
For Us (Glee)

What happened after Brittany and Santana's vacation in lesbos? They had to return to real life eventually right? Back to New York, back to their friends, back to figuring out what being an adult means. This is basically how I see their life going (with some flashbacks to before this story starts for some flavour.) This is a long one, so buckle in ;)

Sam_Lulpus · Televisi
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43 Chs

Chapter 5

In the tenth grade, Santana had begun dating puck. Well, they weren't really dating so much as hooking up exclusively, but something about how Puck seemed to actually listen to Santana, when he never listened to any other girl he hooked up with, had tripped Brittany's jealousy bone. Was that a real thing? It makes sense if there's a funny bone right? Anyway Brittany had been jealous for the first time in her life.

She and Santana had started exchanging their sweet lady kisses the summer of that year, then Santana had lost her virginity and things had become different. Whenever they kissed it was hotter somehow. More intense. Then Santana would stop abruptly as if waking up from a dream and within the hour she'd be gone, saying something about Puck. It would then take till the end of the next day for Santana to talk to Brittany, usually pretending that nothing had happened.

Every time Brittany saw Puck and Santana together she would have to fight the urge to punch him. For a while she had told herself it was because Puck was no good and would only hurt Santana, but eventually she had had to admit that there was something else. She was feeling things separate from Puck. Things for Santana, that confused her deeply. When she had tried to talk to Santana about these feelings Santana had said,

"It's because I'm the only person you're kissing B. That's why you're confused. You have to find a boy, and then you'll get it. That's why I have Puck."

So even though it felt wrong, Brittany had found a boy. But then it had felt even more wrong, so she found another boy, and another, and another. In the end she settled on Mike because she actually liked to spend time with him. They weren't serious by anyone's standards, less serious than Santana and Puck even, but they went to parties together and kissed and hung out. The only thing that had come out of her relationships was that Brittany was surer than ever that she felt something different for Santana. She compared every second she spent with each boy to the ones she spent with Santana and knew that they were infinitely inferior. Still, she told herself it was because Santana was her best friend, her favorite person. So obviously she would prefer spending her time with her right?

Then Brittany had lost her virginity and things had gotten worse. She had felt so horrible afterwards, so dirty and wrong that she had avoided everyone, even Santana. She was sure that Santana had not felt this way after her first time, so Brittany was convinced that there was something wrong with her. She didn't talk to anyone for over a week, until Santana had forced her way into Brittany's room and kissed her without even saying a word. They had kissed, and then they had done more than kiss. This time, Santana didn't pull away and she didn't leave. When they had finished, and Brittany was lying safely in Santana's arms, she had understood. There was no need to talk because what had just happened had explained everything, for now at least. Brittany understood that everything she was feeling, Santana was feeling too. She understood that sex was most definitely not supposed to be what her first time had been, and she understood that Santana was telling her that she didn't enjoy her first time either, in fact she didn't enjoy any time.

Most importantly though, Brittany had understood in that moment that her and Santana communicated best through touch. That despite the words they spoke or didn't speak as was often the case, the truth could always be found in the way they kissed, or the way they touched each other. While she loved Santana for more than the sex, obviously, it was still a very important part of their relationship.

So today, when Santana had woken Brittany up in the middle of the night by trailing kisses down her neck, Brittany tried to listen to what Santana was telling her.

She fought against sleep and forced her tired brain to focus on the kisses Santana was giving her. These kisses were hard and rough, and the small bite Santana was currently placing on her pulse point was just a bit too hard to be from lust alone. The hand that was making its way up Brittany's stomach was shaking slightly, while the other one was clutching too tightly to the sheets by Brittany's head. Santana was panicking. She couldn't be sure about what yet, but Brittany had a feeling it was because she had been asked to join the artist her label had just signed in the studio tomorrow.

Brittany opened her eyes and saw that Santana's were shut tight, looking on the verge of tears. She internally debated letting her continue the way she was, letting her have control, but then decided against it. Right now Santana needed to know she was okay, and that she would still be okay no matter what happened tomorrow. Dominating Brittany would not show her that. So instead, Brittany brought one hand to the hand on her chest and grabbed her wrist, stilling her movements and causing Santana to open her eyes. They stared at each other for a long moment before Brittany saw the look of understanding in Santana's eyes.

