale has waned, and the imminent dismissal of our research program looms like a dark shadow over our efforts.

In desperation to halt the impending dissolution of our work, I delved into the archives, seeking any data that might offer a glimmer of hope. During my exhaustive search, I stumbled upon an old research file, hidden away in the deepest recesses of our data stores. This file, dating back at least 40 years, contained information that defies our understanding of Primerian history and the very nature of our research.

Contained within the file is an account—a legend, if you will—of a "Human" who is said to have lived and interacted with the Primerians thousands of years ago. According to this legend, this enigmatic figure played a pivotal role in the history of Primeria, aiding its inhabitants in times of dire need. The details are scarce and shrouded in mystique, but there is a persistent notion that this Human possessed an understanding of mana that far surpassed our own.

Mr. Garfield, the implications of this discovery are profound. If this legend holds even a fraction of truth, it could provide us with the knowledge and insight we so desperately require to overcome the challenges posed by mana. Perhaps this Human understood a way to harness mana, not only for magic but also for technological advancement.

The cost of the damages caused by mana to our technology has already surpassed billions, and the losses continue to mount. We stand on the precipice of financial ruin, with little to show for our efforts. The situation has become dire, and the consequences of failure are far-reaching.

I am acutely aware of the sensitivity of this matter and the potential ramifications it may have on our research and the future of Primeria. I humbly request your permission to delve deeper into this legend, to seek out any remnants of information that may still exist, and to explore the possibility of unlocking the secrets held within.

I understand the risks involved, and I pledge the utmost discretion and care in my pursuit of this matter. If successful, it could mean a resurgence of hope for our research division and a breakthrough in our understanding of mana. If not, at least we will have exhausted every avenue in our quest.

I await your guidance and decision in this matter, Mr. Garfield. Time is of the essence, as our situation grows increasingly dire with each passing day. I implore you to consider the potential benefits and grant your consent for further investigation.

Yours faithfully,

Jhon Farner

Senior Researcher

Primeria Research Division

The soft glow of the computer terminal cast a bluish hue across Jhon's face as he anxiously waited for a response. The minutes dragged on, feeling like hours, as he gazed out of the window at the breathtaking sight of Primeria and its three moons. It was a view that never failed to captivate him, a tantalizing reminder of the forbidden world just beyond his reach.

As his thoughts wandered, Jhon couldn't help but marvel at the wonders that Primeria held. He had always been the first to interview the "Managenics," those affected by the planet's mana, eager to learn more about the enigmatic beings that called this majestic world home. The stories had filled his mind with vivid images of elves with beauty beyond description, panthers and orcs displaying unearthly strength, and harpies gracefully soaring through the skies with their majestic wings.

He yearned to step foot on Primeria, to experience its wonders firsthand, but his dreams were tethered to the confines of the ULRF Starship "ANEES," where he served as the head researcher. Visits to the planet had been banned due to the disruptive effects of mana, not only on technology but also on human physiology.

The silence in his dimly lit office was finally shattered by a familiar notification sound—a Ding! from the computer terminal. It was a message, a response to the letter he had sent to Mr. Garfield, the Primeria Research Lead. His heart raced as he returned to the terminal, eager to read the contents of the reply.

[Letterhead: Primeria Research Division - Confidential Response]

To: Jhon Farner, Senior Researcher

From: Mr. Garfield, Primeria Research Lead

Date: [15/2/8527]

Subject: Re: Urgent Request for Permission to Investigate Confidential Information

Dear Jhon,

I trust this message finds you determined and prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. I have reviewed your request with the utmost care and consideration, and I understand the gravity of our current predicament.

After much deliberation, I am granting you permission to proceed with the investigation into the legend you've uncovered. The potential benefits of unlocking the secrets within this legend cannot be overstated. It may hold the key to not only salvaging our research program but also advancing our understanding of mana for the benefit of Primeria and beyond.

However, I must impress upon you the weight of this responsibility. As you are aware, I will be retiring from my position in the near future, and my influence within the organization will wane. This endeavor represents your chance to demonstrate the value of your work and secure the future of our research division. If the investigation fails to yield sufficient results within one year, you will be required to assume full responsibility for the consequences.

