
Chapter 4: Jameson

He took deep breaths as he held the princess against him, thanking the Seven that they were unharmed. Her trembling slowed as she pressed her tear stained face against his breastplate. General... I..."

"Now hand her over." Allaree interrupted stepping forward.


"You got her out safely but now it is time to give her to me. You don't like her anyways." Allaree said licking her lips as if she were staring at roasted duck.

She was shaking again as he pushed her protectively behind his back. "Allaree, what are you doing? The king paid you help protect her highness."

"And her uncle paid us more to bring her to him. It's nothing personal, Jameson. Just business. This doesn't have to change anything. You hate this girl. You blame her for your brother's death. Let's just hand her over to my boss and then we can start a new life together."

He could feel her tense behind him. "I won't do that! I will keep her highness safe no matter the cost!"

"You're choosing her? Over me?" Allaree sighed pulling her daggers from her hip. "Jameson, I had hoped you would aid me in this."

"If you ever thought I'd aid in your treason then you do not know me at all!" He pulled his long sword from his hip leveling the blade at her. "Princess, go hide."


He squared his body so that he could see both women. "Princess, I won't leave you but I need you to do as I say."

"Okay..." she nodded as she took a few steps backwards but then she collided with a solid figure. Instantly her arm was twisted behind her back and she cried out in pain. "General!"

His eyes widened as he watched her soft face twist in fear. "Get your hands off her!"

The man laughed. "Allaree, I think you were wrong about your man. I think he cares a great deal for this girl."

"Don't mix duty with desire. He has told me all about this girl during our pillow talk." Allaree smiled.

"Do... do you hate me so deeply, General?" Her voice was so soft, full of pain, he barely heard her.

"No, of course not. You can't listen to them, Princess." He was desperate. It was true that he had complained about her a few times to Allaree and he had said that Cailan would still be alive if not for his selfless need to protect her, but he didn't hate her. Far from it. "I will not say this again, release her!"

She whimpered as the man tightened his grip on her arm. "The time for talk is over, Allaree."

"As it seems... just know, Jameson, I truly did wish to keep you." She grinned at him before leaping forward, her daggers slashing in a flurry of strikes.

He was able to dodge or parry most of her attacks but a couple bounced off his armor. His hand grew hot as he lobbed fire at Allaree causing her to jump back. He went on the offensive but as he lunged forward with his blade he felt his armor shift. Damn... she didn't get it tight enough. His blade collided with Allaree's daggers hard enough that she was pushed back. Just when he thought he was getting ahead she jumped forward knocking his sword to the side with one dagger and slashed his side, where is armor no longer was, with the other. It was a deep cut and blood sprayed out causing the princess to scream. He wanted to comfort her but he had to focus on Allaree's next attack.

She smiled at him. "Jameson, is she really worth dying over?"

"Shut up..." he grunted. The pain starting to get to him.

"Well, princess are you worth the lives of both the Amerthine brothers?" Allaree laughed.

Jameson watched as the princess fell to pieces. "Princess, I'm fine. You must hold yourself together."

Allaree laughed as she struck out at him her daggers clanking against his sword. Just as he thought he could strike at her, her foot swept his legs knocking him to his back. She kicked his sword free from his hand sending it skidding across the dirt. She then climbed atop him her knees pinning his arms, one dagger at his throat. "What happened, Jameson? You're nowhere near the warrior I remember. Is it because of me or her?" She asked grabbing a fistful of his dark hair forcing him to look at the crying princess.

His heart shriveled at the fear in her violet eyes. "I am sorry I failed you, Princess... I can't protect you like Cailan once did." He gave her a slight smile.

"General! No..."

Allaree laughed. "You're pathetic." She then leaned down kissing him deeply, her eyes never leaving the young girl who watched on with horror. "Goodbye, Jameson. I will miss you."

Before she could strike him dead the man holding the princess cried out in pain. He looked over to find that she had used a fire spell to burn the flesh of his lower arms and then he watched as her flames swallowed him whole. She then stepped forward fire still on her fingertips, "g-get off of him..." her voice was shaking but full of determination.

"Oh my, it seems you're not nearly as useless as I was lead to believe." Allaree laughed.

"I said, get off of him. Now!"

"Or what? It's obvious you're too afraid to have control over your magic. If you attack me you might burn Jameson as well."

"It's true. I have lost control." She said as she reached down picking up his sword. "But I will not lose him to the likes of you. Now off!"

He was stunned. He had never seen her act so bravely before. She was always one to hide but now she was fighting, and for him no less. The princess stepped closer, the tip of the blade now only inches from Allaree. Allaree laughed putting her hands in the air. "My dear princess, how did miss that fact that you love him?"

She was clearly startled. "It's... not like that! I just won't lose anyone else..."

As her sword began to lower in confusion Allaree leapt forward tackling her. Jameson was up instantly despite his painful injury but before he could aid her Allaree cried out in pain as flames scorched her face. Allaree stood backing away. "You bitch! You'll pay for this!" And then she disappeared into the darkness.

He leaned down offering her his hand and she took it standing. "Are you injured?"

She shook her head. "I am fine. It is you I am concerned over." She reached out touching his side. "I need to heal you but first we must get somewhere safer than here."

He nodded. "There's a cabin near by. We should be safe enough there. Come."

He started to walk but stumbled nearly falling over. "General!" She reached for him draping his arm over her shoulder. "Please, allow me to help you."

Oh Jameson, what will you do now?

BasilliaLovecreators' thoughts