"Come here"

She whispered, releasing the hand she had been holding. When Santana was level with her, Brittany kissed her softly and slowly. She tried to convey everything she wanted to say with that kiss. 'You're okay Santana. You're amazing, and you're going to completely blow them away, but even if you don't, you're still going to be okay, and you'll be just as awesome as you are right now. You're okay'.

Releasing Santana's lips, Brittany moved to kiss her cheeks, then her nose, then her eyelids. When she heard Santana let out a long shaky breath, she put her arms around her waist and flipped them gently, so that she was now hovering above her. She continued to place kisses all over her face and then began kissing a trail down her neck. She felt Santana's body relax a bit more into the mattress as she licked back up the trail she had just left with her lips. Reaching Santana's ear she whispered,

"That's it baby"

Before placing a soft kiss on the ear too. "Relax". She felt a shiver run down Santana's body and smiled. She loved seeing the effect she had on her girl.

Lifting up slightly, she grabbed the hem of Santana's shirt and pulled, telling Santana she wanted her to take it off, before sitting up and taking off her own. Throwing the shirt on the floor beside their bed, Brittany returned to her task. She was going to kiss every inch of Santana's body that she could reach and the small whimpering noises Santana made told her that she would not mind in the least.

When she reached her boobs, Brittany allowed herself a little more time than she had been spending everywhere else. Okay fine, she got carried away…but can you blame her? She wasn't sure how long she had spent alternating between sucking each nipple, but when Santana moaned out a,


And brought a hand to tangle in her hair, Brittany knew she needed to move on. So she placed two soft kisses on each breast, and then continued downwards.

She ran her tongue along tight abs, eliciting a sharp intake of breath and a shiver from Santana, placed a kiss on her belly button and then settled herself in between her girlfriend's legs. She wrapped her hands around the thighs on either side of her head, keeping them steady, and then looked up at Santana, who had her eyes closed.

"Santana" she called. Letting her breath brush against her center.

"Y..yeah" came a shaky throaty reply, though she kept her eyes closed.

Moving closer, Brittany placed a few soft kisses on the lips in front of her, loving the way she could feel the muscles tighten in Santana's thighs as she did.

"Open your eyes baby"

It took a minute for Santana to comply with her request. Brittany wasn't sure if it was because she hadn't heard or because she was too turned on to process, but as soon as she did and Brittany saw dark brown eyes staring at her, she let her tongue snake out of her mouth. As she parted Santana's lower lips, Brittany kept her eyes locked with Santana's. She licked gently, taking note of the quickening pace of Santana's breathing, the slight crease in Santana's brow and the way her mouth hang open. This would not take long.

Ignoring her own growing arousal, Brittany pressed down her tongue and worked it through Santana's folds, all the way up to her throbbing clit. She circled it a few times before finally drawing it into her mouth and sucking.

"Fuuuck Britt" came Santana's voice. They had not broken eye contact yet, but Brittany could see the way Santana was straining to keep her eyelids from shutting. With her hands around Santana's legs, Brittany kept her from both trapping her head and canting up her hips to quicken Brittany's pace. She wanted this to be slow. There was something specific she wanted Santana to understand. To emphasize the point that she was in charge, Brittany allowed her teeth to grate against the bundle of nerves as she released it from her mouth.

Santana let out a disapproving groan and brought her hand to Brittany's head to try and push her back where she wanted her, but Brittany resisted. She raised her head slightly higher so that she could look more clearly into Santana's eyes and paused. She rubbed her hands up Santana's thighs and up her stomach, stopping at her breasts. Santana squirmed below her, her arousal now at such a point that every touch made her feel like she was being set on fire. When Brittany pinched both of her nipples and pulled on them, she let out a long moan before nodding her head quickly.

"God baby….okay. Fuck. Okay."

Nodding and smiling, Brittany brought her head back to Santana's core, not releasing her nipples, but finally breaking eye contact. She needed to focus on what she was doing, and there were other ways to know if Santana understood her message.

Stiffening her tongue, Brittany aimed straight for Santana's entrance. She felt Santana jerk up at the sudden intrusion, and let out a moan of her own. She loved this. She was completely surrounded by Santana, every one of her senses being completely enveloped by Santana, and it was her favorite way to be. She could hear the rapid "Fuck Britt…fuck fuck fuck" coming from above her, she could feel Santana's one hand gripping tightly to her hair and the other holding on to the hand kneading a breast. She could taste Santana's gloriously distinct taste, and she could smell a combination of her own arousal and Santana's. Brittany was in such a state of bliss in fact that she could no longer take the slow approach she had planned. She removed her tongue from within Santana, savoring the taste, and replaced it quickly with two fingers before Santana could protest.