Time is of the essence, Jhon, and I have faith in your dedication and abilities. I urge you to proceed with the utmost diligence and discretion. The fate of our research program—and perhaps the future of Primeria itself—rests in your hands.

I wish you the best of luck in your pursuit of this enigmatic legend. May your efforts bring about the breakthrough we so desperately need.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Garfield

Primeria Research Lead

Moments later, a jubilant scream reverberated through the sterile corridors of the facility, a cascade of unbridled joy that disrupted the usually tranquil atmosphere. The startled, bewildered expressions of other researchers, their eyes briefly escaping their workstations, hinted at the rarity of such an occurrence.

Among those drawn into the enigma of the echoing cheer was Mrs. Khan, the chief head researcher, whose reputation for unshakable composure was renowned throughout the facility. She moved with an air of dignified authority, even in moments of disturbance.

As the clamor echoed through the halls, Jhon Farner, his office door sliding open with a subtle swish, continued to revel in his newfound euphoria. He twirled in a moment of sheer delight, humming a tune that seemed to emanate from the very core of his being.

But as his dance of jubilation continued, Mrs. Khan entered his office, her demeanor shifting from curiosity to stern disapproval. She cast a penetrating gaze upon Jhon, her eyes conveying a disapproval that could quell even the most unruly of storms.

"Jhon Farner," she began, her tone laced with a controlled but unmistakable fury, "what on earth is the meaning of this? Why are you squandering your precious research time with such frivolity? And why, for the love of reason, are you disturbing your colleagues with your exuberance?"

She paused briefly, her icy stare fixed upon him. Then, with a hint of sarcasm, she continued, "Allow me to rephrase that question: Why do you persist in being a perpetual source of trouble for others?"

Jhon, now acutely aware of the gravity of his situation, hurriedly adjusted his tie and fumbled with his lab coat and safety glasses.

"I... I just received permission for something rather extraordinary, and my excitement may have gotten the better of me," he stammered nervously, failing to conceal the terminal that had been the source of his elation.

With a resigned sigh, Mrs. Khan issued a stern warning, her voice laced with finality, "If you ever cause trouble again, or if I even suspect you of such behavior, I won't hesitate to personally escort you to the airlock—without a suit. Is that perfectly clear? Now, get back to work before your view of the office becomes quite literal."

Having delivered her ultimatum, she exited, leaving Jhon to contemplate the choices that had led him to this perilous juncture.

Jhon watched Mrs. Khan's retreating figure with a mix of relief and trepidation. Her threat still hung in the air like a storm cloud, a stark reminder of the consequences of his exuberance. With a sigh, he turned his attention back to the computer terminal, his fingers hovering over the keys.

The message from Mr. Garfield, the tantalizing permission granted to explore a long-forgotten legend, still pulsed with excitement in his mind. This was his chance, his ticket to the world he had only dreamed of. Jhon knew he couldn't afford to waste it.

As he settled back into his chair, he couldn't help but smile. The path ahead was uncertain, and the challenges were numerous, but for the first time in a long while, Jhon felt a renewed sense of purpose. With determination in his eyes, he resumed typing, ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.

this is a story that i dreamed once don't remeber when but it stuck with me,so much so that i want to or rather i need to share in order to satisfy this feeling that i have. i have never done anything like this, authoring/storytelling is an art and those who delve in it are really great. as for me i am just a drooling child compared to them and this is my attempt at telling a story that i think is unique and feel the urge to share.

this story was meant to be a video game yes a game but due to financial issues i'm currently stuck with a toaster as a pc so can't really do that so i decided to share this story in a manner that can be used to build upon the story and lore and to keep it safe somewhere out of my head because i do forget important stuff ...... quite alot actually!

anyways like share subscribe comment and share your ideas as to what happens next.

yes comment even if it ends the world!

comment because i need to know your thoughts on the story and if I might have missed something or someone.... as I said earlier I tend to forget things

I'm busy doing jobs so i might only be able to upload chapters once or twice a week currently and after a while when I have organised my life I will attempt uploading every day.

Mr_Azazeelcreators' thoughts