
Forbidden Player System

It is the age of Towers. Players who accepted the calling of the Tower now venture for a larger power. Alab, an orphan has now started his journey. He dreams nothing but to witness what is at the top of the tower. He knows it would be a rough journey but will his preparations be enough to overcome the challenges of the Tower? Or will he be defeated by the roller-coaster trail of events? Watch Alab as he paves his way to the top. A player who while others are busy in search of SSS-grade skills, is in chase of F-grades - a rank that is known to be the weakest. Will fate have another story in store for him? And is F-rank really the weakest as humans assumed? Amidst these uncertainties, one thing is certain. Alab... HE IS A NECROMANCER... a forbidden one at that. WARNING!!!! First Volume will entail the journey of the protaginist and his close friends in the Tutorial. As they had only entered the Tower, they are still naive and immature so expect the 1st Volume to contain so much drama as that would mold them into who they will become in the next Volume.

Steven_Hytes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs


And the Tutorial begins. 

Without wasting any time, an energetic boy leaped from the crowd. Alab recognized him as the boy who shouted passionately earlier when entering the Tower. 

Everyone became alerted at this sight. Of course, they were all aware of his bold move. 

It was common knowledge that an awakener could sense an item of the same rank as him. With that, they all deduced that the boy was most likely an SSS-grade awakener and was after the SSS-grade item. 

Silence ensued as half of the awakeners moved out of the area. Their movements suppress any bit of sound. After all, they were tailing the potential SSS-grade awakener. 

The latter just leaped with exhilaration from tree to tree, not realizing the greedy eyes of pursuers behind him. He was not aware that he was being used as a living radar. 

Alab was no different from others. He was aware of this knowledge and certainly, he followed the crowd as they stalked. His clouded mind tossed off his intuition telling him to pursue the F-rank item. 

Earlier, when the item was announced, Alab sensed a connection. He wondered whether it was the F-rank item in this wilderness. Still, he tossed the idea as aside from its weakest, he felt that the item was buried deep in the wilderness. 

It was needless to say that monsters continually get powerful as they strayed from the outskirts where it was relatively safe. 

He decided that it would be best to follow suit with the majority and looked for a chance to steal the SSS-grade item. The chance was slim but it was the best option at the moment. 


In just a minute after the tutorial commenced, the awakeners in the outskirts were down to a quarter of their initial size. 

The wilderness was divided into three parts. The outskirts where the players spawned, the inner area where monsters of E-A rank gathered, and lastly, the center zone where monsters above A rank resided.

Among the remaining crowd, Kevin, a boy with eyeglasses, did his signature move of fixing his lens. The surrounding girls were seemingly paralyzed as their eyes were stuck on him. 

His alluring demeanor was accentuated as he removed the lens and wiped it. Without the glass, he was revealing a dazzling mature look. 

After putting it on, he shortly scanned the remaining awakeners. Aside from 23 girls, the other 24 awakeners were seemingly in trance, waiting for something. 

It took Kevin a little time to figure out what it was. 

He then stepped forward. The girls never failed to engrave these 'angelic' steps in their minds, their breathing turning ragged as they panted for air. 

The person in subject, Kevin, however, had already made his way into the forest.  

It took the girls a while to recover from extreme admiration. Immediately, seeing that they had lost track of Kevin, they dashed straight into the forest. Not minding whatever danger awaited them. 

"Wahhh! My prince, please wait for me!", wailed the girls as their silhouette vanished into the forest. 

Minutes later…  

Kevin was hiding in the bushes close to the outskirt. The spot was giving the best view of the large field. 

In the outskirt, the awakeners had left one after another. Just five minutes after Kevin left, the number had dwindled to 2. 

Kevin watched as another awakener left the area. Relief flashed on his face. 

Now, he had secured his target. 

Kevin watched as the last awakener stood in firm. After scanning his surrounding, he saw that he was the only one left in the field. Only then did the awakener throw his arm into the sky, his eyes flashing countless exhilaration. 

"Finally!!! I can now chase after the SSS grade!", he shouted in joy. He didn't mind his voice as he was the only one left in the field anyways… 

Or so he thought. Deeply hidden in the bushes, Kevin revealed a smirk at what he heard. 

He knew it! The last to leave would definitely be an SSS-grade awakener. 


20 minutes ago. 

Hiraya was checking out her status window when a mumble was heard from her side. 

"Did I really get an SSS grade?" 

Apparently, the 'innocent' girl on her side had a slip of the tongue, revealing the rank of her awakened title. As she realized that, she flinched as she covered her mouth. 

But it was too late…

Hiraya's ears tensed at what she heard. 

'Did I hear that right?! An SSS-grade awakener?!', she thought as she hid her surprised expression in her blonde hair. 

She could feel her body tensing up from excitement under her tight pants. 

Her excitement was threatening to exit her body through a little chuckle when suddenly, the announcement about the SSS-grade item existing in the Tower resounded. This time, a chuckle exited her body. 

She couldn't hold it! 

She couldn't believe that opportunity would arrive this early. 


Humming with joy as if she had heard nothing, her ears continued to perk up in alert to the innocent girl's departure. 

And as she had expected, the innocent girl threw some wary looks before she left in a hurry. 

Without wasting any time, Hiraya mobilized her body as she chased after the girl. 


"The heck?! You heard her too?!", mumbled Hiraya as the other girls around them followed suit. 

Apparently, they heard the innocent girl having a slip of the tongue too… 

(AN again -_- , Hiraya also repressed her past memory so yah, she had changed)


Meanwhile, as Alab tailed the potential SSS-grade, a rusty sword entered his vision. It was covered with dry leaves under the tree ahead of him. 

The people in front of him had most likely seen it and as he speculated, when he reached the item and examined it, it was an E-grade item. 

The passing awakeners probably considered this item useless so they just passed by it. 

Alab then checked the detail of the item.

[Rusty Sword (E)

Description: A sword that is too rusty to be used.

Attack Damage: 5] 

Despite the low attack damage of the item, Alab still held the sword tightly. It was still a sword that could cause certain damage, besides, monsters still linger in this wilderness so having the means to protect oneself was vital. 

Holding the sword, Alab hastened his pace as he was lagging behind the crowd.