"God yeah baby don't stop" Santana moaned out.

Brittany kissed along Santana's one thigh before reaching where it connected to her pelvis, and then moved to do the same to the other one. When she had finished, she licked her way back up Santana's stomach, between her breasts (she did not want to get distracted again), and then bit down suddenly on her collarbone.


Smirking slightly at the sudden yell that had escaped Santana, Brittany licked over the already bruising area she had bitten, before moving up to place kisses on Santana's neck. All the while Brittany's fingers continued to move inside Santana. She could feel that Santana was getting wetter, yet tighter, the walls of her pussy pushing Brittany's fingers close together. On her next push inside, Brittany curled her fingers slightly and hit a particularly sensitive spot that made Santana cry out again, clump her knees together and pull Brittany up to connect their lips in a clumsy, wet, passionate kiss.

"I…I love you. FUCK I lo..I love Y…You baby" Santana struggled to get out between kisses and moans.

The noises Santana was making were making Brittany's own clit throb almost painfully, and the way she kept dragging her nails down Brittany's back was driving the knot in Brittany's stomach to tighten further and further. She lifted one leg over one of Santana's thighs and lowered herself suddenly, bringing her own soaked centre to grind against Santana's leg. They both let out loud moans.

"God B you're so wet"

"Yeah. For you baby. You're so sexy"

Santana dragged her hands down Brittany's back again before grabbing her ass suddenly and pulling her hard against her thigh, which she had raised. Brittany moaned, and quickened the pace of her hand moving in and out of Santana, making sure to hit that sensitive spot every time.

"Don't stop Britt"

"You like that baby"

"God yes baby I love your fingers inside me. Fu…fuck don't stop"

By the tightening of the walls around her fingers, and the desperate way that Santana was pulling Brittany against her, Brittany knew she was almost there. It was time to drive the point home. She drew her head back so that she could look at Santana.

"Open your eyes baby". Santana did as she was told. "You're so beautiful" Brittany said, before kissing Santana gently on the check.

Fighting off her own orgasm, Brittany pushed harder into Santana, using her hips to add more pressure. Santana moaned louder than any time before.

"Cum for me Santana". Both of their breathing was heavy and their bodies were glistened with sweat. Brittany's left hand was burning under the strain of keeping her body elevated and Santana was gripping her ass so tightly that it almost hurt, but Brittany could not bring herself to care about any of that. The way Santana was looking at her in that moment, with so much love and trust, filled her with so much happiness that she wished she could freeze this moment in time forever. She was sure that her every organ, every body part was made to love this woman.

"I love you so much baby" she whispered.

This seemed to be more than Santana could take and she suddenly stiffened. Brittany felt the pulsing of the walls around her fingers, and the hard throbbing of the clit under her thumb as her hand became covered in Santana's juices. After a moment Santana's body relaxed and began shaking slightly with the aftershocks. Brittany was so focused on watching Santana come undone beneath her that she didn't notice the hand that had snaked between them. She jerked forward in surprise and threw her head back as Santana's fingers found her clit and began rubbing it quickly. She ground herself feverishly into Santana's thigh, moaning loudly as Santana whispered about how beautiful she was.

"Fuck Santana…So good"

"You're so good baby. So fucking good and sexy riding me like this"


"God yes. I can feel how wet you are for me Britt. I can feel it all over my leg"

Brittany could not talk anymore, only able to let out a loud groan as Santana pinched her clit between her fingers and her other hand moved up to Brittany's breast.

"Let go B"

"Fuck I'm gonna cum Santana"

Brittany could feel the knot in her stomach tighten unbearably and she knew she was close to release. She closed her eyes, unable to keep them open anymore and ground harder into Santana.

"Cum for me Britt. Cum all over my leg baby. Cum on my fingers"

Even as Santana finished her sentence Brittany was writhing in pleasure. She felt herself coat Santana's thigh and fingers as she continued to push herself against her through her orgasm. She wanted to yell out and scream, but instead she let her head fall onto Santana's shoulder and bit down. It was not hard enough to be unpleasantly painful, but Brittany knew that this would be another mark.

Finally, her orgasm passed and she collapsed onto Santana, both of them breathing heavily.

"Fuck me" Santana breathed.

"Again?" Brittany asked in an amused voice.

