
forbidden ecstasy

disown my family check fall for the wrong person check incredibly dangerous check wait what incredibly dangerous!!!! Eleonora who's father died and wants to escape poverty and the cruelty of her mother approaches the school counselor to see if she could get some student finance he clearly isn't who he says he is he is far more powerful and dangerous than she could ever expect but one thing is for sure he would never hurt her they have a longer history than she knows .....

Author_A_4 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

the library

What a blunt question for a teacher who's supposed to care about students, there was no emotion or even a hint of interest for a student, how on earth was he able to get this job maybe he really did kill someone yes that seems more likely than the latter, but Eleonora really didn't want to say she was sensitive about this subject.

"Sir... is it that information important, I would like to keep my matters private, if you can't get me the form without it then just leave it".

She didn't want the world to know about her situation and feel their needless sympathy or mockery, because the mother she once had no longer exist she already did a lot of work to keep the head teacher's filthy mouth shut, since she was able to attend this school as an exception he was going to try to kick her out, but when she found out all his dirty deeds he couldn't do anything other than stay quiet.

He really had no interest in letting me attend even though I was the smartest out of them all it was a good thing she had enough blackmail to keep him quiet. Mr Amani stared at Eleonora what was his problem was there something on her face was she his next victim.

"Why can't you tell me I doubt you are that needy, well if you was there are plenty of ways you could get money isn't that right Miss Eleanora?"

"What is that supposed to suggest sir?"

She could feel her blood boil she had heard before some of the things he said to the students before. It wasn't pleasant.

"Hmm now miss Eleanora I'm sure you know what I mean, if you really need some money why don't I help you, I'll give you how much you want if you warm my bed tonight" he looked serious how could he say something so dirty with a straight face but she wasn't going to accept such an insult.


"You can keep your money, I don't need it".

Eleonora was extremely pissed off how could he say such thing? Doesn't he have a sense of morality, she stormed out of his office and hid herself in the library, the one place that always brought her comfort, that corner where she would read magical books that let her forget how cruel this world is.

She had left Mr Amani in shock, it was probably the first time he had ever been hit all the women he had suggested it to before had loved the idea, even that stupid girl from before not that he let her, his deep trance broke when the phone rang.


"Has there been any progress yet, I'm sick of these children I'm going to burn this place when I leave".

"Boss please don't, hang in there for now I haven't made as much progress but I did find something to even the scores with that dirty head teacher".

"Hurry up don't beat around the bush".

"In the library towards the end behind some books there's a safe with all of his dirty deeds, I think you can find just about any dirty deed in there use it to blackmail him, what an idiot who keeps documents of that kind of thing, so that you can get a better position but don't go overboard because you're still in hiding".

"Ah well done I'll take a look tonight".

"Sir .... Order pizza tonight".

"I understand".

He's in trouble he can't trust anyone now his assistant always wanted a secret code in case something had happened to him and he couldn't let his boss know, because he was being watched, he had to choose something so stupid, who says order pizza if you're in trouble, it doesn't matter now he'll have to use his last option.

Later during the evening Mr Amani slipped into the library before it closed, he sweet talked the librarian into giving him the keys, and of course she handed them over like she was hypnotised, he stared to walk to the end of the library and what he found was a bit of a surprise.

It seems someone else had beaten him to the prize and it was none other than Eleonora who was fast asleep with the documents in her hands from the safe, how on earth did she know where this was? Or even what the code was? He crouched beside her.

This was the first time that he noticed how dark her hair was compared to her pale white skin she almost looked like snow white, why was she asleep in the library? Could she not have a place to sleep? Is that why she had wanted to get that form thing? He thought that form thing was just an excuse just like that previous stupid girl, no he had no time for this.

He was just going to grab the documents out of her hands and leave, until he heard a little cry it seems she was having a nightmare, she was also shivering she might have been feeling cold well the library was quite cold he turned around to leave, there was no need to feel sorry for her, he got what he wanted he should just leave, but she mumbles "No don't leave".

'Should I leave her? ,no how could you leave her here, alright fine I'll take her home, I'm not a monster'

He eventually gave in he took off his blazer and wrapped it round her picked her up bridal style did she even weight anything? She was so light and thin he could feel her back bone when he picked her up, put her in the car she he put her seat belt on her face turned to his the slight breath of hers touching his neck what an odd feeling he quickly retreated and, drove her to his house and carefully placed her on his bed it seems she is a very heavy sleeper a normal person would have woken up by now.

He sat on the chair in front of Eleanora he didn't notice how cute she was he studied her face such small pink lips, curly eye lashes, and wavy thick dark brown hair, she seemed quite bony as well he felt very sorry for her but why? he could no longer sleep the thought of her face filling his head only made him more curious about her no, there's no need to get too attached he went out onto the balcony for a smoke to clear out his head, he got what he wanted but what was she doing with the documents? This question bothered him all night only a select few would know about that document.