
Chapter 8: Jameson

He sat up with a start. He looked around and didn't know where he was. He blinked his eyes, trying to remember what happened. He jumped up, the last thing he remembered was passing out on top of Annalise, who had completely lost control over her magic. He was in a full panic, he needed to find her.

As he was struggle his way out of bed an elderly man he didn't recognize entered the room. Jameson looked for a weapon but found nothing so instead he raised his fists. "Where is she! Take me to her now!"

"Calm down, please. You're wife is safe. She's in the other room. I found the two of you in the swamp and brought you here to treat you. You were badly burned you shouldn't be out of bed yet."

"Take me to her."

The man sighed. "Of course. Just try to take it easy, okay?"

The man lead him to a room down the hall where he found her laying in a bed unconscious. He ran to her side grabbing her hand. "Anna..." he was going to call her name but stopped himself so that he could keep her identity a secret until he knew if this man could be trusted or not.

"So her name is Anna?" The man smiled.


"And you are?"

"James." He said not taking his eyes off of Annalise. He smiled sadly as he looked down at her cheek which now had two very faint scars. "You healed her cuts?"

The man stepped closer. "Yes. They were deep but I did my best to keep them from scarring. She is so beautiful I didn't want to let her face be ruined."

"It couldn't be... scarred or not."

The man smiled. "How long have you been married?"

"We're newlyweds."

"That explains her fancy gown. Attacked on your wedding day. What a shame. You're a solider in His Majesty's Army?"

"Yes. I just made captain. I rushed home to marry her... just couldn't wait any longer." It was a lie of course, but so much of it was true. He couldn't wait any longer. If she, no, when she opened her eyes he would be sure she knew what he meant to him.

The man smiled. "How wonderful. I am Anders, by the way."

"Thank you for treating Anna. And me, I guess."

Andres smiled. "I just wish I had more than simple herbs. You are going to be quite scarred from the burns but they shouldn't hurt too badly."

"I am fine. And I don't care about me... If you could, focus your energies on her."

Andres chuckled. "Of course. She hasn't awaken yet. It's been two days. I am concerned, other than her face I saw no wounds."

"She... she used too much magic."

"Oh, she's a mage?"

"A healer... that's how we met. She fixed me up."

Andres smiled. "How wonderful. Then she should wake soon. I'll bring you a chair. I'm sure you want to stay with her."

"Yes. Thank you for saving us."

Andres smiled, "you're welcome."

Andres brought a a chair and Jameson sat with her for hours. Just before sunset she stirred. He jumped up grabbing hold of her hand. "Annalise..."

Her eyes fluttered open. "Jameson..."

"I'm here. You're safe."

She squeezed his hand. "What... happened."

"We were attacked... you..."

Her eyes widened as she began to cry. "I did that to you! Those burns... they're my fault!"

He sat down on the bed and pulled her into his arms. "No. I did it to myself. You are not to blame."

"It was my magic..."

"Annalise, look at me." She looked into his eyes, tears still spilling on her cheeks. "If you remember anything about that night, remember that it was the first time that we did this." He then lifted her chin with his finger and kissed her so passionately that he almost lost himself.

When he finally pulled away she smiled. "I could never forget my first kiss."

He smiled an arrogant smile. "I should not be this happy that I was your first kiss."

She blushed. "I... I love you."

"I..." he paused looking into her deep violet eyes. He wondered if he should say it. He said it to her before but she wasn't really there. He wanted to keep his distance but he couldn't. It was too late, if he were to ever know happiness it would be with Annalise. "I love you, Annalise." She rewarded him with the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen. "Oh, for now we are married. You're name is Anna, you're a healer. And I am James and I am a captain in the army."

"Why must we lie"

"I love how trusting you are but until I can guarantee that you will be safe here we must keep secrets."

She nodded. "Of course, James. How long have we been married."

"We're newlyweds. It's a good explanation of why a healer would be wearing such an expensive gown."

She nodded. "Okay."

There was a knock on the door and Andres entered. "Oh Anna, I'm glad to see your eyes have opened."

She smiled. "I have you to thank, I assume."

"I only did what I felt I must. Your husband was far worse off."

Jameson watched her eyes darken. "But I am fine. And you are too."

She nodded as her hand flew to her cheek. "Is... is it bad?"

"No. It's hardly noticeable." Andres smiled.

"You're still the most beautiful woman in the world." Jameson whispered.

She smiled. "I... thank you."

Andres chuckled. "Young love. So beautiful and pure. But the two of you must be starving. If you'd like to carry your beautiful wife downstairs I've got diner ready."

Jameson smiled as he scooped her up in his arm, her giggling the whole time. "I guess we'll follow you, Andres."

General Amerthine might not be the most cleaver. But he’ll melt your heart anyways.

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