Ignoring her, Santana said, "I needed that. How do you always know what I need B? It was perfect"

Brittany was silent for a moment basking in her afterglow, then she spoke.

"The same way you always know what I'm thinking"

"You can read my mind?" Santana asked. Brittany knew she was joking, but she decided not to comment all the same. She wasn't sure about all that yet. So instead she asked,

"So you're feeling better?"

"Much. Tomorrow is going to be awesome, because I'm awesome, and I have you. And if it isn't, I'll be okay because I'll still be awesome and I'll still have you". Santana said this as she tightened her grip around Brittany, who was still lying on top of her.

Brittany smiled widely at this. That had been exactly what she had wanted Santana to understand. God she was good. She briefly thought that she should be slightly creeped out that she and Santana could communicate so effectively through touch, but then she brushed that thought away quickly. Their entire relationship wasn't something anyone had ever really understood anyway.

"You'll always have me Santana" was the last thing Brittany thought before falling asleep. She wasn't sure if she had said it out loud or not. She also wasn't sure if she had heard the quiet whisper of Santana saying,

"You'll always have me Britt"


When Brittany had woken up the next day, it had been close to two in the afternoon. She didn't start work until the next week, so she had taken to sleeping away the mornings, slowly unpacking boxes in the afternoons, and then giving up and going for a walk around their neighborhood. So far she had found a cute coffee shop that she now went to everyday, a bookstore that she had made a mental note to show to Santana, a park that had made her want to get a dog, and one of those street fountain things that shot jets of water from many holes in the floor. This was her current favorite place to visit.

Sitting up in bed, Brittany thought about the night before. She and Santana always had amazing sex, but last night had been different. They had been connected in a way that reinforced Brittany's belief that what they had was beyond love. They were meant to be together. She had felt so at home, so safe and so loved that Brittany was sure there was nowhere else she was ever supposed to be. Brittany was suddenly very anxious to get married.

She was pulled from her thoughts by a loud ringing that caused her to jump slightly. She launched herself out of bed and began looking through the clothes on the floor for the pants she had worn yesterday, thinking to herself that after a week of procrastinating, it was time to organise her clothes. Finally seeing the light blue shade of her skinny jeans, Brittany pulled them out and dug her hand in the pocket bringing out her cell phone.

"You answered"

"I told you I'd always answer Santana" Brittany replied, wondering if she would always get butterflies when she heard that raspy voice.

"I thought you might still be sleeping. You seemed dead when I tried to wake you up before I left"

Smiling at the smugness in Santana's voice, Brittany shook her head.

"I wonder why that is" she replied

"Me too"

"It might have something to do with being woken up at who knows what time-"

"3:10 am"

"At 3:10…Wait why do you know that?"

"I'd been tossing and turning all night, and I checked just before deciding I needed to be tired out"

"Right, well…I'm always happy to be of service" she said, in a mock British accent that made Santana laugh.

"Silly…when did you get up?"

"Like 5 minutes ago"

"Have you seen the surprise I left you?"

"A surprise? No what is it?"

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surpr-"

"Where is it?"

"If I told you-"

"It wouldn't be a surprise yeah. Okay well will you just give me a tiny hint?" Brittany asked desperately.

"Have you even left the room?"

"No I told you I just woke up"

Santana's laugh came through the phone before she said, "Then that's your clue. Leave the room"

Brittany grabbed one of Santana's oversized shirts and walked quickly out of the room, pulling it over her head.

"What if I don't see it? Like how hard am I supposed to be-"

Brittany cut herself off with a gasp as she turned the corner into their kitchen, one hand halfway through its sleeve and saw a large tray filled with her favourite cruller doughnut covered in rainbow sprinkles and caramel syrup. Beside them was a vase with yellow daisies, and a large glass of what Brittany was sure would be Affogato. Beside it was a large card that Brittany stared at without touching.

"Did you find it?" Came Santana's voice through the phone. Brittany couldn't answer. She was in complete shock.

"Baby are you there?"

Still Brittany couldn't answer. She had begun to panic. Had she forgotten some sort of anniversary? She and Santana did have a lot after all. They celebrated the first time they kissed, the first time they had sex, and then the first time they did both of things after becoming official. The first time Santana sang to Brittany in the choir room, the first time they said I love you to each other, the day they started dating, and the day they started dating again after the break up. Brittany mentally went through the dates of all of those things in her head before sighing in relief. No, she hadn't missed any of them, and it wasn't Santana's birthday either, she would have remembered well in advance. What was she missing?!

