
Chapter 23: Annalise

Though it had been only a few hours, Annalise felt as if she'd been waiting half her life for the sun to set. She was anxious to see Jameson, to kiss him, touch him, call him by name. She sat at her mirror touching up her face. She lined her eyes and her lips before adding color to both and smiled. She thought she looked lovely. She ran her fingers through her loose curls before she tried to twist them elegantly on top of her head, and failed. Try as she might she was terrible at styling her hair... and it wasn't as if she could call her maids to help. Of course they were reporting her every move to her father. She shrugged running her brush through her hair, she'd leave it down. That would excite Jameson. Even if she had done her hair there was a good chance he would have taken it down anyhow.

She went to her wardrobe and pulled a dress that was a gift from the queen of Tanberun. As was the style there, it was a structure free pile of loose hanging teal silks and silver chains, that hung from her shoulders. She looked in her mirror and felt beautiful, she couldn't wait for Jameson to see her. She looked out her window, finally all of the pinks and purples that had been painted in the sky by the setting sun had faded into a silver speckled black.

She cracked open her door and looked out, thankfully Henry was no where in sight. She snuck out, closed her door softly and walked down the hall but as she rounded the corner she heard someone clear their throat. "Where do you think you're going, Princess?"

She turned and gave Henry her sweetest, most pleasing smile. "Please pretend you didn't see me!"

Henry's eyes creased as he bit back a smile. "Going to see Jameson?"

She felt her face heat, "I.. am. But how?"

He laughed, "Subtilty was never Jameson's strong suite. I knew as soon as he looked at you that he had fallen in love."

"So much for keeping it a secret until I could talk with my father." She huffed.

"I just know the two of you better than most. I didn't see you, Princess."

She smiled as she kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Henry."

"Be sure that he at least has the good sense to walk you back to your room." He sighed pleasantly. "I'm going to my room. I'm dead tired."

She nodded as she turned walking down the hall. She made her way to the prayer garden. It was walked on all sides and could only been seen from certain spots on the walls so she was sure they would have privacy. She prayed they would. She entered the garden closing the heavy wooden door behind her and then walked to the center where she sat on a bench soaked in moonlight.

She was lost in thought staring up at the sky when she felt the gentle sensation of lips brushing her ear. She startled, jumping to her to feet only to come face to face, well face to chest, with a grinning Jameson. "You're rather jumpy tonight, Annalise."

She smiled as her name passed his lips. "You surprised me is all." She looked him over happily. He looked so handsome in his civilian clothes. He wore a crimson silk shirt, leather pants and knee high leather boots. A sword, not his mother's which he usually carried, hung from his hip and his hair a sweet tousled

mess. "You look handsome."

He leaned down pressing his lips to hers and she groaned, having nearly forgotten his taste. "I was going to tell you how incredible you look under the moonlight." His lips found hers again, this time his tongue slipping into her mouth. "I love you, Annalise."

She ran her fingers down his silk covered chest. "I love you. It's been hard, pretending that I'm not seeking you out every moment of the day."

"I understand how you feel... it's impossible to keep my hands to myself. Especially when you look so beautiful."

"Then, please, don't."' She smiled.

He chuckled, pulling her tightly against his firm chest. "You temptress." This time she pulled his head down, slanting her lips over his in a feverish kiss. He stiffened slightly out of shock but gently tangled his fingers into her hair, anchoring her to him. With little

effort he lifted her into his arms and the sat on the bench with her on his lap. "I have missed you."

She smiled. "Here I thought you'd be happy to be rid of me." She grinned holding his strong gaze.

"I had thought the same. But I am miserable returning to our roles." He shrugged his shoulders as if to say there was no help for it and then kissed her once more. "Annalise... you don't know how hard it is for me to remain a gentlemen. I just want to claim you publicly so all the men know better than to talk about you."

She ran her fingers through his hair. "And what do they say?"

"That you're beautiful." He kissed her. "Kind." Another kiss. "Compassionate." A longer kiss. "That you've grown into a strong, commanding woman while away." He sighed. "And though it's all true, I don't want to hear anything about my woman from another man's mouth."

She laughed, her head falling back sending her hair cascading over their legs. "I'm your woman, am I?"

Before she even realized it, she was on her back, Jameson hovering over her. "Yes. You are my woman." He kissed her like he never had before. It was hungry, strong, a kiss of possession, and she loved every minute of it. His lips claimed her over and over as she treaded her fingers into his hair pulling him closer.

"If I'm yours... will you finally take me?" She moaned.

He froze, stiffening like a board, as he moved away from her. "No."

"This conversation is rather pointless then..."

"Annalise, please try to understand."

"It's not a lack of understanding, Jameson. Just a lack of patiences. I've known there was no other for months now, but you can't seem to catch up."

"Is it so wrong to want to protect the one I love?" He sighed gripping the pommel of his sword. "The only thing that has changed for us is our location."

She sighed tucking her hair behind her ears. She knew how Jameson felt, and just how stubborn he could be, but still she couldn't help wanting to be one with him. It was only a matter of time before her father demand she married... and if she was to marry another she wanted to have know what it was to be with a man she loved. Because no matter who the man might be, if he wasn't Jameson Amerthine, she couldn't love him. "I'm... sorry. I don't want to argue over this any more. Forgive my eagerness."

"I feel it as well. But we must wait."

She need to change the subject or she would risk ruining the only night they might get alone. "Where is your mother's sword?"

His soft lips tensed slightly. "It got left at the inn where we were captured. I'm sure it's on the hip of one of those jackasses by now."

"I'm sorry. I feel responsible."

He grabbed her hand, giving it a strong squeeze. "Don't be, you lost your mothers pendent that day as well."

Now she was the one frowning. "Probably around the neck of one of those jackasses' wives."

He laughed, nearly doubling over, his hair falling in his face. He looked so handsome she didn't even mind when he scolded her. "It's not very ladylike to curse, Annalise. And even less so for a princess."

"Being in the gardens at night, unsupervised, with a man is far worse." She smiled at him.

"Touché, my lady." He stepped to her pushing her hair from her face. "Which means I should probably return you to your room."

"Only if you'll stay the night."


"Or at least until I've fallen asleep in your arms." He squared his shoulders and crossed his arms but she had already prepared her wining argument. "I've hardly slept since we arrived. I am lonely and scared without you."

His face softened but his lips twitched. He saw through her so easily but he didn't seem like he was going to deny her. "Only until you've fallen asleep."

She leapt into his arms kissing him soundly before leading him from the garden. Once they returned to her room she slipped behind her shade and put on her nightgown. When she stepped out she found that he had stripped down to just his pants and she smiled. He shook his head in response before sitting on the edge of the bed. Once he was settled he tapped the mattress beside him and she practically flew into bed. He chuckled as she wrapped her soundly in his arm, sinking into the pillows. "I love you." She whispered as she counted the beats of his heart.

"Apparently not enough to keep me from the executioner." He chuckled kissing her forehead.

"And who will find us? Henry? He already knows." She yawned.


She giggled. "Who do you think let me out of my room tonight. He said he knew the moment he looked at you that you had fallen in love."

Jameson sighed. "Bastard."

She just laughed, her eyes to heavy to keep open and her mind at ease, as she drifted to sleep.