

There was once a young man named Ricardo who journeyed out into the bush to hunt for game. He came from a group of werewolves, hence, he was also a Werewolf. His hunger for meat was overpowering. He also had a bitter taste in his mouth because of the daily diet of leafy relish.

Ricardo was as yet unmarried. But the rope was just about to snap because the impatient of this young man was clearly visible, and those who knew about such things warned, "Oh-oh!if this boy delays much longer, I swear, we'll soon have a damage suit to pay!"

Now Ricardo was very skilled at hunting wild animals. But some amazing things would happen to him while in the bush whenever he would go to to hunt game.

One day he took his dog and his gun, a muzzle-loader. The gun belonged to his grandfather who had taught him how to use it - how to shape metal bullets, to grind up powder, to make the bark-string cushions, to cocj and set the gun hammer and to pull the trigger.

Ricardo keptto the bank of the stream in search for game out in the bush. He walked and walked along the edge of that stream in the hope that perhaps he might spot a guinea fowl in the thick grass.

All of a sudden he spotted a group of villagers leaving someone's field.

"These hungry beings - all they do is finish off our maize!" he exclaimed. "Why don't they how to cultivate their own?!"

Ricardo transformed into a Werewolf in order to scare them off. But the leader of the villagers said "No no no Ricardo don't chase us! We'll help you out someday!"

What the-! Ricardo was surprised that they knew who he was. They explained to him how they were friends with his late father, then Ricardo said "Alright I'll let you go. But if I ever get in trouble, I'll expect you to give me a helping hand.