Suddenly the phone to her ear started to ring loudly, startling Brittany out of her thoughts. She looked at the phone and saw that it was Santana calling. Confused, she answered the call.

"Britt are you having a heart attack or something?" Santana said as she laughed.

"Baby what…I mean why...did I forget something? My brain always keeps our anniversaries and your birthday in a special folder so I never forget, but with the move and getting prepared for work and everything maybe-"

"No B, you didn't forget anything."

"Then what's this for?"

"Don't you like it?"

"Santana I fucking love it!"

"I love it when you swear B. It's so sexy"

This made Brittany relax significantly, and she allowed herself to laugh at how easy it is for her to turn Santana on. "You still haven't told me what it's for S"

"Open the card. I have to get back to work but I'll call you in a few hours okay?"

"Okay baby. I love you so much Santana."

"I love you too Brittany"

When the line had gone dead, Brittany continued to stare at the spread in front of her before deciding to open the card.

"Hey Britt-Britt. I know it's probably the middle of the afternoon, but I personally think it's not right to eat anything other than breakfast when you wake up so...here's your breakfast. First of all, I love you so much. Like I love you SO much. I've never really understood what we have, but nights like last night make me think it's not just something special and rare, but something that happens every like, 1000 years. I know there is no one in this century who's been loved the way you love me, definitely not the way I love you, and I know this may not be much, but I just wanted you to wake up to something better than every other day because I'm pretty sure we reached a new level of our relationship yesterday. For me anyway. Sooo….before you make fun of me for being a huge cheese ball, enjoy you're sugary goodness baby. I love you to infinity.


Brittany read the card over and over again, committing every single letter to her heart, which at the moment felt like it was going to have that heart attack that Santana had mentioned earlier. She could not believe that she was so lucky. Just over three years ago, Brittany had not been so sure that she would have this. Santana had moved to New York, no, she had sent Santana to New York, and Brittany was desperately trying to convince herself that she loved Sam. Then she had gone to MIT and had thought she would never really be happy again. Now here she stood, in an apartment that she shared with the love of her life, about to cry over some flowers, doughnuts and a card. She should be embarrassed, but as Brittany picked up a doughnut, she couldn't help but feel really stupidly happy.


Brittany had just finished arranging her and Santana's clothes in the closet when she heard a loud banging on the door, which, having watched many thrillers, she was extremely weary of opening. Santana had a key and they hadn't spent enough time in San Jose to know anyone who would show up at their apartment. To Brittany this meant that she could very well be in mortal danger. She debated calling Santana to say goodbye, then she thought of calling the police so that maybe they'd get to her before she actually died, but before she could decide, there was banging on the door again. Tentatively, and without making a noise, Brittany walked out of her room, down the hall, past the kitchen and into the living room, where she turned down the stereo she had been blasting as she cleaned up. She stood there, a few feet from the door, hoping they wouldn't knock again and she could be spared having to actually decide whether to open the door or not, when there was another knock, lighter than before, but still too forceful to be friendly.

Sighing deeply, Brittany took out her phone and sent Santana a quick message letting her know that there were people at the door, just in case she got kidnapped. Santana would at least know when it had happened. Then, she crossed the floor and peeped through the hole. A tall black haired man stood leaning against the opposite wall with his arms crossed over his chest and a sour expression on his face. In front of him was a shorter red headed woman who looked just as thoroughly annoyed. She had one hand in her back pocket and the other playing with her long curly hair. Brittany thought that it was unlikely that these two would kidnap her, and she felt that she could at least take the girl. Just as the woman took a few steps towards the door, Brittany made a show of rattling the chain (which was unlocked, but they didn't need to know that) and then pulled open the door.

If she wasn't so uneasy, Brittany would have laughed at the sudden change of expression on the girl's face. Where she had previously looked ready for a fight, she now looked like she was trying not to smile, and her whole face was flushed a deep red. The man however, was still looking angry, so Brittany decided to ignore him.

"Hey!" she said in her usual cheery BSP voice, flashing a smile. "Can I help you?"

"YES" yelled the man, who Brittany was beginning to think looked a lot like professor Snape from the Harry Potter movies. That only made her like him less.

Before she could respond though, the woman turned around sharply. "Cool it Ethan!" Then turning back to Brittany with an apologetic smile, she said, "Uhh...sorry...Hi...Uhh I'm Elaine". She stuck out her hand.

