
Forbidden Love: Devil's Addiction

She is torn between her mentor and her best friend. Who will win her heart, a hunter or a werewolf? ****** In this modern era, in which the unique and powerful beings were feared by ordinary humans. Werewolves, not purely humans with extraordinary strength and power, were being hunted and killed because people believed that their kinds were the greatest threat to human races. Now, werewolves were in the blink of becoming extinct as the people's government built the Hunters Association whose goal is to hunt and eradicate werewolves in the world. And Titania comes into the picture. How can a weakling like her save her kinds from going extinct? Can she become successful in being a mediator of peace between the two different races? Can werewolves and human beings live together happily and peacefully in this modern world?

ellezar_g · Fantasi
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48 Chs

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« At White Claw Pack Territory »

Travis's group already arrived at their Pack village. They brought Nikolai to Diego's house. Diego was living alone in his house so they chose his place to hide Nikolai in the meantime as they would try to convince him to join White Claw Pack.

At first, they were shocked to find out that the werewolf they captured and brought with them was none other than but Nikolai. They only found out that the werewolf was him the moment his body returned into his human form.

Travis and his team felt a little bit guilty towards him since Nikolai treated them so well when they visited the Blood Moon Pack. But at the same time, they were grateful that the person they brought in their Pack Village was him.

Travis and others were thinking that they would be able to convince Nikolai compared to other werewolves. Ashton, Rolly, and Kevin were the three people assigned by Travis to watch over Nikolai until he woke up.

Travis, Diego, and Alexa went to see Alpha Tristan and the council members of the White Claw Pack. The three of them would give the council the updates and reports regarding their mission. When they entered the meeting hall, everyone was already there waiting for them.

Travis together with Diego and Alexa politely greeted all the members present in the hall. The members of the council acknowledged their arrival and let them sit first. Everyone was sitting in a circle facing each other.

"I am glad to see that my son, Travis, and his team were able to return safe and sound. Now, we are ready to hear the updates regarding your meeting and talk with the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack." Alpha Tristan said to them directly.

The other members of the council agreed with their Alpha. They were eager to know whether Travis would give them a piece of good news. Did the Blood Moon Pack agree with them? Did they meet Dylan, the Alpha of Lock Heart Pack? Would Blood Moon Pack and White Claw Pack form an alliance? Those were some of the questions running in their minds as of this moment.

After the long wait, Travis finally stood up and began to tell them everything that happened in their journey. Everyone became silent. All eyes and all ears on him.

"The moment we arrived in their territory, the members of Blood Moon Pack welcomed us. They entertained us and accommodate us warmly after knowing that we came from White Claw Pack."

Everyone felt delighted after hearing that. They thought that their warm welcome was a good sign. After Travis paused for a few seconds, he continued speaking once again.

"We met Alpha Jason, the leader of the Blood Moon Pack. We talked peacefully. But unfortunately, Blood Moon Pack and White Claw Pack have different ideals. They thought that fighting and killing the hunters were the only way the werewolves kind would be able to survive. They stick with their principles 'To kill and not be killed'."

"They won't stop killing humans. Whoever would try to stop them, Blood Moon Pack will consider them as their enemy. They will not hesitate to kill even werewolves once they go against the Blood Moon Pack. they don't want others to meddle with their rules and method of revenge. Sad to say, to make an alliance with the Blood Moon Pack is not possible."

Everyone was saddened by that news. But they already expected this to happen since Blood Moon Pack was known for its viciousness and brutal ways.

"How about Alpha Dylan? Did you see him? Were you able to talk with him? Will he come back to us?" One elder asked him. This elder was a member of Lock Heart Pack before.

Travis's doleful expression could be seen in his handsome face. This only meant that they failed once again. They couldn't even convince Dylan to return to their pack village.

"Dylan… we met him also. I talked to him. We had some confrontation and arguments. But I know, even if he didn't want to admit, he still cared about lock Heart Pack and White Claw Pack. the only problem is that his hatred. His hatred for the hunters is stronger that he refused to return as long as there are still hunters living in this world. He was hell-bent to do his revenge, to avenge his parent's death. I'm sorry. We failed… I failed to convince them." Travis apologized to them. The frustration in his voice was evident. Everyone could feel it.

The hall was suddenly engulfed by deafening silence. This was not the news they wanted to hear. But they couldn't do anything. Alpha Jason and Alpha Dylan had made their own decision. Their goal was different from the goal of White Claw Pack. White Claw Pack wanted to make a peace treaty with the humans, most especially hunters. They wanted to stop this war in a peaceful manner. Too much blood was already spilled for both sides.

"We tried our best to talk with them and to convince them. But now, we have no choice but to accept and respect their decisions. But we will not stop here. Don't feel demotivated. We will still try our best to push this peace treaty. I got a message from the Alpha of Silver Bow Pack. He is interested in the Peace Treaty we are planning to do." Alpha Tristan finally talked after hearing the bad news from his son, encouraging everyone not to lose hope.

"With that, I'm gonna assign this new mission to Travis's group. Two weeks from now, I want you to set a journey going the Silver Bow Pack Territory. We will form an alliance with them. Will you accept this new mission, Travis?" Alpha Tristan asked his son's approval. He wanted to know if he was willing to do this mission before officially assigning the mission to them.

"Yes, Alpha. On behalf of my team, I am accepting this new mission." Travis said with so much conviction in his words.

"Good. Now, is there any objection from the other members of the council about this mission?"

"None Alpha…" Everyone answered him.

"Thank you, everyone. So this mission is final. Travis's Team will leave two weeks from now. Is there any more concern before I dismiss everyone here?" Alpha Tristan asked everyone.

"Alpha! We still have something important to tell you. The reason why we were not able to return before the Full Moon…" Travis said, bringing up a new topic.