
Forbidden love, The saga

Forced into a marital alliance, Marc can't help but feel drawn to his mate, the best friend of his wife. But would if be reasonable to act on these desires knowing his father-in-law is the alpha of the strongest pack? Tobias is not to be trifled with and will go to any lengths for his daughter’s happiness

Thatnerdygirl · Fantasi
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35 Chs

Chapter 27: Veronica

"I know it's a lot to take in. Your dad wanted to keep this a secret for your protection. But hiding things is no longer an option."

Lisa looked at me for answers. There is no mother who wants to see her children hurt. But the only way to protect Lisa was to tell her the truth. I knew someday she'd find out, I justwished, it was under different circumstances.

"Mom, isn't that true?"

I knew she believed me. She needed my validation because I wouldn't lie to her.

"Yes, sweetie. He, Tia, and even me."

I had never seen her so small. She seemed to have shrunk in bed as if her world had collapsing around her. I wished nothing more at this moment than to protect my baby girl. But there is no fooling Tobias. If he had already met her, he knew who she was. The sooner we told her, the better.

"My father was the leader of our pack. So were both of Marc's grandfathers. His parents married when they were young, and their packs had joined arms. I grew up with his parents. My father and his parents were dear friends. No one wanted to cross these three pillars of the wolf community. But all that changed when Tobias moved to the city. He was young and was looking for a home. No one knew where he came from. Back then, he barely spoke English. My father took him in and he soon became his right hand."

"You were friends with Tobias?" Lisa asked, tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"Yes. Or at least I thought he was. He, however, confessed his love to me. He told me one evening that he wanted to marry me."

I looked at Lisa. She wasn't scared anymore. Looking at me attentively, she wanted me to continue.

"I thought it was a phase and that it would pass. I wasn't attracted to him in the slightest. No way, I would take him as my mate. Besides, I couldn't tell anyone that I was in love."

"With Dad?" she asked.

"Yes. But I couldn't just come forth about it."

"Why not?"

"Because it was forbidden."

"Was your dad a human? Why was it forbidden?"

"Mating between werewolves and humans wasn't heard of. But your dad was so much more."

"More?" Her words were barely audible now.

"Yes. He was a hunter." I finally told her.

"Hunters were powerful and were eternal enemies of wolves. Your dad wasn't an enemy though. I loved him dearly."

"How did Tobias find out about you two?"

"Yes, he had me followed. I am usually on guard but somehow he managed to find out about your dad and me…"

"...he told my father all about it. My father was upset but he loved me a lot. So he sent fsent meour dad to see him."

"The three alphas got together and for two days, we argued and spoke. After a long exhuasting appeal, they finally gave in. For so long, I'd left the pack and never returned. They were willing to let me pursue my love. But Tobias wouldn't hear of it…"

….After your dad and I left the country, Tobias lost control and declared a war against the packs. We weren't aware of his strength back then. It was a week later that Marc's parents called me to give me the news. Tobias had killed the three alphas and claimed to be the in-charge of three packs, that were now under his wing. It became the largest and most fearsome pack in the world. The others soon pledged their loyal to him. Marc's mother was pregnant when Tobias announced the war, his parents fled too."