
Forbidden Player System

It is the age of Towers. Players who accepted the calling of the Tower now venture for a larger power. Alab, an orphan has now started his journey. He dreams nothing but to witness what is at the top of the tower. He knows it would be a rough journey but will his preparations be enough to overcome the challenges of the Tower? Or will he be defeated by the roller-coaster trail of events? Watch Alab as he paves his way to the top. A player who while others are busy in search of SSS-grade skills, is in chase of F-grades - a rank that is known to be the weakest. Will fate have another story in store for him? And is F-rank really the weakest as humans assumed? Amidst these uncertainties, one thing is certain. Alab... HE IS A NECROMANCER... a forbidden one at that. WARNING!!!! First Volume will entail the journey of the protaginist and his close friends in the Tutorial. As they had only entered the Tower, they are still naive and immature so expect the 1st Volume to contain so much drama as that would mold them into who they will become in the next Volume.

Steven_Hytes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Taming the SSS-Grade Monster: Wyrmling Dark Dragon (1)

On the Northern part of the Center part of the wilderness, the rumbling of thunders resonated throughout the area as raging thunders descended to the ground. 

In this harsh environment, a [Mother Cit], an SS-grade monster with sparks of yellow thunders covering its body was laying on its nest. It was the proud Lord of one of the territories of the Northern part. It was akin to an untouchable being next to the Greatest Lord - the SSS-grade monster in the deepest center. 

However, just a day ago, a group of three humans invaded its territory. With a roar, it gave its warning but the humans recklessly dig deeper into his territory. It was left with no choice but to kill them. 

In the end, the [Mother Cit] was now laying on its nest, with its limbs severely damaged from sword slashes and ramming of monsters from neighboring territories. 

It was now recuperating from a humiliating fight. 

Still, it made it wonder why was it left alive. Or not tamed to be part of the tamed monsters along the player's command? 

However, it took the [Mother Cit] no time to comprehend its answer. Right when it felt its feet finally healed, three humans carried by a group of monsters were looking at it from below its nest. 

With a loud shout, the [Mother Cuit] felt its long neck turning numb from fear. 

'Is today the day that I will die?', it thought as it attempted to escape only to be stopped by a [Vengeful Dove] that kicked it hurling it down the ground. 


Hearing footsteps closing in, it opened its eyes. 

"Did you miss me?", a boy whose black eyes caused horror to the [Mother Cit] was standing before it. 


It was not given enough time to retort as the [Sword of Avarice] descended from the sky, hitting the SS-grade monster relentlessly whilst being pinned down by other SS-grade monsters. 

And as it thought, its final moment had come as Alab's sword took its final life. 

[You have dealt physical damage of 278]

[Stack Damage: 23,908]

[You have killed the SS-grade monster "Mother Kit"]

[You have accomplished an unspeakable feat in the Tutorial. A corresponding reward will be given after you passed the Tutorial.]

Looking at his stack damage, Alab felt pleased as it had now reached 20,000+ damage! The highest he had ever stacked. 

Of course, it wouldn't be possible without Hiraya's tamed monsters' assistance in suppressing the monsters. 

"I have enough damage now!", Alab shouted to Hiraya as she then released a thumbs up. Then, she uttered. 

"Take a rest for half an hour, we will be attacking the SSS-grade monster before night hits", she uttered as she kept her reliable demeanor. 

They then took a rest as they prepared for the upcoming fight in a while. 


Meanwhile, Alon looked at the remaining items as he ventured deeper into the Center part. 

[Remaining players: 53 -> 9]

[The available items at the moment are: 

F(Rank) - 1 -> 1(number of available item/s)  

SSS - 2 -> 0 items 

SS - 0 -> 0 item

S - 7 -> 3 items

A - 23 -> 0 items

B - 43 -> 34 items

C - 33 -> 19 items

D - 0 -> 0 item

E - 124 -> 111 items] 

With eyes flashing madness, Alon closed his status window as he urged himself to secure at least an S-grade item.


A deafening sound of attacks originating from the deeper part of the Center reverberated to Alon. He wondered whether that was the same player that caused the pit earlier. 

Utilizing his skill, he drained his remaining mana as his feet grew larger. Gigantic veins bulged on his feet that swelled until they became the size of an elephant. It was rather a creepy sight to see a disproportionate body of Alon as he strode on the trembling ground. 

His face was paler than before as he bit his lips which surged another drop of blood. Reminiscent of his defeat earlier made him boil with rage. 


After they restored their strength to its peak, the group of Hiraya then dived deeper into the nest of the SSS-grade monster. 

What welcomed them was a bizarre sight of an open area covered by quicksands that relentlessly consumed anything that it made contact with. 

On the center of the open area, a bump of compact soil was located, and settling atop there was a massive quadrupedal lizard that was deep in slumber. 

To be exact, it was not a normal lizard as attached to its back were two wings dyed black. Its moderately cylindrical body was covered by black scales, leaving no gap for weakness. Its lizard head snores as a breath of black fire exited its mouth. Protruding in its head were two curved horns that extended to its nape, pointing to the sky. 

And finally, its tail which was longer than its head and body combined encircled its body that was slightly bigger than [Valiant Wyvern]. 

Looking at the monster, the group couldn't help but gulp. 

"That… that is a Wyrmling Dark Dragon", they muttered.