
Forbidden Player System

It is the age of Towers. Players who accepted the calling of the Tower now venture for a larger power. Alab, an orphan has now started his journey. He dreams nothing but to witness what is at the top of the tower. He knows it would be a rough journey but will his preparations be enough to overcome the challenges of the Tower? Or will he be defeated by the roller-coaster trail of events? Watch Alab as he paves his way to the top. A player who while others are busy in search of SSS-grade skills, is in chase of F-grades - a rank that is known to be the weakest. Will fate have another story in store for him? And is F-rank really the weakest as humans assumed? Amidst these uncertainties, one thing is certain. Alab... HE IS A NECROMANCER... a forbidden one at that. WARNING!!!! First Volume will entail the journey of the protaginist and his close friends in the Tutorial. As they had only entered the Tower, they are still naive and immature so expect the 1st Volume to contain so much drama as that would mold them into who they will become in the next Volume.

Steven_Hytes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

You Can Count On Us!

[Name: Kevin ???

Rank: U (based on the highest-ranked awakened title)

Level: 1 

Exp: 2,079%

HP: 100/100 (10× the constitution value × level)

MP: 100/100 (10× the intelligence value × level)

Physical Attack Damage: 10 (strength value × level)

Magic Attack Damage: 10 (intelligence value × level)


-Sword Saint (U-rank)

-The One who will cut the Tower (U-rank) (Locked)


Strength: 10

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 10

Constitution: 10

Free Attribute points: 5

<Items> Rusty Sword (E)

<Karma Points> None 


Sword Saint's Swordsmanship (U)

Donineering Sword Slash (U) ] 


[Sword Saint (U)

Description: A title given to the sword wielder who shall surpass the Creator of the swordsmanship itself. 


Sword Saint's Swordsmanship (U) (Passive)

Description: You will be proficient with the sword. Your sword shall possess the intent/will of the sword saint. With your current constitution and strength, your swordsmanship are restricted greatly.

Effect: +80% sword proficiency

Mana usage: None

Cooldown: None]

[Domineering Sword Slash (U) 

Description: Your sword slash will contain the power to destroy everything in its path. 


:1000 sword damage

:10% chance of triggering a stun effect

Stun: the enemy will be stunned for 3 seconds

Mana usage: None

Cooldown: None]

"What the?! You guys are all U-rank?!", Alab couldnt help but blurt out his thought out of extreme shock. 

He was already far behind them in terms of looks and now in power-wise, he was lagging way too much. 

Realizing this, hia sense of inferiority no longer became a joke. He felt inferior and no one seemed to realize that. 

With eyes stuck in their extraordinary status, the three discerned each other's skills keenly. 

As for Alab, he could only join in the fun, tossing of the inferiority he felt earlier. He had no choice but to keep assuring himself. 

"There are 6 awakened U-rank titles and we have it all! So does that mean that we are the highest U-grade awakeners?!", Hiraya exclaimed after looking at their titles.

Althea on the other hand was still in daze after seeing their impressive skills. It could be said that in this Tutorial, they are the most powerful. 

"It must be fate that we are brought together and teamed up! Maybe its our fate to conquer the Center of the Wilderness!", Althea uttered. Her excitement knowing no bounds. 

Meanwhile, Kevin plastered a satisfied look as he saw their stats. Aside from Alan who hadnt unlocked his title yet, their three's skills would be able to pull off this impossible feat of clearing the Tutorial. 

"Give me a quarter hour to form a plan", he uttered as he went on the corner and strategized. 

On the other corner, Alab remained seated on the dense root as he looked at nowhere. He tried to join in the fun but his overflowing emotions just wouldnt let him. 

He couldnt help but feel pity towards himself. Out of 461 players, he was the only one who awakened the trash among the trash F-rank title. As for his U-rank title? He doubted that he would unlock it in this lifetime. 

He felt nothing now but self-pity. 