Brittany hesitated momentarily before taking it. She had recently watched a documentary about people hiding papers with weird toxins in their palms that passed to people when they shook hands.

"You're not going to poison and kidnap me or something are you?" She asked. The man looked at her like he was completely thrown by her question, Brittany was used to that look, but the woman laughed. Brittany was used to this too, but something about the way that she laughed gave Brittany a bad feeling.

"You're funny. No we're not hiding anything in our palms. See?" She held up her palms for Brittany to see.

Ignoring the weird vibe this woman gave her, Brittany smiled widely. "Oh you saw that documentary too!"

"Yeah. Daytime television really sucks and it was the most interesting thing on."

"Are you fucking kidding me Elaine? We didn't come here for this!"

"Shut up Ethan"

Brittany was reminded of the situation, and suddenly wondered why this woman, Elaine, was suddenly not as angry as she had been only minutes before.

"Umm…well…Was there something I could help you with?" She asked as nicely as possible, hoping the man, Ethan, wouldn't shout again.

"Yes you can actually" Ethan began, but was stopped once again by a glare from Elaine. Brittany wasn't impressed by it. She had seen both Santana and Quinn give better glares than this one. It did seem to have more of an effect on Ethan though, who became silent.

"Why don't you just go take a walk or something" Elaine said in a hiss. The two strangers stared at each other for a long while, and Brittany became as uncomfortable as she was becoming irritated. She wished they would both go take a walk.

Finally, Ethan sent a glare in Brittany's direction, an even weaker one than Elaine's Brittany thought, and then walked off. Rather, it was more of a brooding, childish kind of exit. To Brittany it looked like he was on the verge of throwing a tantrum. She was about to giggle at that visual when Elaine turned back to her, and smiled as though she had just done Brittany a huge favour.

"So…Elaine right? Was there something I could do for you?" She asked for a second time, hoping to get a straightforward answer. She was out of luck though, because Elaine just shook her head and swatted her hand around, dismissing the topic, and instead asked,

"Do you mind if I come in?"

Brittany shifted uncomfortably. She wanted nothing more than to say no, but she didn't really have an excuse, and she couldn't just say no for no reason. She sighed lightly and then put on her best BSP act (strange having to impersonate yourself), smiled brightly, and opened the door wider, "Sure, come in."

Ten minutes later, Elaine sat on the chairs at the kitchen island while Brittany pulled dishes out of boxes and stacked them in drawers.

"So you moved from New York, Just because?" Elaine asked with an air of amusement and disbelief.

Brittany didn't really feel like going into the details of why they had moved, so she just nodded her head, praying for something to take her away from this conversation. Just then, her phone rang loudly from the bedroom, and she jumped up quickly from her position on the floor, ignoring Elaine's "Shit".

"Your timing is seriously perfect baby" she said into the phone once she had answered it.

"Why? Were the kidnappers just about to make off with you?"

"Ha Ha. No! But I think I'd rather that than Elaine"

"Elaine? Like my college fake girlfriend Elaine?"

"No. But now that you say that she does kind of look like her. If she dyed her hair red."

"Who is Elaine then B?"

Brittany started to answer before she realised she actually had no idea who Elaine was.

"Hold on" she said, as she made her way back to the kitchen. She found Elaine about to pick a doughnut.

"HEY" she yelled, surprising even herself, and causing Elaine to jerk her hand away quickly.

"Sorry I thought they were for eating" she said, with a touch of sarcasm in her voice that annoyed Brittany a bit, though she shook it off quickly.

"They are, but they're for me. I'm usually really good at sharing, but I don't share those. Sorry."

Elaine shrugged. "So what's the deal with your ringtone being as loud as a freaking fire alarm?"

"I don't like to miss my girlfriend's calls"

"Oh so you are gay?"

Brittany didn't like the way she had said that, nor did she like the way that she was currently being looked at.

"Well, I think I'm more of a bicorn actually"

"A.." Elaine paused, scrunching her eyebrows tightly as if thinking really hard. "A what?"

"A bi-"

"Britt!" Santana's voice came through the phone loudly.

"Yes baby" Brittany replied cheerily.

"You were going to find out who Elaine is remember?"

"Oh yeah, thanks." Then turning to Elaine she asked, "Who are you?"

Elaine seemed to find this very amusing. "I'm Elaine Brittany"

"Yes I know you're name thanks, but I don't know who you are or why you're here Elaine."

