

"Do you take this beautiful maiden before you as your lawfully wedded wife, the one you will cherish till you breathe your last? "asked the marriage official. "Yes, I..." The groom was unable to finish his reply when the whole place shook and a scary-looking woman appeared not far from the soon to wed couple. "I do not agree to this marriage," the lady said and then raised her hands to the roof and shot 4 beams of light. The whole place began to shake and guests ran away for their life. How did it come to this situation? Why is there an objection to this marriage? Find out in this interesting mystery thriller romance story that will keep you glued to your seat. --------- The cover isn't mine. All credits to the artist. Your votes, comments, and reviews are appreciated.

stella2138 · Umum
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65 Chs


Brianna appeared back on her bed.

Just as she finished arranging the blankets and placing the drip back at its normal place,the door opened and a female nurse came in with a file,pen on her right ear.

She was 1.6 meters tall and had short brown hair.

She was also wearing low flats and nude make-up.

Her gown made her look elegant too.

"Hi,miss Brianna!"the nurse greeted cheerfully.

"Oh,hi!"Brianna replied.

"Your a very strong lady,miss"the pretty nurse commented.

"I know that.Now nurse,please leave i need silence"snapped Brianna.

"No! According to---"

The nurse was cut short by Brianna.

"Get lost.I wanna be in peace."she barked.

The nurse nodded.

"Fine then. I'll be outside. I f you need anything please yell"the nurse said as she made for the door and left the room.

she sat on the waiting couch outside the room.

Back inside the room,Brianna's eyes began to gleam as they changed back to red. a smile on her lips