"Say, Althea, when we entered the Tower, I would establish a guild immediately and I would give you the honor of joining it", Hiraya declared as she was attracted by Althea's healing skills. 

Althea, overwhelmed, plastered a smile as she said. "I would be humble to reject your invitation. I have already decided to join bro's guild when we enter the Tower!", she declared as she then searched for Alab. 

Looking beside them where he stood, Althea couldnt find her. It took her a while to find Alab that was in daze in the large tree next to them. 

It made her wonder why Alab went there and what was on her mind. And whe she decided to follow him and close her status window, that was when it entered her mind. 

'Does he feels incapable because of his title?', she thought. 

Beside her, Hiraya closed her [Status Window] as she muttered. 

"He must be discouraged by his low rank. I think you should comfort him, Althea", Hiraya muttered, her expression plastering a serious and urging look. 

"Just me??? Why?", Althea asked as she was confused why Hiraya wouldnt join her. 

Hiraya just pushed Althea a little, urging her to come to Alab rapidly. 

"You two have known each other longer than us. Comfort your bro, fast!", Hiraya said as she exerted a lot of force, bringing Althea hurling to the side of Alab. 

Alab was in state of self-pity, he was in no mood for chats. But, when he saw Althea hurling towards him, he mobilized his hand to catch her by instinct. 


Holding her with his right hand placed on her neck and the other hand on her waist, Alab felt his heart racing as their faces were too close to each other. 

Upclose, Alab could observe Althea's beauty and see finer details like the tiny mole in the right upper part of her mouth and on the tip of her nose.

With his arms embracing her, Alab could feel her soft milky skin. He could feel her breath caressing his neck as she uttered. 

"Ahmmm, Alab, will you let go of me now?", she uttered pulling out Alab of his daze. 

With face as red as tomatoes, Alab rapidly let go of Althea as she then sat on the dense root close to Alab. 

As if the recent scenario hadnt happened, Althea directly stated her worries. 

"Alab, I think you should not worry about differences in rank. It was only a rank set by the Tower, I hope you wont let it define who you are or your strength. You are stronger than you think, I believe in that. I hope you will be able to realize that and appreciate yourself more", Althea spoke out her thoughts on the matter. Looking at Alab's eyes directly, she hoped to alleviate his pain even just a little. 

Alab released a soft smile as he sat beside Althea. His demeanor had evidently turned calmer. He looked at Althea closely as if the short distance didnt bother him anymore. 

Her words undeniably touched his heart.  

"Thank you, Althea. Indeed, I felt self-pity for a moment. Thank you, I will surely keep that in mind", he uttered as he his eyes turned gentle. His mentality further strengthened by this occasional setbacks. 

Intercepting the scene, Hiraya and Kevin barged in. 

"Althea is right, ranks are only set by the Tower. In fact, I believe that your skill has the highest potential among our skills", Kevin stated. 

Hiraya then slapped the back of Alab as she seemingly comforted him. It was evident that she was not built to comfort anyone. 

"Dont worry, Alab, if someone is going to hurt you in the future, I would make sure to smack their heads!", she said. 

Hearing her boast, the other two threw their own remarks. 

"Me too! I will heal you no matter how many times!", Althea declared. 

"Looking at how idiotic you are, I would lend a hand in case you are in trouble. Your enemy shall be my enemy! Of course, I will be asking for fee depending on the strength of the opponent", Kevin uttered, addin his dry humor. 

"No! I would help him more!"

"No, it will be my heal who will help him the most!"

"Its the strongest, me, who can help him more"

Hearing all these, Alab let out a chuckle as he saw the three arguing. 

"HAHAHAH, i get it, i get it. Thanks! I will be sure to call you all when I need help in the future then, okay?", he uttered as tears out of pure joy evacuated his eyes. 

The three halted their little arguments, feeling relieved to see Alab's smile once again. With a nod, they replied. 

"Yes! You can count on us!"