
Forbidden Player System

It is the age of Towers. Players who accepted the calling of the Tower now venture for a larger power. Alab, an orphan has now started his journey. He dreams nothing but to witness what is at the top of the tower. He knows it would be a rough journey but will his preparations be enough to overcome the challenges of the Tower? Or will he be defeated by the roller-coaster trail of events? Watch Alab as he paves his way to the top. A player who while others are busy in search of SSS-grade skills, is in chase of F-grades - a rank that is known to be the weakest. Will fate have another story in store for him? And is F-rank really the weakest as humans assumed? Amidst these uncertainties, one thing is certain. Alab... HE IS A NECROMANCER... a forbidden one at that. WARNING!!!! First Volume will entail the journey of the protaginist and his close friends in the Tutorial. As they had only entered the Tower, they are still naive and immature so expect the 1st Volume to contain so much drama as that would mold them into who they will become in the next Volume.

Steven_Hytes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Althea's Disappearance

"Say, how strong is Arimaonga Guild?", realizing that there were differences in the rank of Guilds, Hiraya asked Lily. 

Lily turned her head to Hiraya as she plastered a soft smile, thinking that it was a good time to impress Hiraya and convince her to lead their guild. 

"There are only 5 remaining large guilds. The Sword Saint, the Best of the Best Among the Best, the Lawless, the Assasin, and lastly, our Arimaonga guild", she explained carefully, her demeanor leaking a proud aura as she did. 

Hiraya nodded her head as she was indeed impressed by their guild. She wondered how strong were they to have secured that spot. Curiosity built up in her as she pondered why was she termed the Heir of the Empress. 

Sneaking a glance ahead, she asked. 

"Then why didn't you try to recruit him?"

An SSS grade could be a great factor in turning the table, especially for these large guilds. Hiraya couldn't comprehend why Lily didn't step forward. 

"It's a waste of time. Besides, he is not a Tamer", said Lily as their resources were mostly inclined to Tamer jobs. She didn't have anything on par with the offers of these large guilds who specialized in attacking resources. Not to mention that they had been struggling with their monetary status for a while now. 

Nodding her head, Hiraya understood her as she once again looked keenly at Alon who was now walking towards his chosen guild. As he bent his body, he touched the ground as he moved his feet, unveiling a sword that he had hidden underneath. 

And it was at this moment that Althea and Hiraya felt their head burning with rage as they widened their eyes. 

"That sword! That's Alab's!", shouted Hiraya as along with Althea, she clutched at the talon of Minokawa as he glided toward Alon. 

In mere seconds, Minokawa arrived in front of him as Hiraya and Althea hopped off, their feet trampling on the ground as they strode toward the gigantic Alon. 

"What did you do to Alab?!", Althea exclaimed as her eyes were pinned on the sword grasped by Alon. It was the [Sword of Avarice].

"You better tell us the truth else–", Hiraya was cut short as Alon bent his spine as lowered his head, meeting the two at eye level. 

"Else what?", he muttered a smug look engraved on his face as he caressed the sword, taunting the two. 

On its blade was fresh blood that made the two lose their composure as they shouted with madness. 

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!", Hiraya shrieked as she commanded Minokawa to strike Alon and retrieve the sword. 

Minokawa utilized his skill as with a streak, his body pounced on Alon, aiming to kill him. However, he felt a piece of flesh shutting off his beak as his body remained suspended in the air, losing its rapid momentum. 

Minokawa didn't notice when Mordred who stood meters away, appeared in front of him like a ghost. His two fingers obstructed his attack effortlessly as they shut his beak, restricting Minokawa from breathing fire. 

Bewildered by this scene, Hiraya and Althea felt a shiver sent down their spines as the immovable monster in Tutorial who they skill didn't work on, was being singlehandedly suppressed by Mordred. 

Mordred tightened his press on the beak as he exerted more strength on his finger, sending Minokawa quivering in pain as he felt his beak would be torn apart anytime. Mordred then shifted his gaze from Mikonawa to the two players who were now dazed. In his strong masculine voice with a streak of threat, he uttered. 

"Mr. Alon here is a member now of Sword Saint Guild. I hope you won't do anything to displease our guild unless you want to restart another cold war?", Mordred uttered as his voice became firmer. Threat emanates from his tone that made the two sweat from tension. 

Shortly after, a calm and motherly tone resonated in the area which brought relief to the two players. 

"And I would be glad if you are to let go of that Bird of course unless you want to restart another cold war?", Lily muttered as she kept her upright composure and stridden towards the commotion. Her long legs traced the ground as she locked gazes with Mordred. 

With a click of his tongue, Mordred let go of Minokawa as he waved his hand towards Alon, motioning him to leave the area together. Alon followed suit, throwing a taunting expression at the two as he opened his mouth and extend his tongue out. 

Hiraya was about to chase after him but Lily blocked her path. 

"I'm afraid to say it but you are the naughty one this time, Hiraya. The Tutorial is a battle of survival and reward. It doesn't matter how you get the item as long as you have it. So, that item is rightfully his possession now.",  Lily explained as she flick at Hiraya's forehead with a little strength. 

Hiraya rubbed her forehead as she still felt pain from Lily's long fingers. She fully understood her words and was glad that she stopped her. Rubbing her forehead, she reminisced about the tension between Lily and Mordred earlier as she inquired.

"Are you guys fighting? And what is up with restarting the cold war? she asked as her eyes squinted, waiting for Lily's answer. 

Flicking her forehead once more, Lily uttered. 

"You. That's not something you ask in public, okay? I will tell you the specifics later"

Hiraya felt her forehead turning numb from pain as that second flick was definitely stronger, she rubbed her head as she threw a wild gaze at Lily. 

"How long will your friend make us wait? It's already 1 minute before Tutorial ends", ignoring Hiraya's gaze, Lily asked as she glanced at the Resurrection Hall. She felt her body turning sore from standing for a long time as they loitered over someone who might have a low potential. 

Seeing her bored gaze, Hiraya also sneaked a glance at the Hall before turning her head to look at Mikonawa and Althea. 

Lying on the ground, Mikonawa panted for air as it felt its beak flushing red from the pain. Marks of fingers were visible as they formed a seemingly red tattoo on his beak. The mighty and immovable SSS-grade monster now rolled on the ground in humiliation. 

Hiraya looked further behind him to search for Althea. However, she didn't see her at the same spot she stand earlier. Glancing at the surrounding for more, anxiety started to build up within Hiraya as a trace of Althea was nowhere to be found. 

She searched for another while before she became depleted of hope.  

Althea, like a ghost, disappeared suddenly.