Brittany was already getting tired of the condescending tone Elaine was beginning to use.

"Oh, well I'm your neighbour to the…" she paused, thinking for a few seconds (Brittany realised she did this a lot) then continued, "left. My boyfriend and I came over to ask you to turn down the music cause it was blaring so loudly it was like we were playing it ourselves and we couldn't think."

"Sounds like the music is turned down to me" Santana said, sounding irritated. Brittany wished she was here to get Elaine to leave.

"Yeah I turned it down before I opened the door"

"Yes you did. And thank you" said Elaine, smiling sweetly.

Smiling back, Brittany replied, "You're welcome."

"Okay Britt, I only have about two hours of work left, so I'm going to get back to it so that I can get back to you sooner. Are you okay? Do you need to me to talk to this Elaine girl? Do you want me to come home and kick her out?"

"No baby I don't. I'm okay" Brittany answered, smiling a toothy grin.

"Are you sure? Cause I'll totally go all Lima Heights if you want me to."

Brittany couldn't help laughing. "Promise" she said simply.

"Alright then, I'll see you in a bit."

"Okay baby. I love you"

"I love you B" and with that she hung up.

Her momentary joy that came with talking to Santana was interrupted by Elaine speaking.

"Is that your girlfriend's name?"



Brittany laughed deeply. She knew she called Santana that a lot, but Santana liked it, and frankly so did Brittany. It was like her way of publicly telling people that Santana may look like a stone cold bitch, but she was Brittany's sweet, candy filled baby.

"Yeah" she answered with a cheeky smile. She knew how this conversation would go and she was already enjoying herself. It was moments like these that reminded Brittany that she was as far from the dumb personality she had crafted for herself oh so many years ago.

"No way! Really?"

"Yeah really" It wasn't a lie. Baby was the name that Brittany called her.

"Her mother called her 'Baby'?"

"Well I've never heard her do it, but I'm sure at some point in her childhood she must have, though to be honest her mother doesn't really seem the type. Maybe nena counts"


"Yeah it's Spanish"

"Ok-kay? So her name isn't baby?"

"It is"

"But you just said her mother probably never called her that"

Brittany just nodded and stared at Elaine as though she really wasn't understanding where the confusion was. She watched as Elaine struggled to catch Brittany's meaning, before finally giving up and changing topics altogether, something Brittany was very grateful for.

"How come all your stuff is still in boxes?"

"I've been kind of lazy honestly"

"Want some help?"

On the one hand, Brittany wasn't sure about Elaine, but on the other she really wanted to get most of the boxes done, and it would be awesome to have someone else helping.

"Sure. Thank you." She replied, taking back the position she had previously occupied on the floor.

An hour later, Brittany and Elaine had finished unpacking all of the boxes labelled 'kitchen' and 'living room'. They had skipped the bedroom boxes because Brittany was both not sure what they would find, and not comfortable with Elaine being in their bedroom. So instead they had decided to move to the 'office' which was just a large room with a desk and shelf in one corner. Brittany and Santana had decided that they could use the room as a double office. The room would be left mostly empty so that Brittany could use the space to dance, and whenever she needed to, Santana could come and work at the desk. The shelf would keep the many vinyl that they owned, Santana's two guitars and the piles and piles of sheet music.

These things, Brittany would not allow Elaine to touch even if her life depended on it, but when they had moved in, she and Santana had stashed most of the unlabeled boxes in here, so Brittany thought that she would go through them, with Elaine's help, and decide what to do with them.

As they sat there on the floor, Brittany found herself sifting through posters she hadn't seen since senior year 'the original', as Brittany had taken to calling her first senior year. She was also looking at hundreds of photos, which had been on their walls besides the posters, love notes and cute drawing, which they had stuck in their lockers, Cheerios and motocross trophies and dance awards.

"Is this her? Your girlfriend?" Elaine asked. There was something in her voice that made Brittany feel a little bit bad for her, but she wasn't sure why.

"Yeah that's her" Brittany said, smiling down at a picture of Santana when they had gone to New York for their first Glee club Nationals.

"Fuck. She's gorgeous" Elaine said. Brittany noticed she sounded disappointed.

"Why do you say that like it's a bad thing?" Brittany asked laughing gently.

"Well I was…I mean I…" She stopped, gathering her thoughts, then spoke again. "I wasn't expecting it that's all. You're already so hot"

Brittany was shocked at her last statement. She wasn't sure what one thing had to do with the other.

