
Chapter 22: Jameson

He was sitting in the hall listening to the men joke about with one another, happy they were still in the mood to do so, when a hush washed over the room. He looked up to see his princess stroll through the door, his friend Henry in tow. Though her eyes searched the room she seemed confident in her movements and when she locked eyes with him her pace quickened to where he was seated. While the others stayed frozen in place he stood bowing to her. "Good morning, Princess. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

At once every man in the hall stood and bowed. "Good morning, Princess." Echoed off the stone walls as she blushed.

She smiled. "As you were, friends. I did not come to disturb your meal." Her eyes locked on Jameson's and he couldn't help but smile at her. "I thought I would eat here, with the men, as I did at Thorngate."

"I think it's a wonderful idea." He smiled as she sat on the bench next to where he was seated and servants rushed out with food for her.

Henry smiled and nodded at him. "General."

"Knight Captain." They stared at each other for a few second before both laughed as they shook hands. "Damn, it's good to see you."

"I could say the same thing to you. When I heard you were sent to Thorngate I was concerned but I'm glad you were with our Princess." Henry smiled as he sat.

"Speaking of Her Highness, why were you with her this morning?"

"I got demoted to door guard." Henry said with a smirk and a shrug.

"You probably deserved it." Jameson chuckled as he slapped Henry's shoulder playfully.

"That's golden coming from you, Wet Nurse Amerthine."

Jameson rolled her eyes but Annalise grunted. "And what is it that you're implying about me, Henry?"

Henry's eyes widened for a second before he burst into laughter, "nothing, Your Highness. Nothing at all."

"Rude as ever." She said with a playful smile and a shake of her head. "Perhaps that's why you're still unwed."

"Pr-Princess!" Henry said as both Jameson and Annalise laughed loudly, everyone listening to their conversation.

"You've been a dear friend for as long as I can recall having any. I'm simply looking out for you and offering advice. If you were a woman, you'd practically be an old maid."

The room filled with laughter as Henry gave her a look of mock horror. "You're so cruel to me, Princess. And what of Jameson?We're the same age."

The General is a busy man." Annalise nodded while drinking her water. You haven't left the crown city since your appointment and have been to as many parties as I have."

"I was working at those parties, Princess."

"So, all the flirting you did was a matter of security?"

Jameson smiled as he watched Annalise torment Henry. Henry had always been his closest friend and seeing him and the woman he loved getting along so well filled his heart. He could imagine them all enjoying meals together, their children running around. "General Amerthine?" Annalise's soft voice pulled him from his musing.

"I'm sorry, Princess, what were you saying?"

"I asked if you got the food I had sent to your room last night."

"Oh yes. I did. Thank you, Princess."

Her hand grazed his under the table and he wrapped his fingers discretely around hers. "I'm glad. Food was scarce the last leg of our journey. I wanted to be sure you had enough to regain your strength."

He squeezed her hand. "You don't have to worry over me. I've been trained to go without. There's not exactly a buffet on the battlefield."

"Of course." She smiled.

"I have to go, Ann... Princess. But I am glad to see you so spirited." She nodded as he stood from the table dropping her hand. He leaned down, seemingly to grab his dishes but he whispered in her ear, "meet me tonight." Once more she nodded and he left, the voices and loneliness following him down the hall.

There was nothing Jameson hated more than war council. Just a bunch of overly important nobodies telling him how he should command his armies. Storm the palace, raid the city, pay them to leave... he had heard a bunch of stupid suggestions but none as dumb as creating a new crown city. He just sat in his chair, swallowing his annoyance, as he tried to keep his mind on the task before him. But as always, his thought were of her. She had looked so beautiful this morning, fresh and happy. Seeing her laugh and smile with him, and Henry, warmed his heart in ways he never thought possible. His time defending his home had hardened him. The countless and nameless faces of those who he struck down tormented him, the battles, the orders, the deaths but Annalise... Annalise was a ray of light as bright as she was beautiful and he knew if he were to have a future it would be with her.

The meeting came to an end and he stood shaking hands and sharing pleasantries before the king called him over. He bowed deeply, "Your Majesty."

"General." The said as he sat back down in his chair, his clothes wrinkled and his hair sticking up on the ends. "Tell me honestly, Jameson, what do you think of my daughter?"

His eyes widened. Surely he couldn't speak too honestly. "What would you like my opinion on, my king?"

"She seems to have matured during her days at Thorngate. I must admit, I indulged her childish side for far to long, but now I feel it's time she became a woman. She's nearly seventeen and will be crowned soon. I need to know she's ready for the responsibility."

"She is." Jameson spoke bluntly. The king's forehead wrinkled slightly but he said nothing. "She has grown a lot. I, myself, have noticed her growing maturity. Unfortunately it's mostly due to trauma but nonetheless she is worthy of her crown. She's seen the people's suffering and is eager to help."

"I'm glad to hear. When I received the news of Cailan's death I thought she would shut down. She'd been attached to his hip since you were all children... I am glad to hear that she managed to over come his death."

"I won't lie, she shut herself in her room for a while but she eventually she came out. She was a great morale boost for the men. Seeing their princess overcome all her troubles with grace gave them hope. She's strong."

The king nodded. "I understand." Jameson bowed his head, preparing to leave but the king's words stopped him. "And you, Jameson? How are you handling your brother's death?"

Jameson's head dropped, his eyes glassing over. "I am still ignoring it, honestly. I am aware he's gone... I know he's dead but I can't, won't, mourn him until no more brothers are being murdered for a man who can't have the crown."

The king nodded, a strange look on his face. "Of course."