
Chapter 22: Breakdown


“This is crazy,” I look up at John and Richard. Tears start to fill the bottom of my eyes.

“Look, I promise you if it’s the last thing I do, I’m going to find out who is behind this.” Richard grabs my face and presses his forehead against mine. He stops abruptly, after realizing he’s shown some affection for me in front of John.

John looks at Richard and starts laughing. “You must be something special, Claire.” John says, handing me my phone. I think I’d like to talk to John. I’m pretty sure he may have some stories to tell about Richard.

Richard glares at John as if he’s almost daring him to say anything more that would hint to Richard’s past. I guess I should feel lucky. It appears Richard doesn’t go out of his way for women to this extent and why would I expect him to. He’s a billionaire who can get anything he wants.