"So?" She asked.

"Well one hot lesbian is rarely dating another hot lesbian. Usually someone as hot as you would be dating someone more on the butch side" Elaine said, shrugging as though this was the most obvious thing.

"I think that's flawed logic" Brittany told her, but didn't push it any further than that. She didn't much feel like discussing her or Santana's hotness anymore.

They sat in silence for a long stretch of time, organising things into 'keep', 're-box' and 'throw' piles, until Elaine spoke again.

"How long have you guys been together exactly? This is so much crap"

"Well some of it is stuff we had before we met each other, but we have also been together a long time." Brittany felt like non-specifics were best for now. She didn't want to go into too much detail about her and Santana's relationship with someone she didn't know that well. "Plus we're both really sentimental"

"Well how can I throw away anything when everything you give me is so damn cute B?"

Santana's cool raspy voice called from the doorway. Elaine's head snapped up while Brittany shot upwards, stumbling over boxes in her haste to kiss her girlfriend. It was meant to be a chaste 'hello' kiss, but as evidenced by the small moan Brittany let out and subsequent loud cough by Elaine, it was escalating quickly. Santana reluctantly pulled away, took a second to drag her mind back to reality, and then turned to Elaine.

"Elaine I'm guessing" She said curtly. It wasn't rude, which Brittany appreciated, but it wasn't welcoming either.


Brittany burst out laughing, having forgotten that she never actually told Elaine Santana's name, while Santana seemed to puff up with indignation, apparently unable to believe that she was being called such an intimate term of endearment by a stranger. The only thing that kept her from exploding on the spot was the fact the Brittany was doubled over beside her, clutching her stomach in a fit of laughter that was highly contagious.

"Britt why are you laughing?" She asked, trying to contain her own laughter.

Brittany took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds to stave off the giggles bubbling in her throat before replying, "I'll tell you later ba-" She interrupted herself with another wave of laughter. She hoped this wouldn't happen every time she tried to call Santana 'baby' now.

"Brittany" Santana said, clearly no longer amused.

"I'll explain later love" She answered, sobering quickly. Then she turned to Elaine, "Elaine, this is my girlfriend Santana."

"Fuck!" Exclaimed Elaine.

Brittany furrowed her brow and turned to Santana, who raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. "Excuse me?" Santana asked.

"That's a fucking beautiful name."

Santana dropped her arms to her side and turned to Brittany with the same confused expression that Brittany had, then she turned back to Elaine.

"Thanks? Why do you sound pissed about it?"

"You have a beautiful name, you're gorgeous as hell, you're obviously musically talented cause even your speaking voice is just heavenly-"

"Okay what the fuck?" Santana asked, growing uncomfortable. She wasn't sure what she made of this woman yet, but she knew she didn't like whatever was happening.

"Yeah what the fuck? Santana is awesome yeah but she's mine Elaine" Brittany said coldly. Well okay, as coldly as Brittany S. Pierce can sound. Santana smiled sweetly at her and placed a soft kiss on her check, whispering "that's right Britt"

"Don't worry Brittany, that's my point. I was going to try get you to sleep with me when I first saw you, but then I saw the picture of Santana, and I thought I'd try get you guys to break up so I could have you, cause I knew you wouldn't cheat on someone that looks like that," she gestured to Santana before continuing, "But now, I mean fuck…No fucking way anyone is getting you two to break up. You're like a fucking match made in heaven jeezz". Elaine said all this as if it was huge inconvenience.

Santana wasn't sure what to feel first. Throughout that little speech she had been angry, furious, confused, and then flattered. She felt like she should at least punish Elaine for her initial thoughts, so before Brittany could stop her she walked right up to Elaine and gave a nice hard punch to her cheek.



Santana turned to Brittany with an ashamed smile and a small shrug. "Sorry Britts but you heard what she said. Am I really supposed to let that go? Even if she did change her mind in the end. What if she decides to change it again?"

In truth, Brittany hadn't really cared about the punch. She had been expecting it the second Elaine finished her first sentence. She was actually shocked that Santana had let her finish the whole confession.

Both girls stood and watched Elaine massage her jaw where Santana had punched her, a big red bruise forming beneath her fingers. Then she turned to Santana with a mischievous smile.

"I like you Santana." Santana smirked. "I can tell we're gonna have an awesome friendship."