
The Start Of A Date

I was in class, thinking over and over again about the conversation I had just walked away from. It was like a none stop movie that kept repeating after getting to the end.

"Ella" a familiar voice spoke.

"Ella" the voice said once again.

I woke up from the distracting video in my head, and found myself in the class room again. Sitting next to best best friend Jenna.

"Finally, you really daydreamed like you were sleeping. Like damn." Jenna said quietly as the teacher was still give the lesson.

"I'm sorry. It's just, James and I were arguing about me hanging out with Scott later on, on Wednesday. I think it was just too much for me." I whispered quietly.

Before Jenna could respond, the teacher had caught us whispering. "Um, would you two like to teach the class?" she asked.

The whole class had their eyes on the both of us. "No, We were just talking about our next class." Jenna said, saving us from getting the continuing stares.

"Well your focus is on this class right now. Stay in the present, as you will need this information for the future. Understand." The teacher demanded, than continued teaching. Bringing everyone's focus back to the board.


Finally after class was over, Jenna and I continued talking about James and the small little argument him and I had.

"Well, he seems a little too protective. Scott isn't a bad person, especially after he got Jessica off your back" Jenna said with a grin.

After thinking about what she had said, I agreed with her. I can't go off of what others say about him. Only off of what I've seen so far.

"Your right. I'm going to hang out with him, and prove how wrong he is." I said smiling.

"That's the spirit!" Jenna shouted.


The school day was over. I had seen James at his car, talking to Samuel.

I felt kind of bad leaving James the way I did during school. But at the same time, I felt right. He doesn't have any control over my choices. So, I went over to James car to tell him I would be getting home late.

"Samuel, I see your sober." I said with a laugh.

"Very funny. I think I was so drunk I can't even remember your name." He said grinning at me.

"Ella" I responded.

"Ooh, the girl who kissed Scott Lean while overly drunk on a table. Brave girl." He said patting me on the head, messing up my hair.

I rounded my eyes and tried fixing my hair after pushing his hand off. "I thought you were to drunk to remember."

He laughed "Who can forget a kiss like that. Plus even if i did forget. The whole school is basically talking about it."

James finally jumped in to change the subject.

"Ella what exactly are you doing here? I thought you were getting a ride home from Jenna today." He said looking at me.

"Oh, I came to tell you that I'll be coming home late.I'm about to go ask Scott to move our hang out date to today. Only because he asked me to hang out Wednesday. But what better time than the present." I said smiling.

"Your not going today." James demanded.

"Woah, bro chill. Let the girl have fun." Samuel said, noticing James getting a little upset.

"Back off Samuel. I didn't ask you to comment. I said no." James said aggressively.

Getting upset I said "I wasn't asking. I'll see you both tomorrow." Than I walked away not wanting to hear anymore of what James had to say.

Twice, I walked away from him. And this time, I didn't feel bad for him at all.

While walking away, I saw Jenna in her car, waiting to take me home. I look around the parking lot to find Scott with his friends at the very end of the lot.

I quickly ran over to Jenna's car "Jenna, I'm sorry but is it okay if you ride home without me?" I asked her quickly.

"Aww but what about our study time?" She asked, upset.

"I know. But this is my only chance to talk to Scott." I said looking back to see if he was still there.

"OMG OMG OMG!!! Go before he leaves!" Jenna yelled at me with excitement.

I nodded at her, than ran across the parking lot. People stared at me as if they thought I was running for my life. But finally, right when. I got there, I tripped and fell, knocking someone over with me.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry. I didn't-" and before I could say another word. The person that was on the ground with me stopped me from speaking.

"It's okay Ella. Your fine." The familiar voice said to me.

After the person stood up, they helped me up too.

Than when I finally got to look at the person, it was Scott Lean and his friends standing right infront of me.

"Oh...um Scott. H-hey." I couldn't get any words out. I was so nervous.

"Look, Scott got a girl to talk to him for once in his life." One of the boys laughed.

That made me to nervous to even speak again.

"Oh shut the fuck up Sam." Scott said, turning his head to look at the boy who commented.

Than Scott looked back at me. "Don't listen to him. He's been a jerk. What did you come here for?"

I finally found my voice "I-I finally thought about your request. Maybe if we can move it to today if your not to busy" I said looking at all the boys around him.

He had a surprised look on his face "Oh...I see. Okay. Well guys, Ella here wants sometime so ourselves. So I've call you guys later." He said looking behind him.

All of his friends left, giving him a handshake. Than Scott went inside his car "where to?" He asked.

I opened the door and seat in the passenger seat "your house" I said smiling.

"As you wish" He said starting the car.

And as a looked out the window, I saw James and the sad, disappointed look on his face. But still, I didn't feel bad for him at all. I felt free and knew I was able to make my own choices.