
Forbidden Player System

It is the age of Towers. Players who accepted the calling of the Tower now venture for a larger power. Alab, an orphan has now started his journey. He dreams nothing but to witness what is at the top of the tower. He knows it would be a rough journey but will his preparations be enough to overcome the challenges of the Tower? Or will he be defeated by the roller-coaster trail of events? Watch Alab as he paves his way to the top. A player who while others are busy in search of SSS-grade skills, is in chase of F-grades - a rank that is known to be the weakest. Will fate have another story in store for him? And is F-rank really the weakest as humans assumed? Amidst these uncertainties, one thing is certain. Alab... HE IS A NECROMANCER... a forbidden one at that. WARNING!!!! First Volume will entail the journey of the protaginist and his close friends in the Tutorial. As they had only entered the Tower, they are still naive and immature so expect the 1st Volume to contain so much drama as that would mold them into who they will become in the next Volume.

Steven_Hytes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Sword of Avarice (S-Grade)

Early the next morning, Alab woke up. Rays of sunlight greeted his eyes which were still swollen from crying last night. 

A meter away on his side was Althea who was talking in her dreams.


Alab remembered vividly what happened and Althea's reason for climbing the tower. He swore that he would help his new friend find her father. 

Looking at the large trees that were standing firm in the wilderness, Alab spoke with determination. 

"I… I will clear this tower.", once again, he swore to himself. 

He knew that to do that, he was still lacking. And at the moment, he had to survive the Tutorial with flying colors as possible. 


Althea sat as she rubbed her eyes. Now that Alab looked at her closely, he could say that he was indeed a beauty. It was not the beauty that was alluring but a modest type that one would kneel to worship. 

Alab then stood up as he removed the carcass of the Semanticore which they used to cover themselves. 

Under the bright light, Alab finally saw its appearance. It was a human adult-size monster, coated with black fur. It was akin to a cat on Earth but the size was too large. Its bloodshot eyes had now dried up and its pair of fangs seemed like steel on a pod of dry leaves. 

It was a gruesome way of dying. 

Taking the fangs out of the corpse, Alab now examined the material. 

[Semanticore Fangs (E) ×2

Description: Fangs of the proud Semanticore clan. Its sharpness made it a good material for forging blades.]

Tucking the fangs in his waist, Alab looked at Althea. As they had agreed, they would search for items but before that, they would first solve the pressing matter at hand… their hunger. 

After preparing themselves for a while, the duo now walked toward the deeper part of the forest. With two of them, they now had to secure two items to pass this Tutorial. 

Alab led the way as he held the fangs, followed by Althea who was prepared to cast her skill any time. 


After they walked for 5 minutes, they stumbled upon a lone player. 

The player was searching the surrounding bushes. Having searched for a while now, he scratched his head in annoyance. 

"Where is that item? I'm sure my intuition says it's here", he mumbled. 

As if he didn't care about his surroundings, the boy just kept on mumbling to himself, letting out his thoughts. 

"Arghhh, I've been searching for hours now! How could I miss that item?! Argh, it's getting annoying. They clearly said that a player could feel the item of the same rank as him, how could I miss that?! Was that knowledge wrong? Are they tricking me? Arghhh, I need that S-grade item!", he mumbled. 

Hearing these mumbles, the two players that were hiding in a large tree couldn't help but perk up! 

An S-grade item! 


A grin escaped their mouth as they looked at each other. They both knew what each other was thinking. 

'We have to steal that item' 


With no words needed, the friends nodded their heads in agreement. They then hid more as they waited for their prey to find the item. 

And in no time, a shout from the boy resounded. 

"Found it!", he shouted after frisking on a large pile of dry leaves.  

"Now I could enter the Tower! I already have my reward item!", he muttered as he shouted the needed word to exit the Tutorial. 

"Wait for me, you fuckers rankers! I will steal all your items! And girls! WAHAHA. Exit!" 

He rejoiced as he submerged into his dreams. A dream where he was being served by his harem and rankers who were bowing, kissing his feet. 

With one more laugh, his body was about to disintegrate into golden lights. 


He was not the only one who celebrated the discovery of the item cause as with him, just meters away, two more players jumped in celebration. 

It was Alab and Althea. 

Hearing the boy's wishful thoughts and dirty dreams, they immediately rushed into range. 

"Wahaha, I will steal your girl—"

"Life drain!" 

Before he could even finish his words, a beautiful girl appeared in his sight. A beauty that was unlike what he had seen before. 

Her beauty made him forget about his lustful dream as admiration rushed over his body. 

Before his body could even disperse fully into golden lights, his life force was being drained at the speed of light and before he knew it, he died. 

Still, he was happy… his longtime dream of being killed by beauty was now fulfilled. 

"Thank you, Ms. Angel–", last words escaped his mouth as he swore to search for her in the Tower. His dream of making a harem was now tossed off his mind as only one girl resided there... His Angel… 

On the other hand, Althea sneezed suddenly. The item that the boy was holding, fell on the ground. 

Alab immediately took the item. 

"We did it!", smiling, he said at Althea. 

The latter nodded her head as she urged Alab to check the item. 

[Sword of Avarice (S)

Description: A sword forged by Apraim, the legendary blacksmith before he became a legend. As his name was added to the Hall of Fame, all his previously forged items had magically advanced to the S-grade level. The sword now had increased fire damage. 


: 200 Attack Damage 

: 20 Strength 

: 50 Fire Damage

: 5% chance of inflicting a burn effect 

Burn effect: continuously burn 0.25% of the opponent's maximum health per second for 1 minute]